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Joined 1 years ago

You're free to use legacy kernels or run your own fork.

AtlasOS in a windows spin that's just straight up insecure and borderline broken given how many tweaks it makes and it disabling updating

Examples of cringe :
Hope you saved your word docs, because this insta force kills any app on shutdown

Hard drive full? you'll never know

Florp, to me, is not a serious project and best avoided unless you like playing with random hobby toys. Not sure why people are so up in arms over what some random tiny hobby thing does

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Obsidian is closed source, so once the company dies, no one can modify the app. Joplin on the other hand is open source.

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bad people deserve to suffer

You are looking for retribution not justice. "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind".

This kind of thinking is immature and underdeveloped and reflects poorly on your character.

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Nothing you said invalidates what I just said.
I would not have used Linux in 1991 either, unless I was looking to play with a hobby toy.

Sane people don't do this dumb shit.

Also if you are motived, you can flat out kidnap people with the free candy van you own.

Alternatively, just stop being a creep and making everything sexual.

Fedora silverblue
The main system OS is immutable and tracked by a git like system, which means to upgrade, or downgrade your whole OS to a release you just pull in the 'tag' you want, and it just does it.

Can also side grade easily to respins of the OS using this too, just add the remote and pull in the image.

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I would not suggest alpine to someone who has to ask about a distro for a server. Not being glibc based can cause pain, especially for running items that may not be open source.

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ITT: People who don't understand Tailscale or are allergic to it for 'reasons'

Based on his pauses, I'd say he's physically not capable of giving opinions after the holes in his brain

What you want is KDE

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Suspend and hibernation are both cursed features due to weird nonstandard ACPI fuckery and hardware devices that don't cleanly know how to bring itself back up.

Based on some other sources, this seems to real.

I'm glad they get what they wanted though

Maybe Wayland’s healthy place is as a secondary window system you launch inside your normal X11 session.

Yeah you've got that perfectly backwards.
Wayland allows X11 apps to open using XWayland. Not the other way around.

Xorg's life is running short and will be largely abandoned in the near future.

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doesn’t mean you have to enshittify your own product, not when you are winning

Since Netflix is a publicly traded company now, they pretty much have to.

Gotta pursue that infinite stock growth....

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Considering how stadia panned out, this is a nothing burger for at least the next decade.

Put down the crack, there is a huge ass leap between general intelligence and the LLM of the week.

Next you're going to tell me cleverbot is going to launch nukes. We are still incredibly far from general intelligence ai.

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Considering trump led the longest govt shutdown,
No. People will just suffer like they did then and nothing will come of it. I'm convinced the USA at large has an entirely broken spirit and nothing can get us to mass protest over economic conditions now.

After 2000's era is where you enter gen z/zoomer area

Get an oracle cloud account and use their free arm server. You'll have 24 gb of ram to play with. For free.

Clarence is corrupt as they come, so this should surprise nobody.

Multiple ssh connections should really just be managed using Ansible.

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esp32 has entered the chat

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Facebook isn't interested in complying to EU's privacy laws at this point, so they're blocking it off entirely

I've had no issues generating random domains on freenom, not sure why you'd think they stopped

IP is not shared via activitypub FYI. Only the instance owner would have that.

That being said, yes don't plant crimes as federation makes removing your incriminating comment across instances near impossible

Hardly worth it now that windows natively supports ssh

So just run headscale then.

Kde connect functions much more like Join or Pushbullet, it's not a remote desktop tool

Has anyone seen this on revanced yet? I've not seen any chatter on the original subreddit regarding this yet

reasonable assumption that your pictures will only be viewed by your followers on Instagram.

It's not reasonable, as it's both public and said followers can just re-up the content elsewhere out of your control. Look at any popular account on any platform, and see how often it gets copied/reuploaded elsewhere

I don't see how this matters lol, as govt will happily used abandoned media and software.

We're here talking end users and homelabs, not IBM mainframe maintainers 😛

Dual-boot is the way to go TBH, especially with a NVME drive, even if you land on Linux as your daily driver

Reboot and switching OS if needed for compatibility is only a 30 second or less process.

Ok go run Virtualbox on an alpine distro and let me know how that goes for you.

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There's no way any modern word filter doesn't have a common symbol substitution list

Unless you are hiding the word entirely behind a spoiler tag every common substitution list would account for this and it doesn't look visually different enough to just not think "rape"

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Onshape offers featurescript for scripting out models.

OTA TV is rapidly losing viewers, and incumbent media corps are squeezing every last drop of money they can out. A petition will not stop this.

Go install systemd then. Last I checked that doesn't work without glibc.