
1 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yes, let's switch from the dumpster fire that is twitter, to the competitor that didn't launch in the EU, because it has horrible privacy practices.

The internet in 2023

This is how you get ants adblockers

Some posts mention people giving away billions in their later life. That sounds great.

However, you need to ask yourself how much of their obscene wealth was created by screwing someone else over? Essentially nobody can get so rich without taking money out of the pockets of other people. You can't just generate money out of thin air.

When I was little people said dogs would sniff you to figure out who you are. I thought when a dog smells you they know your name, address, ...

And maybe they do?

Does anyone have experience with non-english searches? Are the results of similar quality?

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Will they actually manage to put all options in a single menu this time? Because it's hilarious that I have to use Options and the a Control Panel in Win11

I need a source for that.

I like 90% about KDE, GNOME and XFCE.

Depending in my changing needs and preferences I switch between them.

If I ever find the perfect DE (or maybe WM), I'll let everyone know.

How about a used Thinkpad? Like the X280. 12.5". Touch. Depending on your region you can get a pretty good deal if you are OK with some scratches or other faults

I'm waiting for the deniers to tell us that it's normal and happened all over history. Like forest fires, droughts, floods as well as inequality, not being able to afford to buy or build a home, ... The little stuff.

I used EndavourOS for a while until I realized I didn't use any of the distros features after the installation.

archinstall is basically just a text menu with the same option as a GUI installer.

I ended up with a vanilla arch install with my preferred DE. Drivers installed, network configured. Ready to go.

For anyone who.ließ the setting, check out the Anime Spacebattleship Yamato 2199. It's fairly recent and there's an older one as well. This game is highly inspired by it.

I understand the sentiment, but how many new releases can you really play without any internet connection? You often need to download a day 1 patch or contact the game servers to be able to play, even for single player games.

It's annoying for the customer, but it's not a new development.

Actually, hexagons are the bestagons


I have two monitors (2K, 144hz, DP) and a TV (4K, 60hz, HDMI) and it ran fine on Plasma. I used X11, because my 2060 was causing issues with Wayland.

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In newer Android versions you don't have to give an app blanket access. You can specify certain folders (scopes, I think). You could create a share folder for WhatsApp with pictures you actually want to share

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A lot of people here are bending over backwards to justify the behavior.

They collected money for charity. Didn't donate any of it for YEARS. Money that could have helped funding research.

I don't know US law, but I know that's just wrong.

A very reputable news outlet in my country ran several stories a day about the sub. Wha**t happened?, Infos about the people, how muxh air do they have?, a story when their air supply actually ran out, ...

The weirdest were two opinion pieces about the reasons why "we" cared and wanted to read more about 5 rich people than about a sinking boat full of migrants. It felt really distasteful, because they wrote all the articles, because they wanted the clicks and money

I can't wait to pave over the green hills with parking lots. No, really.

The most common argument I see is the lack of recommended content. Mastodon only shows you what you want to see and if you don't actively follow accounts and hashtags, your feed can seem empty. That's a massive difference to the birdsite. Quitting algorithms cold turkey is too much for some. They probably hope Bluesky is a middle ground.

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I have a Windows install for some games and use WingetUI to install Software and keep my programs up to date. It's a GUI for Winget, Scoop, Chocolatey, ...

Not a bug, more of a PSA.

When you setup 2FA, there is no mandatory verification step in Lemmy 0.18 for now. That means you can log out without setting up 2FA in your app or software correctly. Be careful or you might lock yourself out of your account permanently.

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Sadly I can't get voice prompts working with Organic Maps on GrapheneOS. Will stick with OsmAnd+ for now

Not released yet, but lots of people enjoyed the Demo for Manord Lords

I use scripts that change my display setup (xrandr), the active latte profile and my audio output.

The command to switch the latte profile

qdbus org.kde.lattedock /Latte org.kde.LatteDock.switchToLayout Monitors

You can just create a profile for every scenario once and switch between them.

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Only the KDE/latte part of my script was relevant to the topic. Xrandr is X11

I use it for about a year new. There are a few hiccups now and then, but you can just switch instance. That's why I recommend using Libredirect with it. If you have trouble with an instance just ping the instances in Libredirect and chose a new one. Backup your preferences from the old instance and import it to the new. Your settings and subscriptions are available again.

I think there is a difference (like you said) between you picking up 2 sticks of remaining DDR3 stock and a console manufacturer sourcing it for their new console.

For me FF and Librewolf work on Windows. Don't work on Arch.

Switched to Chatterino and Streamlink

That's curious. I am pretty sure it was available on Android 12 for me. Maybe someone can confirm? Screenshot_20230922-164302

You can export your Youtube subscription into a csv file that can be imported into Piped. If you enable cookies you don't even need to create an account and can still have a personal feed. That's the main reason for me to use it above Invidious

Discovered beets a few weeks ago. Tagging, organizing, converting, ... You can specify all of it in a config file and just add a new album and it handles everything for you

That's one aspect I have to use a workaround. Since I mostly watch video on the TV, I seldom need to scale the screen. When I want to use the TV exclusively, I have a small script that shuts off the monitors, changes scaling, panels and audio output.

NTFS is the standard for Windows. Nowadays Linux can handle reading/writing NTFS pretty well, but you should probably use the very established ext4 or maybe btrfs for its partition.

Mare Nostrum in Europa Universalis IV. Restoring the Roman Empire was the first big achievement I got in the game.