2 Post – 30 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A week ago I literally read articles about how .ml was switching to the (Russian-influenced) Mali government in a week, and did not even think about how would be affected

Companies 100% have a right to skip demos and sell pre-orders. And people have a right to boycott those.

American isn't a race!

The letters I and C?

A typical Internet scammer would have at least pretended to offer some money before stealing the username.

My view following link from other instance

Viewing from another instance, it is still pinned. Fediverse, go!

To be fair I've got shortcuts I reflexively use and clicked on Google links. It's like quitting smoking and visiting your relatives who smoke? IDK

That is pretty cool, but uhh maybe not user friendly. I entered "" and it says "Not a lemmy instance".

It would be cool if it could pre-enter the HTTP referrer, then typing might not even be needed.

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I think nobody would start a new community on Reddit, just makes sense to build something new on a Lemmy instance 🔰

These things do cost time and money and the security code still needs to be written in blood, but it'll be fun.

Yeah I don't blame Chinese people for their government's actions. It's like hating Americans for what Trump says. Simply invite real Chinese people to post on Lemmy and give their honest opinions on GreatFire, and stop hurting their feelings.

There you are!!

Oh yeah I forgot about StarSector. Purchasing that game was a bit non-standard. I definitely had a blast playing through the main campaign, then set it aside instead of getting into player mods. It's a nice community and I hope to revisit whenever the "1.0" release comes out.

The Coffin of Andy and Leyley on was uh something special too, a hilarious hour of slightly interactive game demo.

You're right, Reddit has a lot of established communities. But if you were going to start a new community? I think it's all downhill from here.

For my old TV, the RED power LED is very helpful. Sometimes its on the wrong input, and very rarely something has gone wrong and I need to unplug-replug it in to fix the display. LED saves me clicking the power button when it's already on.

It's kind of big red dot, but not bright which I'm grateful for.

Daniel Ek founded the company. He got to where he's at by having lots of money. He got that money to found Spotify by being hired into other companies which were acquired. You're describing "Executive Vice Presidents" that were promoted from within.

My Toyota touch-screen stopped responding to my touch after 11 years.

Yep I take your points about tedious, your opinion is valid and I won't get paid if you start playing again 😀 I always thought warrior was tedious though it got a little better when 1.0 came out. Enjoyed doing each of the challenges enabled and then played a lot of TCPD, to feel like losing would be more likely than winning. Started duelist for the first time last week after not playing for 6 months, no challenges but it reminded me another thing I like; winning can be high probability but it's never easy. I've rarely had a breeze, those can be fun but I enjoy the struggle.

For comparison, I started playing Slay the Spire this year (also on tablet). I don't understand how people can win 100% of the time on that with even a few ascensions. Have not gotten past A2 at all. So I've stopped trying, but I love the daily climb challenge because they are always different and at my difficulty level.

I'm betting the Reddit posts will be there, but the people who were wrong usually delete there account within a year, in shame as they tend to be wrong about lots of other things. And yep I probably won't be there either.

People of Color sounds suspiciously like Colored People. Where I'm from it's just Black, Latino, and Asian. African/Asian/Latin American if you are patriotic.

Oh yep I see the longer reply. Yes there was at least a month of reading the subreddit and wiki every day before I got to that level, but for me the learning was fun. Would not recommend spending all that time and energy unless it's part of the fun. For people that watch streams, I'd expect there's a good educational one, I don't watch streams though.

More ways to identify is a good example; there's several methods of explosion to destroy gear that isn't +1: bombs, explode rune, dungeon trap. Custom rooms will guarantee one of the potions on the same level is the solution to that room. The number of strength potions per dungeon type is fixed (3?). The ? rune is good once you use that meta-info to increase your odds of a good potion guess. Wands are generally safer to ID, just don't be on something flammable or water.

Wands are pretty overpowered, and you can recharge em by throwing them into an activated electricity trap, or the energy ring. The way rings become overpowered in their own way as you feed upgrades into them is another aspect of replayability.

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Ultima 7 was the first game I could build a house from logs in the pre-existing world, before Ultima Online and Minecraft. I had lots of fun exploring their hand-crafted world. Did my best not to steal from people :)

Those are dandelions

Done? Time to unpin? Are those stupid questions?

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I just read that spez reads and complains about anonymous employee reviews on the Blind website. Literally worse than Elon at Twitter

Xenogears and Chrono Trigger soundtracks, a lot of that is how they evoke good memories of playing the games long ago.

Making a good demo before a game is released can take away developer time from getting useful work done before release. But after its been released, the time pressure should be off and they could do a nice demo for more marketing.

I really liked SPD because it felt like I could (eventually) approach 100% win rate, and the bad luck just made things more interesting. In that game, it's not about what you've got so much as when you use it; and careful tile movement. Playing each room like a chess game and not a dungeon crawler was a fun way to play.

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My imagination is that was cheaper to serve than whatever it is they are doing now. Maybe they make less ad revenue?

I've recently gotten cultist fever, would not have tried Cultist Simulator without the recommendation from Lemmy

Why would you run a business if your name wasn't plastered all over it? Tim Apple isn't stupid.