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Joined 2 years ago

Is the system Linux? If so, then yes you can. Rsync it on to the newly created device get the uiid and fix up the fstab and boot loader configs and you are back in business.

Friendly reminder that you can uninstall edge due to an EU ruling. Remove-MS-Edge

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So like 8% of the market, mostly from Mozilla?

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Because hey we already got your money and doing the right thing doesn't line my already full pockets.

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Something isn't adding up here:

Fare evasion cost the MTA $690 million last year, according to a new agency study that recommends upping enforcement


Just casual news reading has shown different numbers here.

Edit: oh I get it hellgatenyc is looking for s story and saying that the people they caught only amounted to 104k in fares at like 3 bucks a fare or something around that that's a lot of people. I'm not a fan of the NYPD but no way they didn't deter way more than that by their presence. Whether or not you think policing fares is right this is bullshit sensationalism. Think for yourself.

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"invisible cryptography" I sure hope this isn't an empty promise. The number one gripe I have with matrix/element is the absolutely horrendous crypto dance they make you do.

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It is a coat hanger harkening back to a time when women would have to get unsafe back alley abortions.

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If you are talking about effectively adding to the WEBDL scene as in taking streams directly from sites and decrypting them you are going to want to start to find your way into the scene more. I have no idea how to but I'd start with a more exclusive site like a private torrent site and work your way up to good standing through other upload grunt work like filling requests etc. This will in turn open you up to more exclusive forums on that site where you can ask this question again.

As far as I know all roads lead to a rooted a android device as a means to then figure out a way to either get he file without the DRM as part of the playback from the App or direct access to the full file in it's original version and to then enploy the definitely closely guarded secret of how to crack the DRM. This is only stuff I've gathered randomly reading things.

I generally find it to be a family friendly sheen on top of ubuntu so I've been installing it for friends and family lately. I would prefer debian based but shrug. They'll probably get there eventually.

My understanding is:

Passkeys are like a password + 2FA mashed together. If someone steals your "passkey password" they still can't use it to login without the hardware component. That means phishing is harder. Since passkeys are generated for the user from their hardware it also forces better hygiene on the user by not allowig any password duplication.

A downside is it is tied to hardware and a provider that can cause problems witb loss of device or when you change devices but it is hard to say how painful that is going to be.

[edited for a bit more clarity]

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You mean the one in where it says:

Digital Release: 31st August 2023

Estimated Shipping: 30th Sept. 2023

I understand things get leaked but it is rare nowadays and likely needs to be more popular than this will be.

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DCC = direct client-to-client. With IRC the server is not hosting or distributing any files it is making connections between clients similar to edonkey or soulseek just with a different protocol. Which means you connect directly with your IP to the client that has the files you want and the bandwidth is dependent on how fast each of the clients' internet is.

If you have to stay on windows check out:

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Big thank you to all the hard work and the neck break development pace lately!!

A true reader :)

Port forwarding allows for a direct connection from one client to another. Effectively when a VPN let's you port forward if you go to the external IP address they assign + the port they assigned they will be able to directly connect to a port that a program/service is listening on.

Torrent sites are only telling your client who to connect to via the tracker, your client still needs to be able to connect to them. You can still download without this but it is generally slower (may be going through a relay) and you cannot seed torrents except for anyone that can directly connect to you on whatever VPN you are on.

*Likely some mistakes above. Keep me honest denizens of the web.

Other than declutter and conformity (which are good goals in general) what else are you getting here? What would you be able to do tomorrow if they suddenly supported XDG_CONFIG that the general population would benefit from?

The fight is how you learn :). Good job persevering.

Grapheneos and blocked internet for the launcher.


I'm also hopeful fcast gets some more love. The ability to mirror my whole android screen to an fcast server would be great they have servers for Mac, Linux, Windows, and Android but not a lot of clients.

Grayjay integration works well I use it instead of casting.

Ive had good success across three non system 76 machines. It is Ubuntu under the covers. I'd expect most of it to work as well as ubuntu does.

That's correct and a good way to test it out.

People seem to be confusing Google effectively just defederating with XMPP and taking their users elsewhere with them somehow usurping the offering. Their apathy with respect to embracing xmpp and not extending it for reasons I recall being too much work for them and then moving to completely different protocol (hangouts) is not the same as EEE. It is taking your users and going home. It isn't like XMPP was this giant success that Google then used to steal users from it.

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If you bother to read any of the posts you'll see he claims he apologized already and then re-appologized in the post. But that doesn't fit the narrative and since we've all forgotten how to make mistakes and grow from them together why bother even reading the links people share, they just way down your snap judgements that lead to your outrage fix.

But don't mind me I'm just a random internet person who saw a cool project being posted noticed a bunch of controversy, wanted to see what was reasonable so I waded in and was met with a bunch of people getting high on their outrage.

Still not decided but certainly not as clear as one side is acting like it is and they seem to just want to stay mad.

atop, especially because you can take snapshots over time of what the system was doing and use it to backtrack when bad things happen.

This is what I do as well. I use terraform/tofu and add two entries whenever I add a new domain, one for my external provider and one for my pihole pointing at my internal IP for my home network.

What are you using this for?

Is there a good mobile workflow for this?

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Can you share the German podcasts you enjoy?

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Linux has two paste buffers, at least in X and I assume Wayland is the same? . One buffer for ctrl-c/ctrl-v and one for selecting text/middle mouse. ctrl-insert and shift-insert are using the "last mouse selected text" paste buffer.

What telegram book groups would you recommend?

One way to get there might be to hash the iso and then search that hash to see if you find someone referencing it for the official image.

Try holding your power button for a bit of time or letting your battery run down. Phones absolutely turn off

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So you have raw database access and you can see that data. Why is this surprising? The systems I've used that solve storing data encrypted have massive usibility hits around exchanging and authenticating keys to a point where it sucks so bad I just want to disable it (matrix is a good example, non question their key exchange bullshit is hindering their adoption). I'm not saying this couldn't be fixed but should it? Most services that use a database will be inline with your discovery of how Lemmy uses that database. Storing something encrypted that is meant to be viewed publicly is the same outcome with more steps. If someone cares enough to monetize it just patch the code to change whatever behavior you don't like. I havent seeing anything about an acceptance test for Lemmy instances or anything that requires someone to use an unaltered version of Lemmy. How do you know the server admin isn't already doing all of this? You don't. Don't expect privacy in public spaces.

Gtalk had every Gmail user at the time. There is no way that didn't dwarf any users of xmpp.

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-What does this have to do with OP saying part of the exam had him reciting a manpage effectively?

Edit: I see so they shouldn't be that way anymore since OP was doing RHEL 5 exams

Wow. Are you serious? Seems like not a great exam..

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Oink oink.

Thanks for the tip, never really used telegram. What are some good public channels to start in?