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Joined 1 years ago

Mint is great and is absolutely enough for most people using computers, still as of now. It comes with its limitations though:

  • By default it runs pretty old kernel. This is fine if your hardware is at least 3 years old. It allows to easily switch to newer kernel with just few clicks, but I expect newbies to not be aware of this at all. Oh, and I don’t know if it offers some custom kernels like tkg etc, which some might want to squeeze best gaming perf etc.
  • Cinnamon is still limited to X11. If you have multi-screen setup, VRR, mixed refresh, mixed DPI etc, it’s better to switch to Wayland. Plus, Xorg server gets less and less maintenance and development. All the innovation moved to Wayland, so the experience on X will remain pretty stale.
  • The Ubuntu base makes it so that for 3rd party software you either need deb packages or PPAs. Some will argue (me included) that it’s not the best solution

All of the above can easily be irrelevant to you and Mint is just perfect for what you need. It’s important to point out limitations of that choice, but crapping on it because you don’t like it is just pointless fuss

Because people suggest distros based on their preference, not what is best suited in a given situation.

On one hand Mint is limited to X11 for now and surprise surprise “dealing with multiple monitors is horrible on Linux”. On other hand they’re on NVIDIA. This is close to not be the case, but X11 was a hard requirement for decades

By default Mint ships 3 years old kernel and a lot of hardware don’t work with it. Mint allows installing newer kernel easily but one must know that is the case.

Mint only works on X11. This is fine to some, but to others it’s a showcase of X shortcomings right away

According to Russian propaganda Ukraine has been doing just that the entire time, but if it actually happened that would be yet another red line to cross.

Tell me you never sucked pierced titties with telling me you sucked house keys

A phone for furis? How nice :3

Windows XP was notorious for this, in fact most non-compositing GUI interfaces had the same issue. It can still happen on some Linux systems with X11 with disabled compositor (or no compositor at all) and I guess I saw this not so long ago (within last ~2 years).

There are couple of concerns and how Fedora Workstation is designed for… well, development workstation. There is SELinux, that sometimes gets in a way, now they ditched codecs with loyalties by default, some default configs are a bit controversial and maybe not perfectly suited for home computer and non-tech savvy users, 3rd party packages are sometimes lacking and when you want to go beyond what’s in stock repo and rpmfusion, you can even break the system by installing random COPR packages (I mean AUR is not a whole lot better, but is more complete and less needed given how much there is to stock repos, PPAs are just as bad) or end up compiling stuff manually. But I still think that Fedora can be pretty nice for many people out of the box.

Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW

NVIDIA is finally starting to play nicely with the community to help sort the driver mess out. Nouveau paired with NVK might actually be the future of NVIDIA graphics under Linux!

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Like a SteamDeck vent exhaust?

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Yeah, often when an employee leaves it's about the lack of ping-pong table.

More Wayland adoption, more protocols and desktop portals, color management and HDR getting closer, even better gaming

NVIDIA getting its shit together maybe?

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I like how Valve not only pushed Linux gaming, but also introduced some people to desktop Linux. I see many comments of people realizing It's not all that scary and sort of useful after all and it can even show some advantages, like the said snapiness. Being realistic I don't expect the platform to ever go truly mainstream, but enlargement of the niche is very much possible.

No. Nobody cares, no matter what MS does. They can literally crap on users faces and they’ll happily lick it as long is Windows is the supported platform. And it will stay like that for decades to come.

We can expect some growth, because the tech savvy PC enthusiasts might want to look for alternatives, and if the desktop Linux is good enough, some will stick to it, some will go back, as it was always for last 30 years.

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What would fit perfectly now is Snapchat-like short vertical videos on repeat. Do it Reddit

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The older Lunduke gets, the more he’s convinced about being right on everything, therefore the more rubbish he has to say.

Was Brexit really worth it?

It also looks like no other party wants any form of coalition with PiS. 3 other parties might form some coalition at least initially to remove the damage PiS caused in last 8 years and improve situation with public media, courts...

Oh, and we've got record voter turnout, it's higher than 1989.

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I don't have kids and never will, I live alone in avarage european flat, yet I still struggle to keep it at least managable. I like having it clean, I just hate cleaning

SueYou is an awesome name for N**tendo emulator

Most likely you'd spread some diseases that we're all immune. You wouldn't even explain how did you get there and that you're not a heretic due to the language barrier, so probably end up burned alive or something.

Sadly he didn’t clarify why it’s the Linux being problem here. If there are any technical obstacles, why can’t he say something’s too broken on the Linux side of things so that community or Valve could fix it?

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I imagine Russian-speaking Ukrainians will have even more and more motivation to switch to Ukrainian language as shit like that happens. Even if only for the sake of pissing Russians off and cutting out cultural connections with them

I used to work on a tech support hotline for a ISP 10 years ago and that was the usual thing.

  • My shit's slow
  • Ok, I see you've got perfect parameters for your ADSL, I just logged into your router, trying out download... and upload... It works exactly as it should, so maybe your WiFi? Could you connect a wire?
  • Plz come fix asap, TECHNICIAN VISIT WHEN??!!

If the WiFi sucked on router provided as part of the service then sure, I could send a technician, but usually the router only had one ethernet port.

