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Joined 1 years ago

banner pic is With You by Artkitt-Creations

Max & Chloe ♥ 4 ever

who the fuck designed this?

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yeah, the difference is pretty stark:

  • lemmy: we'll give you a way to dm anyone on site, but please don't use that, if you set up an app on this other open source service we're not affiliated with (which is basically an encrypted discord) we'll do our best to make it as seamless for you as possible. we'll keep warning you for your own privacy.
  • meta/facebook: aggressively keeps you on-platform for spying purposes; literally killed xmpp a decade ago and they'll fuckin do it again (if we let them)

They trust me. Dumb fucks.

- Mark Zuckerberg

(yes it sounds like satire but that's a real quote)

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this has to be illegal.

like, no, seriously. i'm not a lawyer but i was working on a (since failed) startup in 2018 and distinctly remember how much headache the gdpr caused. literally one of the main things was that you cannot coerce users into consenting to data processing, or make features conditional to them. the gdpr makes a distinction between processing you do to perform a contract (that's why no one asks for your consent for processing your email address to log you in, that's implied) and processing you do for other reasons, which require user consent (that's why everyone asks if they can spam you on the same email -- it doesn't matter that your email address is already on their server, processing it for marketing reasons requires consent of the data subject). opting into these kinds of processing needs to be granular, if it's not they lose the validity of your consent.

i seriously hope facebook gets slapped so hard over this that no one ever thinks about doing this again. "paying with your data" should never be a thing in any society that calls itself civilized.

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technically, they're called the fire brigade, not necessarily the fire prevention brigade

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shows the actual capacity reddit has to operate without the help of their experienced moderators who they managed to collectively piss off

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the real one isn't better tbh (tl;dr: he originally tweeted that 'cis' and 'cisgender' are slurs, also many links are down because of his whole rate limit policy)

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lmfao, frickin seriously? you're gonna build up an instance where the domain is part of all of your users' identities and you're not even gonna spend the $10/yr to keep that solid? with how much time goes into running a lemmy instance and not getting overrun by bots, that's an absolutely ridiculous assignment of resources

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call the national guard. they're waving flags of enemies of the united states and at least two of them brought battle gear. that's an act of war

to be fair, the idea of voting with money still sucks because it gives some people a lot more votes than others, but when wannabe future billionaire conservatives can't even get presently rich people to play along with their bootlicker bullshit that's just funny

inb4 they aren't mocking anyone, they're just a moron too

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yeah, honestly, i think the optimism is somewhat misplaced. we must ensure that proprietary solutions, like threads, are not the main way people interact with the fediverse. it's better to defederate early and continue in smaller communities while we still can, than to let them seep into every community we have, only for them to pull the plug later and lock everyone into threads.

i think it's alright to federate with them a little bit, but we cannot allow threads to become the most popular fediverse app

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broke: register on one of the main instances
woke: register on a small but well-run instance
bespoke: spin up your own instance

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yeah, was gonna say that's a user issue but it's in the biggest scabreddit so that's kind of on the admins too

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yep, it's important that we have this capability, but it's also nice that unlike other platforms that do their best to lock you in, lemmy actively pushes you toward a safer alternative

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london, vienna, and botez gambit?

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just reminds me to Nolan Sorrento from ready player one

This is the first of our planned upgrades. Once we can roll back some of Halliday's ad restrictions, we estimate we can sell up to 80% of an individual's visual field before inducing seizures

idk which one is more sad, that reddit is actually doing this or that i had to specify "ready player one" when looking up the exact quote because otherwise it referred me to completely serious marketing articles

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In theory, yes. In practice, nuclear plants that are shut off are almost always replaced with fossils, with the specific fossil fuel of choice often being coal.

Energy is not something where you can just pick one solution and run with it (at least, non-fossils, anyway). Nuclear is slow to ramp, so it usually takes care of baseline load. Renewables like wind and solar are situational, they mostly work throughout the day (yes, wind too, differential heating of earth's surface by the sun is what causes surface-level winds) and depend greatly on weather. Hydro is quite reliable but it's rarely available in the quantities needed. The cleanest grids on the planet use all of these, and throw in some fossils for load balancing, phasing them out with energy storage solutions as they become available.

