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Joined 1 years ago

Killing them I don't think will help. I wouldn't forgive them. But I hope society is able to rehabilitate that person, because killing others isn't something I believe is an accepted normal thing to do, and that person has problems that need resolving.

I'm genuinely curious, why do the points matter?

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I think he means that by contributing to the likes of threads legitimises the platform. And when you "create content" there, then you're essentially doing free labour for the venture capitalists, since their asset is only valuable if people use it.

Traudulent freason

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The used to have an in house employee that was paid to write up the answers. I forget their name and handle though. But that was axed years ago in favour of the free moderators doing the job.

The cost of person hours is huge though. Whatever the "wage" they would consider for mods would essentially be volunteer slave labour.

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I always wondered this too.

Found a website saying Youtube adviews are $100-300 per 10k (ad views, not video views). That's 1-3¢ per view. If we assume an ad is 10seconds, then your time is worth 0.1-0.3¢ per second, or $3.60-10.80 per hour.

An A380 looks to be 380-615 seats. I'd imagine they're more often optimising for space, so let's say 550.

Long haul flight, 10% of people at any time using inflight stuff, 8 hours, 4 ads per hour = 5500.18*4 ads watched. 1760 ads. There will be a massive premium for planes, but surely only one order of magnitude more (e.g. 10x). That's equivalent to give or take 20k YouTube adviews which would be $200-600 per flight.

There are a lot of planes in the sky every single day though....

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Also, "line goes up" is a dick measuring contest between CEOs of different companies.

I want to believe, I really do. But people were saying this prior to him winning the first election... And the second.

Let's just hope he doesn't get elected 🤞

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See, I sometimes complain about having to use a Mac (the hardware is fine, the OS, meh), but you have reminded me that it could be worse. Thanks for your suffering.

Say something dumb in an IRC channel? Get banned.

The good ol' days when I was young and irresponsible and got banned for it. I learnt how to converse with people online through this. Talk shit, get banned. I also feel like I forgot some of this on later platforms.

I hated it at the time, but like most learning experiences, grown to appreciate it later. I can't believe I had free and unmoderated access to the internet's back in the early 2000s. Shout out to those mods for putting a teenager in their place!

There are some ski lifts that give lifetime passes. Its used as a cash injection to fund investments rather than lending off an institution that will want their money back.

Sure you'll want your lifetime video data for free, but I bet there are a bunch of lifetime members that don't watch much over a lifetime and/or the risk of future video watching outweighs the loan interest they'd have to pay otherwise.

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I reject your reality, and choose to substitute my own. I'm going to remain 36 forever... Please...? 🥺

I guess politics is modern societies version of how to make rules in society? E.g. it's all politics, no?

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Next time buy a laptop for him. But get him a chrome book and charge him for the best? It's. It stealing if he was going to lose the money alway right?

I approve of these ancient memes, and I would like to see more. Crispy.

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ROI from adverts is always a shitshow though. If you come off a plane and see and buy it, is it because you just saw an advert for it, or were you always going to buy it. There is of course stats that may show number of impressions vs. total purchases trend, but its still just massive correlation that I imagine there is a bunch of people pulling spreadsheets together to justify their marketing spend. Anecdotally, I've heard of data teams working with marketing teams and just going "whelp, whatever you need to justify your job", etc.

Real ROI via direct sales though, that's somewhat measurable since you have a direct cost of acquisition (sales person salary, overheads, etc) vs revenue.

Yes her!

"Reddit in chaos" haha. Sometimes things are so relative.

I'm mildly curious about the OG post. Not curious enough to Google though.

So, I've been running Linux as a desktop for a number of years, never had a problem of it dieing weekly or monthly. I've had my share of "ah shit, I should restart because some package updated and tings got a little spooky", but never out right ded.

In saying that, I'm used to this modus operandi, and how to fix these things, but I'm curious as to why you were having weekly/monthly issues. E.g. were you running the latest distros, and not LTS versions?

A comparison with windows is that they control the whole OS, and on theory everything is LTS. Linux gives you those freedoms, and also those problems if you choose to use them etc.

Off topic, but did you use a password generator for your username?

relying solely on cash injections.

That's just the case. Not everyone buys lifetime subscriptions. This is a short term cash injection for investment. I don't know their books, but I doubt the majority of their long term income will come from these lifetime subs.

Im still wondering whether OPs comment on private property was related to non digital assets or not.

Yep, exactly this.

Is this where the saying "young at heart" comes from?

Also in my 30s.

What do I do now that I've crossed all 9 off in the first scroll?

Just hypothetically, someone walks into your house, picks up a table and leaves with it. What do you do?

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Prank bro is a shit head.

But if America had less guns, then the debate over someone losing their freedom changes drastically.

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