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Joined 1 months ago

The 'block element' picker is the big one that can not be implemented in the lite version.

Also included block lists can't update unless the extension itself updates.

If you're not stuck on chrome due to workplace policy or something, now is the time to switch to Firefox

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Hyprland's lead developer is very toxic, and attempting to interact with them on their discord is a recipe for a bad time.

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Vaxry is yes, and also is a nazi sympathizer.

Which is one of several reasons why FreeDesktopOrg banned him from using any resources

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Lol. I wonder if his followers on truth social not being happy with him backing out of debating a woman had anything to do with it.

Either that or his handlers think he needs to do this to attempt to be relevant again.


Even on github, it doesn't take long to find an example of them just acting like an ass.

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Yeah. Even on github, it doesn't take long to find an example of them just acting like an ass.

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One rooted in toxicity, which is a problem for people who want to help develop it. They are like that on github too.

Literally driving development away.

Void Linux straight up refuses to package it.

FreeDesktop has cut all ties with Hyprland.

edit: Do you really want to have to file bugs and work with a borderline Nazi apologist?

And if the adhd hyperfocus doesn't kick in, it will instead sabotage you into never touching it.

Formal education gives structure and timelines to meet regardless of your mental state.

The 'block element' picker is the big one that can not be implemented in the lite version.

Also included block lists can't update unless the extension itself updates.

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This is definitely an XY problem and your solution is kinda insane.

Just install ntfs drivers on Linux, and ext4 drivers on windows.

Or if you truly need both constantly at the same time, ditch the physical install and commit to WSL

I'm not here to persuade you. If the fact the and Void linux have outright refused to interact with Hyprland over this is not enough and you still dont see how this is problematic to developers that might be alienated by how vaxry carries themselves, then you're not going to be convinced. Either that or you support the toxicity.

Edit: I fixed the link above now, but here it is directly

This is a pretty clear cut case. Vaxry is:

Edit: fixed first link

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KDE calls them Activities I believe, And you can set up what windows go where

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You don't need the server. It happily works with storing notes as files and syncing them with syncthing.

Joplin server is a separate product that is for if you want to run a web server to sync and collaborate on notes.

It's not something that can be worked around. It's specifically a design feature of manifest v3 to restrict these types of things.

Your options are to accept this or use a different browser.

The problem is discord never deletes files, no matter how old they are. So they have a perpetually growing storage need

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You'll be shocked to know that bluesky is open source then and PDS is well on its way to allowing you to host your own instance.