You can't just shoot one of the pillars of this system of clean energy and then say you never tried to topple the system, just wanted to prop up the other pillars. Discussing shutting off nuclear plants without considering the alternative is pure lunacy, driven by fearmongering, and propped up by no small amounts of oil money for a reason.

Replacing nuclear with renewables is simply not the reality of the situation. Nuclear and renewables work together to replace fossils, and fill different roles. It's not one or the other, it's both and even together they're not yet enough.

So when you do consider the alternatives, moving from nuclear to the inevitable replacement, fossils, is still lunacy, just for other reasons: even if you care about nothing more than atmospheric radiation, coal puts more of it out per kWh generated, solely because of C-14 isotopes. Nuclear is shockingly clean, mostly due to its energy density, but also because it's not producing barrels of green goo, just small pills of spicy ceramics. And if your point is accidents, just how many oil spills have we had to endure? How many times was the frickin ocean set on fire? How many bloody and brutal wars were motivated by oil? Is that really what a safer energy source sounds like to you, just because there are two nuclear accidents the world knows about, and a thousand fossil accidents, of which the world lost count already?

And deflecting to other industries is also quite disingenuous. Especially if your scapegoat is transportation, since that's an industry that's increasingly getting electrified in an effort to make it cleaner at the same logistical capacity, and therefore will depend more and more on the very same electrical grid which you're trying to detract from.

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unfortunately lemmy already has those people, but luckily enough they seem to organize in tidy communities that are easy to defederate

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i don't think there's an api endpoint for that yet. the database definitely stores it, it would be doable, but it's not implemented yet in the backend

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There simply isn't enough entropy in prose to accurately detect the use of language models if either

  1. the text is short enough, like a school essay, or
  2. there has been enough of a human-ai collaboration

Like I'm sure many of us are familiar with ChatGPT's style when asked to write text on its own or with very little prompting. However, that's just the raw style, and ChatGPT is only one of the many language models (albeit it's clearly the most accessible). If you provide example prose for the AI to imitate, for example with a simple tool like Sudowrite (the use of which tends to be the subject of many accusations) you will not pick out those segments from human-written prose unless the human using it is too lazy or too stupid to leave in obvious tells.

The sooner we let go of this comfortable fantasy that AI somehow leaves in easy to isolate markers that enable a different (and vastly inferior) AI model to tell if the text was AI or not, the better. The simple truth is that if that was the case, AI companies would use the same isolation strategies to teach their AI to imitate human prose better, therefore breaking detection.

And with a high chance for false positives we're just going to recreate a cyberpunk version of the Salem witch trials. Because we simply have no proof -- if you don't trust ChatGPT with anything important, why would you trust a vastly less sophisticated AI, or something that amounts to a gut feeling, to condemn people?

you're talking about the 0.1 of the 1/9/90 rule resisting the clearly telegraphed decay of the platform they poured 5-15 years into on average. they built that place, do not underestimate the lengths they will go to keep it up.

assuming one more round of further threats, my prediction is that about half the currently protesting communities will either switch to a new form of protest, stop, or be made an example of, by about the end of july. but for a proper "end" of the protests, spez would be lucky if it happened by the end of the summer, and their negative impact on the platform is already severe and permanent. i honestly don't know if the admins are stupid and/or out of touch enough to not notice the drop in content quality or are just bold enough to lie about it, but this spells the beginning of a long and inevitable process of people leaving to better sites as those who gave reddit its unique value stop contributing and giving lurkers a reason to stay.

reddit will never feel the same again, but it will feel about the best it ever will again around the end of the year, before the decay truly sets in. unless the admins choose that time for the next round of killing off old reddit, of course.

i did check in a few communities that i was engaging with before, and honestly, it seemed organic, but it was always lurkers/semi-lurkers who don't post and only comment like once every two months. accounts for the delay as well, because they don't check reddit that often (before everything went to shit posts would usually be gathering views for a good 24 hours)

but reddit also started using chatgpt to prop itself up lately (which afaik is against chatgpt's tos, so that's nice for the future lawsuit if they wanna cash in), so idk. that does put a damper on their legitimacy.

holy hell

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so how many of us are browsing from work?

