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RAM transfer rate is is not important when swapping as the bottleneck will be storage transfer rate when reading and writing to swap.

Which I doubt Apple can make as fast as DDR4 bandwidth.

Especially if his Mars plans panned out.

His Mars plan cannot pan out, no more than using rockets in place of airplanes for international travel.

The man is a compulsive attention seeker. He owns some companies that legitimately are good at what they do, arguably pioneers in their field. It's not enough for him. SpaceX being the leading rocket launcher is not enough for him. Doing something already possible, even if done many times better or cheaper is not flashy enough for him. He needs to go to Mars.

The problem with that is that he is probably going to at least destroy the companies having them chasing his pie in the sky ideas as well as possibly having people die (depending on how far along he manages to take some of his plans).

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It's not corporate based social with a mostly US based audience.

It was literally started because of political censorship of leftists on reddit.

He has been running a repair shop for apple products for a decade. So he is more knowledgeable about them as well as more affected by their choices regarding repairability.

Deluged on my 24/7 running box and the gtk client to connect to it from my main PC.

Given new commercial entrants into the Fediverse such as WordPress, Tumblr and Threads, we suggest collaboration among these parties to help bring the trust and safety benefits currently enjoyed by centralized platforms to the wider Fediverse ecosystem

In such a system, the server on which a post originates would submit imagery to PhotoDNA for analysis

This same technique could also be applied to other hosted media analysis mechanisms (e.g. Google’s SafeSearch or Microsoft’s Analyze Image API40

While large social media providers utilize signals such as browser User-Agent, TLS fingerprint,8 IP and many other mechanisms to determine whether a previously suspended bad actor is attempting to re-create an account, Mastodon admins have little to work with apart from a user’s IP and e-mail address, both of which are easily fungible.

So basically people might have joined the fediverse in large due to privacy reasons but if fediverse is to be "ethical" it should share your images with big tech as well as track you better.

He also laments Tor and E2E messaging.

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Also, here’s a solution: Just don’t use Chrome or any Chromium-based browsers.

Provided your bank has not stopped supporting your "non-secure" browser. The previous browser vendor that had a functional monopoly did abuse user-agent to harass the competition. Using non IE required changing your user-agent to IE/Windows for a lot of sites.

Or as they say:

Websites will ultimately decide if they trust the verdict returned from the attester.

It is expected that the attesters will typically come from the operating system (platform)

There is... ...the risk of websites using this functionality to exclude specific attesters or non-attestable browsers

And yet it was attacked. The reality is content creators have only contempt for the concept of fair use. Another example is copyright strikes on unfavorable reviews.

Probably loli hentai which would be illegal in many jurisdictions.

Not only that is not always the case, but with the locked down nature of consoles it would be way more difficult for a console owner to override any online DRM even if he had the whole software on disk.

.com and .net are under US jurisdiction they are not stateless. I could also see why the original lemmy developers would not want to use such a domain.

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The thinker. Does he look like taking a shower?

I rest my case.

It should and any users should refrain from making alts on other instances and participating in beehaw's communities because you will be empowering them to repeat this again.

Instead you should join communities on other instances. There is an argument to join communities here on and on that got de-federated as a counterbalance to any pressure from beehaw on other instances to de-federate them as well.

Yes it will affect you even if you use Firefox. If a lot of us still used Firefox, Google would not be able to do it as websites would not give up on a big chunk of their audience.

Doubtful. There is no basis for Ubisoft to claim the account is no longer needed just because you haven't played a game in some arbitrary period of time. Especially if they allow explicit account deletion by the user.

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If you mean launching a rocket to Mars, yes eventually they will be able to do that. That is not what Musk's bullshit. It's a permanent base with people on Mars.

The rocket travel plan is not niche, it's impossible. Sound (environmental) concerns, refueling time cutting into the flight time benefit on turnover, Gs exerted on launch etc. Moreover Musk billed it as a regular service not a "dive to Titanic" kind of activity for billionaires.

It's also impossible to make a rocket as reliable as a plane. If you seriously consider that possible I cannot argue with you on any other point. Just the planes ability to land and maneuver unpowered makes it much more safer and reliable. The nature of it's fuel itself makes it much safer and reliable.

Starship/SuperHeavy is not ready. Engine production rate is a huge problem and they need a lot of them per vehicle. They also currently are unreliable with quite a few failures on the last launch. Some might be a result of the first failing but there were at least two clusters of failure, suggesting at least two independent failures.

So when they get SS/SH working the best thing to do would be to take government contracts, or fly Starlink satellites up if it's profitable. But yeah sending a rocket to Mars for free is exactly the kind of stunt I would expect Musk to do. Like demanding the launch to be on 4/20.

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Why is this news, 99,9% of society says piracy is ok? Has anybody in your life ever reproved you for saying you downloaded a movie, game etc?

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It does not seem that you actually get nagged notifications while the work profile is paused.

As I understand it the apps get them but will display them when you resume your work profile.

