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Joined 1 years ago

Don't post this again until you've done something to listen to the people around you.

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Deveining is a part of preparation

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Wow, deeply ironic that giphy took this gif down

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A copy of the game Pseudoregalia.

Which seems like a cool game and all but it was gotten immediately after the same person sent me fetish art of its main character I really didn't like. So it didn't feel right.

And I underdress (slightly! not that extreme!) for the weather because I've got enough body fat that it's more comfortable that way

The essay presented here literally says "god wouldn't it be cool if people on the internet were good people" and you're lambasting the guy for having that opinion?

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If I were the one, I'd celebrate 2/28 evening and 3/1 morning

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I mean.

It's not like Russia has never done any of those things individually.

So doing them again in that sequence seems right.

centuries of propaganda

I think my favorite troll statement to a mathematician/comp scientist is:

"Actually, P > NP - there exist problems where it's harder to verify a solution than to arrive at one"

It's almost like, for once, both sides are bad for real.

The Israeli government and Hamas are both terrorist forces, and the people among their civilizations (at least those that do not support them) deserve better than them

slay the spire :)

Moraff's Escapade for early Windows, or more specifically, the glitch levels in it.

If you spam the "next level" cheat button (which if I remember correctly is F8) enough times you'll go past the levels that were intentionally designed and start exploring the game's RAM.

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Just bought the Bejeweled 2 soundtrack - probably my favorite album ever

It's not that Israel controls the US Gov't - it's that having them as an ally in the Middle East is so valuable that the government is willing to protect them even when they're in the wrong

glowie (noun, internet slang, far right, derogatory): A government agent or informant entering an online space, aiming to surveil extremists. Derived from Terry Davis stating that it was like CIA agents glow in the dark.

I wouldn't be surprised if the ratio of trans women to men in the audience of this product was a lot higher than in the general population.

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Starting in Let's Go you can access the Box system from anywhere - and it's called the Box Link. Unless the trainers all secretly cart off their pokemon to a mailbox while we aren't looking with the menu in our way it's probably digitizing.

I don't think this ended up on the right thread

but what about... the bunny turtle...

0/32/64/96 are somewhat reasonable breakpoints in F, and make dividing the space between them in half repeatedly on a thermometer simple. Fahrenheit was literally made up by Big Thermometer for this exact reason.

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sitting on my friend's legs rather than comfortably next to him on the couch

I wish this were true but good guys with guns are pretty easily stopped by megacorps with security staff

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Hatred drives engagement on any and all social media. Even ones where everything is made up and the points don't matter.

Posts or comments from users of blocked instances in other communities are unaffected

Hate to say it but this makes that feature a little insufficient

How do you avoid yourself?

The answer is that you simply need to stop being "someone like you", and therapy WILL make that happen if you let it.

assigned chaotic evil at birth 😎

honestly my favorites are a healthy mix of both.

on the left we have Cryogonal, Dodrio, Zygarde and Whiscash.

on the right we have Gardevoir, Lopunny, Goodra and Delphox.

I'm secure about my sexuality and I still don't like cages - but more because if I'm with a cute submissive guy I really really want to play with his cock y'know, and if he's not going to let me that's a bit of a deal breaker

isn't desmume intentionally incompatible with a couple games?

(also. melon is by a trans dev so. Winning)

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It makes sense if you think about it as a thermometer manufacturer. Dividing things in half with lines is easy to do, so the gap between freezing and quite hot is an exact power of 2. (32 -> 96). as is the gap between 0 and freezing

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software qa / tech support (bit of both)

Disclaimer, I'm a third party to this argument.

As far as I can see that's a misunderstanding.

If you're a member of one of those groups [Palestinian, Israeli], who can't sympathize with the other [Israeli, Palestinian]... e.g. IDF (Israelis who can't sympathize with Palestinians), Hamas (Palestinians who can't sympathize with Israelis)

It's a hallmark of people who don't speak perfect English that their English is obsessively perfect.

You'd come off a lot better, I think, if you wrote casually and allowed yourself to make some mistakes.

please go back home, paid ccp actor

No, there are two sides.

One side, Hamas, the Zionist government, and their supporters.

The other side, the civilians of both cultures who just want their supposed representatives to stop fighting.

That's the pokemon TCG font, also notably

This smells schizophrenic

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I made a laser radio once - hooked up the transmitter half of it (AM) to a laser pointer, then beamed it across the room to a photoreceptor which then turned that back into sound played from my phone. Was a cool way to learn a bit of electrical engineering