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for now. switches like this don't happen one day to the next. reddit has broken a lot of trust with its core users and put things in motion that cannot be stopped, at least without extraordinary action that they're clearly unwilling of. these processes will take years to play out but they're happening.

same thing is going on with twitter. the easier mastodon becomes to use and the more twitter falls apart, the more the flow of users from one platform to the next will pick up the pace.

top one is an american flag. a bit cliche and redundant but nothing wrong with that one. or at least, would be nothing wrong, had you just flown that by itself.

the second one is a heinous crime against the very concept of vexillology. beyond F-. a toddler could redraw the flag of wisconsin using mismatched leftover crayons from the MRE of your cousin at the marines and it would look official than this bullshit. do not ever desecrate a flagpole again with that crap. what the fuck do you think this is, a linustechtips video with sponsor spots?

the third one outright violates the US flag code. i don't know what the hell your goal was but unless it was to make a mockery of the country, this ain't it. there is no blue line in the american flag there and there is no black anywhere in it -- are you a pirate? is that what you're trying to say? are you trying to establish the united states as an estonian colony? are you dividing what the original flag declares as indivisible? do you just hate delaware? this is the flag equivalent of a one hour business presentation by middle management: technically coherent and rich in vocabulary but completely devoid of any meaning. i guess it's better than the billboard above but you managed to underperform the average minecraft banner. D for not breaking the basic rules and nothing else.

the fourth one is outright treason, especially with the american flag on top, and the pretendo-american above. i mean why the fuck are you flying the flags of two nations that were at war the last time both of them existed? are you just an edgelord who likes to play both sides? or are you serious about staging a coup, which is what your flags communicate? pick a side already, you're not switzerland.

and the fifth one is a cheap knockoff. it's extremely disrespectful to take the no step on snek flag and change the motto on it. plus your font choice suggests you made that in MS word. what the hell. this was a fun, albeit at best C+ tier flag that you managed to shove down to D- category through seriousposting some moronic crap.

overall, this flag pole conveys nothing but ignorance. are you an enemy of the united states, mocking its flag (#3) and flying the flag of its enemies (#4), or are you an american patriot (#1)? what the actual fuck is that ad break in #2? and pay up for the og flags, don't be cheap.

Your bias is showing, lol.

Tankies are generally anti-west authies that root for self-proclaimed "communist" systems like China (which is state capitalist) or Russia (which is an oligopoly, the exact thing late stage capitalism devolves into). They generally spew the exact authoritarian and bigoted bullshit as the alt-right but do it under a different flag that historically opposed nazis, which is why they constantly claim that they're somehow completely different and even more, "opposite" to nazis. Lemmy unfortunately has an infestation of them because the developers are tankies, which often shows on lemmy.ml (the instance said devs run).

Like most reactionaries, tankies have no principles either, just a group they hate and they will twist their ideology as much as it takes to get you that end result. For tankies, that group is "the west". They will coat their bullshit in opposition of the ultra-rich (which most of us can agree on) but make no mistake, as long as you live in a western nation they want you gone, or at best subjugated. This is currently the most apparent in their support of Russia's genocidal war against Ukraine, because it props up a power that they perceive as "friendly" to them, but you might also catch them supporting the Uighur genocide and respond with extreme amounts of whataboutism every time such a take is brought up, essentially detracting from any problem in world powers they align with with counter-accusations of "the west".