The problem is that since beehaw was the second largest instance before the reddit wave they had quite large communities already. So they naturally will attract subs. In fact they probably attracted quite a few from the two instances that now can't access them and probably can't actually unsub from.

With and other instances able to access them it's likely they will be the community for at least some topics. Which we won't be able to access. So it's not as simple as let them do their own thing and we do ours.

This could lead to people leaving the blocked instances for others with access to the big communities. Till those instances run afoul of beehaws sensibilities. With lemmy as a whole losing users each time.

The EU regulation is not in force yet. I doubt Apple's current solution is in accordance to the new regulations despite the title making it seem as if Apple successfully sidestepped it.

Another user in the thread incorrectly thinks Apple's current port has also circumvented the USB-C port requirement with it's current port.

While regulations can be circumvented (sometimes by design) there is no benefit in a defeatist attitude where Apple (and other corps) are inevitably going to defeat customer protections.

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Plenty of knives are banned despite being much less capable weapons than firearms. And lots of them having way more utility than firearms in our lives.

Of course. They dont get any info to associate your IP with your lemmy account. You could even not have a lemmy account at all.

Are you allowed to unilaterally stop providing the service you 've been paid too?

GDPR is not the only law In EU nor does it automatically supercede any and all other obligations.


The issue is that, for a person to ‘derive’ comedy from Sarah Silverman the ‘analogue’ way, you have to get her works legally, be that streaming her comedy specials, or watching movies/shows she’s written for.

Damn did they already start implanting DRM bio-chips in people?

And like a lot of digital work, its reach and speed is unprecedented. Like, previously, yeah, of course you could still ‘derive’ from people’s works indirectly, like from a friend that watched it and recounted the ‘good bits’, or through general ‘cultural osmosis’.

Please explain why you cannot download a movie/episode/ebook illegally and then directly derive from it.

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I think they are present in some school computer labs in a server and full/thin client combination.

It was beehaw that did it. Not .world . Beehaw was the second largest instance before the reddit exodus. Second only to the devs' instance which beehaw users missed no chance in telling you it's run by tankies!

They put their name on it. I hope it was monetary worth it because the public should not cut them any slack.

The posts just contain a URL which doesn't include the uploader's ip address or their browser string.

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There is adb-sync which I tried and it works great. There are also related tools linked there but I haven't used them.

Well, there are some arguments pro buying cheaper phones.

  1. You have the option to upgrade, you are not obliged. Even if you finance the more expensive phone you are still committed for more. You have more options.

  2. Batteries do naturally degrade over time. No matter how expensive or good your phone is.

  3. Accidents happen some will not be covered by warranty but I also do not see more expensive phones having more than 2 years warranty which is the minimum.

  4. If you do chose to upgrade you have more phones, that means a backup or a free phone for a member of your family.

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They were in Italy at the time so I suppose they could have caused issues if they went full full fascist.

You don't have to assume, most instances straight up tell you that the dm function is not secure and to use other means for private messaging.

I think some people must be young and have not witnessed the late 90s, early 00s, before Firefox.

You had way more new users whose only notion of the internet was the blue e icon. Macs were less popular and of course there were no smartphones.

Microsoft pulled all the bullshit. "Extending" the standards so standards compliant browsers would not work, serving broken pages on non IE browsers and convincing an enormous amount of moron webmasters to tell you to go "upgrade" to IE while your browser could perfectly render their site.

Yet Firefox did break that stranglehold.

But you need to connect with people. Don't try to do it via relatively abstract concepts such as privacy or freedom. Tell them that they won't be able to block any ads in a year or so if they keep using Chrome. That they won't be able to download whatever they want.. etc etc.

Nope. Install a distro like Ubuntu and it will not break with auto updates. Nvidia drivers included.

Much less maintenance than when they used windows.

You also overestimate the non tech enthusiast ability to use or fix issues with windows. They usually download the first program that promises to fix their issue, or increase their RAM.

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Would it be possible to implement Settings -> Show Read as an option in your actual feed next to subscribed/local/all and sort type dropdown for easier access? Basically making the Settings option the default but quickly changeable when browsing.

Unfortunately I don't think he is the guy to actually put himself in harm's way l.

A free ,as in non DRM, digital copy is the best from a customers perspective. It's after all what you get after ripping your discs.

Physical media can also have DRM, just because we were able to break DVD, BR etc does not mean we are always going to be able to do so. Nor is DRM on physical media inherently weaker than on digital files, quite the opposite. If they got it right you could be unable to resell the disc afterwards, or more precisely the guy you sold it too could not use it.

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What law makes it illegal to consume an unauthorized copy of a work?

That’s not a flippant question. I am being absolutely serious. Copyright law prohibits the creation and distribution of unauthorized copies; it does not prohibit the reception, possession, or consumption of those copies. You can only declare content consumption to be “illegal” if there is actually a law against it.

Which legal system?

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I don't think latency is relevant in an application like lemmy. If you can't get posts from the server it's not latency but the server being overloaded.