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Joined 1 years ago

They bought a ton of real estate over the years.

Then places like Seattle were literally falling a part without the added cash cow of commuters stuck in bumper to bumper traffic for 16 hours of a workday.

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A few decades ago I gave a manager 2 options to solve a problem for the company.

1st was to take a simple engineered approach with a dash of automation to keep our lives simple but I would have to push out previously set deadlines

2nd was to just ignore it until it gets so bad that his managers finally give in to hire someone else to do it and hope that it gets done right after I leave the project

He chose the 2nd. It never got solved. They ended up hiring a vendor who screwed it up and it took a volunteer using unpaid hours on threat of being fired to resolve it.

It was only a few years later he became CIO for a major tech company and I lost all hope in humanity.

Yall realize that it doesnt matter how many users on the platform say fuck spez.

But the fact that those users are still using the platform is what investors/shareholders care about.

If people really want to fuck spez, then they wouldnt be on reddit. But who am I kidding, these are the same people who said fuck myspace, fuck facebook, fuck twitter... and still have accounts on them.

And to think Hannah Hayes is quite old in Porn industry terms. She should be doing milf vids in about 2 to 4 years if my calculations are correct.

Thats pretty much what is happening in Seattle.

Of places ive biked, it has to be the most pro car, bleeding edge of dying, designed by a moron area I have ever seen.

If you have trails its full of pedestrians, people with pets, homeless campers on the path and no clear markings for bicycles. So you end up weaving in and out making sharp turns and constantly having to slow down. Then theres the incomplete trails where you have to cross a parking lot, dirt lot, crossroad, some private property. Oh did I mention they have old railroad tracks that will really fuck with your tires and usually get stuck since some of them run parallel with the trail.

Then theres the city... where we occasionally have marked lanes but you better be comfortable getting close to drivers and hope that they have 360 cameras. The steep hills, heavy signage, usually distracting weather, heavy outsiders (usually first time visiting the city) and foreign drivers (have never driven in their life) are all a perfect storm to make any bicycle commuters life a living hell.

Finally we have the wonderful designated, cordoned off bike lanes... that really dont have barriers, usually just a flappy thing that has been ran over so many times no one really notices it. Delivery vehicles usually park in them because conveniently the city decided to leave the openings large enough for a vehicle to enter. You might get police, the occasional tourist parked in the lane too.

But hey! We are ranked one of the top bicycle cities in the U.S. and pride ourselves on force feeding that to everyone because we are a shining beacon of car/bicycle/pedestrian nirvana.

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I was permanently banned for reporting too many bots.

I appealed and it was reinstated but just proves the point of how bad the bot situation is there that a user reporting bots would get banned by an automated system.

Fucking clowns have no idea how to fix their shit and only adds more work.

Giving it the hug of death, eh?

On one hand Im happy to see that dumpster fire ignite even more. Then on the other hand Im happy to see all those mods end up not being listened to and frustrated by those who have the power.

You reap what you sow, suckers.

Thats the face of someone who just shat their pants and blames the youngins for it.

Doesnt matter what we do as individuals when some nations Cough China Cough have entire fleets of state sanctioned and sponsored illegal fishing/trawling poachers.

You can literally watch hundreds of them gathered on the MarineTraffic app and thats only the ones being tracked.

They just go planet to planet like locusts consuming all the resources and then moving on. Whoops, got a little carried away there. But you get the idea.

I lean to the left on nearly every issue except when it comes to firearms.

For some reason I am called a nazi, bootlicking, qanon, magat, baby killer all because I believe we can have appropriate gun control measures while not outright banning every single firearm from those who do follow the laws, take more than necessary precautions to keep them safe and secure, while regularly training.

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Damn man, how do you get any work done without it?

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You and I must have ad the same Samsung experience.

you need to worry about is the guy who tells him where to drop the bombs.

Is the answer God? I feel like thats the right answer. Please lord correct me if I am wrong.

Its weird how this headline shows up only when other headlines start covering how popular Mastadon is now.

Coincidence? Sure smells like it. God, I love astroturfing in the morning.

But her being a great singer will last forever. Which is what we are remembering. Kinda weird that people are shaming that. Celebrate peoples talents and the things that brought them joy, not what was controversial or brought pain.

Thank you China for validating that its not China behind it. China can sleep easy now that China knows China is not responsible for none China issues.

It will keep the plebs happy while cleaning house of those pesky moderators.

Have you considered sending them a text message? Sometimes they can read your mind and do exactly what you are doing.

Is this a post birth abortion?

Its almost like a single saying cannot be used to void an entire industry.

There are parts of the U.S. that are much more grounded to real issues that actually effect them and are not interested in the culture or political wars we commonly see on social media.

Glad to hear other parts of the world are still functioning socially but it is a shame that are politics are invading. Maybe its the new oil!

Is it crooked?

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