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apparently reddit has been cracking down hard on that measure, and lately they even unilaterally set every sub back to sfw, after threatening moderators with vague consequences if they start posting or approving nsfw to justify the label

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put this on the pile of pyramid charts that have nothing to do with pyramids and would have been better expressed in a different format.

like yes, the point conveyed here is not wrong, and i'm not trying to pull a "responding to tone" and discredit it for being a pyramid, but entirely without challenging the point made about arguments here, i find it so fucking stupid to put everything in pyramids. apparently people who like to think they have business smarts absolutely love a structure with few on top and many on the bottom, especially if it comes with a tidy little guide on how to hopefully reach the top. and that shows a worrying mindset, if you think about it for a bit.

reminder that we don't abstain from chemical weapons on ethical grounds (aside from messaging to voters), we don't use them because high explosives work better. do not underestimate mad physics

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you mean fork him under a new maintainer?

then offer the subscription service as the only option. if they want to do that, it's on them. but you can tell by the dark pattern on this ui element that that's not their main goal, they just want to use the threat of having to pay to coerce people into consenting to data processing.

it's not about entitlement, it's about playing fair. removing the option to "pay with your data", and leaving only the subscription or cancellation as options would be fair play. it would also destroy facebook but that's on them, it's their decision to make. but if they decide to provide a free service of any kind, they cannot discriminate against those who wish to choose privacy.

and if we're being realistic, they're not expecting even 1% of their user base to pay. they are, however, expecting to keep nearly 100% of their user base. that's what makes this about coercion -- if they didn't have the option to coerce people (and i'm fairly sure they don't have it legally, but again, i am not a lawyer) the options presented would be very different, because facebook itself wouldn't be able to afford to only give its service to paid users. you'd probably have a free tier with optional privacy included, which is missing some features, or a paid tier with extra features and privacy included (hopefully non-optionally, but it's facebook so they'd probably still try to track you).

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yeah, that thing didn't sink. it imploded with such force that the compressed air literally set the bodies on fire just like a diesel engine. i'm fairly sure reddit's fate is going to be closer to the admiral kuznetsov than the titan

this. you can pay little attention to politics without being a "centrist" who isn't actually a centrist. news can be depressing as fuck, i'm hella glad i strongly limited my consumption of them, but that doesn't mean i'm gonna start both-sidesing shit. (with the exception of tankies vs nazis, because those two are in fact the same authoritarian, anti-west, bigoted crap under different flags that love to larp against each other)

"still no self driving" lmao

on that note, where is the 2020 roadster?

Yeah, it's actually a welcome change that they're federating. However, the way they killed off the last federation we had with XMPP was through the EEE model -- they first acted friendly, joined our federation, then they ensured their client would be the best featured, capturing a majority of the people in their user base, and after that they defederated and the community collapsed in their favor. People on non-proprietary solutions had to switch to the proprietary one.

To avoid this, we need to defederate while we're still ahead. I'd personally draw the line at 25%, but the point is just having it significantly less than 50%. If they defederate before they reach a majority, the community will collapse in our favor, and people with proprietary accounts will be the ones forced to come over here. Worst case, we'll just exist beside each other as competitors, and in the best case we'll snuff them out.

We need to be willing to do this to them, because they absolutely will do this to us. Threads is developed by the same Meta who helped kill XMPP a decade ago. (And "helped" only because the main culprit was Google -- regardless, they're not our friends.)

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i think we could have something really special here through international trade

supply and demand. flipping burgers has no gatekeepers, natural or artificial, and lots of people are overall willing to do it, so workers are easy to replace and wages can be pushed down a lot. there are low skill jobs that are actually well-paid, but they usually involve way less savory stuff that fewer people like to do.

of course, if a strong social safety net, or heavens forbid, universal basic income happened, way fewer people would be willing to flip burgers, while the demand for burgers would likely go up slightly, so people flipping burgers would get paid better, because a lot fewer people would want to flip burgers. hence the comparisons to the good half of europe where people flipping burgers get paid better.

but the point is, when a job is easier to do, it's because it's gatekept in a way that some harder jobs aren't. sometimes that's due to skill, other times it's entirely artificial. but a gatekept job can't be a universal "hey, do that job instead" thing, specifically because it's gatekept.

ubi would be great because it would make it disproportionately more difficult to hire for hard jobs than for easy ones, but when the alternative is starving to death, a lot of people accept the hard job instead.

holy shit, it already got a 9X off, i guess some terf is getting grounded permanently