If you count Android and Chrome OS as Linux, which I do, the Linux desktop accounts for 44.98 percent of the end user market.

I don't. Simply because Android or ChromeOS apps are not compatible with GNU/Linux, thus they can't be treated as one platform that developers can't target directly all of it at once. Same the other way around - Linux apps can run on Android, but it requires containers and some way to display stuff (like a xserver or Wayland compositor running on top of Android).

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Don’t hold your breath just yet, it’s a step in the right direction but it’s far from being fully Wayland ready. I think the driver will only be fully ready some time after explicit sync protocol lands in Wayland (see

It’s a feature that Microsoft was very late to rip off from other platforms. I’ve been using it in different Linux/UNIX graphical environments for ages.

You can think about it as a way to organize your windows by splitting them into groups. If you work on multiple things and require to have many windows opened simultaneously, you can make your desktop less cluttered. You can then switch between the desktop by swiping laptop touchpad (with 3 or 4 fingers), or hitting some keyboard combo.

I also use them kind of instead traditional task switcher. I’ve got one browser window maximized on workspace 1, fullscreen terminal on 2, mail and messengers on 3, even more apps on 4. It’s like multi monitor functionality with just one screen.

"It was a man actually"

This is barely explained and the readme gave me more questions than answers.

I immediately thought it’s going to be a library for Wine to use instead of DXVK/VKD3D.

If that’s only for developers to build Linux ports, very little to no real-world use is expected, unless it’s somehow can offer effortless conversions. Even then developers are likely to prefer relying on Proton/Wine to simply have single binary for both platforms, rather than maintaining them separately.

I wonder how much work it will take for drivers to support the API… Or maybe it won’t need anything in Mesa and will somehow work directly on DRM with strictly platform-agnostic code if that’s possible?

Offering better performance than the likes of DXVK is brave to put it mildly. In many scenarios it can already match or surpass native Windows performance even when running Windows binaries.

That’s because their mid-2000’s setup with single 1024x768 screen works just fine with compositing disabled, 24bit color depth via VGA connector.

I had to switch to Wayland the moment I tried to run simple 4K@60 on my old RX570, and Xorg was just refusing to set the mode, or produced some colorful vomit garbage when forced to do so, no matter what. And Wayland (just like Windows) simply worked.

Was it perfectly ready back then? Heck no. Is it ready now? Maybe not for everyone, but it’s getting there and time is telling us that the missing parts on Wayland side are fixable.

Criticism is viable to some degree, though. Because from the very beginning there were certain assumptions made, and creators of the base protocol didn’t care about real world use on desktop as much as they cared about the security model, it takes a lot of time to solve some of those. The development is slow and there are always some gaps here and there, but I watch it long enough (17 years) to know that to some degree it is like that with the entire ecosystem, let alone Xorg that no programmer wants to touch anymore for anything but simple bugfix or security patching.

In early Steam Deck showcase videos there were talks with Valve guys like Lawrence Yang, and IIRC they simply said that it is easier for them to build the system that way, not that they couldn’t continue using Debian.

I think the reason for that might be that Debian has pretty strict package and dependency policies and sometimes it’s not easy to put cutting edge solutions on top of the „stable” base, so they would end-up using unstable/sid anyway, which still isn’t ideal as there is some freezing happening every now and then. Also Debian packaging system feels quite dated and strict comparing to PKGBUILD format, and it’s simply easier to build custom packages, having single build instruction file is super convenient and unlike with Debian at times, replacing whatever core system packages without breaking half of the dependency tree is usually easily doable on Arch.

Kdenlive is preety good now

The title of the video is actually “Plasma 6.1: the BEST LINUX DESKTOP (in my opinion)” and the video is not about argument what’s the best. It’s just regular coverage of the release. Just a little clickbait

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I feel like they’ve got couple of things wrong or they base of outdated information.

The packaging, yeah it’s still a mess if you absolutely have to put it in a native system package, but building something like Flatpak would generally be better. Or just build binaries against some common runtime like Ubuntu LTS and other distros will figure out, there’s really not much more here. It really sounds like someone wrote it in 2000’s about all distros being completely different and it’s expected to fall apart if you attempt to run it on say Fedora. They’re really not that different today. Also, universal package formats exist.

They completely skip XDG desktop portals that can provide at least huge chunk of functionality they need. There’s really no need to talk to GTK or QT directly. simply require portals and use its function for choosing file or directory. That’s it, you’ve got native file picker that also works in sandboxes.

Funny that as a non-native I’m less likely to make such a mistake than natives. At some point I had to learn the basics or something. Not that I don’t make mistakes

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There’s absolutely zero reason to expect Linux mass adoption as it is NOT happening anytime soon. What can happen instead is increased market share to something like 10% and even that is super optimistic from a long time user perspective.

The focus should mainly go to relatively technical users that can at least manage basic stuff and not mass market consumers. It’s good when people try Linux, yes, but it’s even better when they find it useful, it does what they need and they keep using it, not just trying and go back to a primarily supported OS that’s maybe invasive but “at least it works”.

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Even though I agree... please don't. We don't have opposition to choose from. If we'll be stuck with PiS for next 5 years, I'll be probably leaving this shithole :/

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