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Joined 11 months ago

I read so much bad news every day now, and then something nice like this pops up and I think "well gee maybe things aren't so awful"

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Blood sweat and tears went into this project and I'm so glad they've finally released version 1.0.0. Congratulations to everyone in the team!

Kinda. Redox uses a microkernel architecture and tries to keep only the most important functionality in ring 0 while they push everything else in userspace. It's great.

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I'm frustrated too. So much toxicity and bigotry. It hurts the soul and makes you wonder if it's even worth it. But.. there ARE great communities out there. The fantastic ones that make it all worthwhile. I've made some really great friends in my niche communities I've found.

Don't give up, and keep searching for the good people in your online life. Keep them close!

For me its gotta be Donut County. I was baked out of my mind and my best friend was like "Dude you gotta play this game" and handed me his controller. It was awesome.

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Endless Sky is amazing and under continuous, active development.

You can build your fleet as large as you want too, which can get insane. There's no cap hard coded in the source - one player I talked to built his fleet with thousands of freighters until his computer started lagging.

Veloren is amazing too. I love collecting lanterns, and taming animals and mounts is great gameplay.

Alpine is cool. apk is freakishly fast. I mean, like FREAKishly fast.

PostmarketOS is using Alpine as their base as well.

I had problems with containers though. I would like to revisit it and see if I can get them working

I like seeing work being put into musl as well.

Boxkit, which is Alpine based, is probably the most useful OCI container OOTB:

Lots of cool stuff. Don't stop the learnin'

Immutable is awesome. The user instead uses flatpak, snap, and/or nix to install their packages and apps. If you want a mutable environment, you can use containers and their many system integration tools like distrobox.The system has rollback functionality thanks to ostree, abroot, or similar technologies, so in case an update goes awry, you can roll back to a previous working image. Update anxiety no longer exists for me

The images with the nvidia drivers baked in are one of the greatest selling points for Universal Blue. Its the easiest and simplest way to run Linux with nvidia, hands down.

The Linux Mint team produces excellent software for making the end user experience gorgeous.

My favorite bit of software of theirs is webapp-manager. I have it installed on my Pinephone, and it allows me to make "apps" from websites.

I love that they embrace Debian as an alternative base. Debian is one of my favorite operating systems

Linux Mint = Good

Joplin got me through my programming course at my community college. One day my laptop ran out of battery so I hooked up my bluetooth keyboard to my phone and just took off where I left off, thanks to the cloud backup. Good memories.

Glad to see handwritten note taking functionality being built in. I use Fedora Linux on my tablet and would love to see this feature on every device and OS

The Steam Deck really is a very unique gaming platform. The Proton compatibility layer is a work of art. Crossover, Valve, and the WINE community should all be regarded as gaming heroes. I can play so many games on my Steam Deck that I never would've thought possible 5 years ago.

Being able to add your own external or custom games to your library, and still being able to make custom controls for those games, is just pure joy.

What's really exciting is seeing the constant flow of games go from unverified to verified. It just keeps getting better.

The best part about the Steam Deck one might argue is being able to install ANY operating system you want on this thing. Want to play Destiny 2 and Fortnite really badly? You have the nuclear option of installing Windows. Want to take Linux gaming to the next level? Install Bazzite. Its up to you. YOU are in control.

Sorry, I just really wanted to speak my 2 cents about how much I love the Steam Deck. I hope I made some salient points.

I love the := assignment operator lmao

This ad blocking tug-of-war game is absolutely fascinating in so many ways. One cannot help but be entertained by the two sets of opposing engineers fighting each other for technological dominance

I love it

I just bought the Steam Deck. Its amazing. More and more games keep becoming Deck Compatible and the community has uploaded so many controller configurations.

Linux is a gaming OS now and its wild

Yes! The automatic updates are great for me and my family's machines. System and Flatpak upgrades are done automatically, I never ever think of them.

Universal Blue has it too. They also have the "just" wrapper for not just system and flatpak, but containers as well.

This was in development but its about a year stale:

I was going to reply to the parent comment but read yours, and you're totally right. Tinkering to make a custom Universal Blue image is very much encouraged by the devs, and we want people to share their favorite images. That's how Bazzite and Bluefin started out, after all

I'm very happy!

Yeah, Arch Linux is beautiful as a container OS. I use it all the time.

Bazzite is my favorite Steam Deck operating system

Fluent Reader is wonderful for my Linux tablet. It was the only one I could truly get working the way I wanted. There are also multiple methods to render the feeds, which can be needed depending on the source

Yes, because it is permissively open source, not only are these companies free to build what they want - we are entitled to that same right. We therefore created LineageOS and GrapheneOS, and its really great.

There's also a lot of motivated people getting regular Linux distributions running on mobile devices too, so we have that as well

Gotta celebrate the little victories

I'm interested in installing KOReader on my Kobo. Its good, portable and lightweight software

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I love Joplin. So muchhh

Bungie gave me some of the best gaming childhood memories.

So much Halo. I was obsessed with it as a kid. The gameplay, the story... It was a SciFi gaming masterpiece. Super fond memories.

I'm also a HUGE fan of classic Marathon and Pathways Into Darkness. People don't give these games the credit they are due, and everyone should play them. You can find the Alephone engine, open-sourced by Bungie, and play all of the Marathon games and community scenarios completely free. A well-respected community member even ported Pathways to the engine.

I had the Apogee game collection on a CD that was super important to me growing up. I'd like to find it again

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This is the one. One of my favorite and necessary extensions for me

I want to know what's happening too

Most excellent. I'm glad to see things are working out, and that you've found something that works well. I hope your experience is as beautiful as mine was - mine pushed me to pursue computer science and programming.

I recommend at this point learning Flatpak and exploring Flathub for your favorite apps. Flatpak is treated as a first-class citizen on Fedora, so its my go-to recommendation. Should be super easy. Here are the instructions:

Have fun!

I lot of those games on GOG are on that CD!! Oh man secret agent was a fun one

Hell yeah I'm halfway through Phantasy Star IV right now. I love it


Bazzite is amazing and it will only get better

Thank you for the link. Saved!

I've only played a little bit of Katamari Damaci but its such a WILD game!! I should go back again and try to beat it. Oh yeah, there's totally some influence

I'm using Eternity too and its fsntastic

I've been a long time Marathon fan and I think the new game has the potential for greatness. The art style is out of this world

Many lessons were learned from the Hurd that has impacted ALL microkernel kernel and userspace designs, but it is ancient by today's standards.

Its more accurate to say they were "rewriting" MINIX, but I don't like the word "rewriting" as all of these systems are unique in their own way.