2 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't get it. People are working for free to add a feature to your product which might move more people to buy said product. Make users who use external features acknowledge some waiver that your company is not responsible for damage. If it turns out to be really good, you can fork it, hire the original inventor and turn it into a paid product. Isn't that a risk-free win? Am I missing something?

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Xiran Jay Zhao is posting about this on their Instagram a lot, which gives an insight into this from the POV of a Chinese person.

Trade Offer:

You receive: Alligators, Meth

You Give: Debt, Mafia

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Is there a fediverse alternative yet?

Also, if you are a technical person I urge you to start a blog where you document problems you solve. It's a great ressource for others and a resumé for you.

Welcome to the real world Neo. Don't take the pill with 777 permissions btw.

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I'm doing my part!

I also enjoy shouting "Wololo" at other people's computers, only to have them boot into Linux unexpectedly.

Along with search and many other things. Probably most of theur devs are optimizing user distraction and ad click rate, instead of... basic functionality 😐

Star Trek: Picard, when the Borg wake up and the Romulans just vacuum them out. In that moment the Cube should have automatically teleported them back inside. If the teleporters were down for some reason, the remaining Drones would just happily continue working in hard vacuum and proceed to assimilate the shit out of the Romulans. What happened was an uncalled for nerf of the Borg.

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They are a lot more efficient in their class and might convince some ICE drivers to switch. Their range tends to be quite good. Unfortunately they have drawbacks:

  • They require a very large battery. If you don't find >150kW chargers, you'll be waiting a long time
  • More batteries per car = worse environmental impact from production
  • Road degradation grows by the fourth power w.r.t. vehicle weight. The big batteries make electric SUVs very heavy
  • SUVs are more dangerous for pedestrians due to their size
  • In a crash SUVs deliver much more energy, killing more people.

*ChatGPT intensifies*

Fun fact: You can recreate a lot of this by starting your own website. Remember all the quirky, niche stuff you could stumble over? Large corporate sites forced all of that onto their server and baited people with millions of views and money. Everything not viral was punished and hidden away. But we can still jsut put stuff on the web for free or for a couple of bucks with a webhoster somewhere. It's work, it serves small audiences and it might be totally overlooked. But it will be YOURS.

In that sense, promote your blog or website here:

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You're right. I think there is a lower limit of required users, but if all the world moved to Lemmy by some miracle, most of the problems would be brought with them. I have the feeling Lemmy is a colelction of people missing the internet from before the big sites like facebook or reddit. It's been missing a long time and this is our chance to get it back :)

The right license in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So, wake up, Mister Torvalds. Wake up and... smell the ashes...

I want to love my FP3 but it loves to crap out by being slow or just crash prone. I replaced my camera because it accumulated dust behind the lense, because it is replacable.

... still wouldn't buy any other phone, it works well enough in all aspects and is a bit like the slightly crappy car you still love <3 Next one will be a FP5 :)

I second this. Drove my Zoe through rain, snow and ice, never had any problem or even thought about with water ingress.


LISP be like: "There is an error here in this wierd code I just generated and which you never saw before. Wanna hotfix it and try again?"

People actually reply to my stuff here and I don't end uo in the unread gutter with thousands of others! Keep posting :)

One alternative is hydrogen. Hydrogen fuel cell technology isn’t perfect, with a loss of about 20-30% IIRC

You don't recall correctly: The efficiency of Hydrogen, from solar cell to the wheels is 26%. Electrolysis is highly inefficient and compression and chilling of hydrogen is very energy intensive. Meanwhile, EVs are at 70%.

You are right that batteries kinda suck due to their energy density. However with EVs you can buy today you can still commute every day without noticing any major difference to an ICE car. You can also do long road trips, even in a small car, albeit slower. (Source: did both)

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... uh, why?

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Don't forget that we recently had a pandemic with a virus that is known to cause permanent brain damage. This includes reduced motor function, mental capacity and personality changes.

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Forget the military turning on itself, at that point the EU are sending troops over for an intervention.

Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your judicial and regulatory distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt no not misuse regional names for foods. Resistance is negotiable in parliament, but will take a long time to do so.

Good bot

( we say this here?)

Every device has a headphone jack if you push hard enough.

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Can confirm. Southern Germany used to be green in June and July now most fields are yellow and all the trees shows sign of heat stress. Rivers are already emptying. However nobody seems overly concerned.

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So they want to drive down wages and/or failed at long term management of their workforce structure. Why are the repeated failures of management types across all industries not named more directly?

I’m sorry if my grammar betrays my words, I am not a native speaker.

Bro, you just outphrased the native speakers.

At which point do political ideologies get shaped by "advertiser friendliness"?

Will this fly with GDPR?

This is great. It suddenly feels like the internet of 2003 again, with small communities popping up, competition and less of a corporate chokehold. Only this time they have a shared login and crosstalk, which was sorely lacking back then. If we are lucky this event might establish a stable, new part of the internet, which is separate from the consolidated platforms. The Fediverse doesn't have to replace sites like reddit, just be a next step for people fed up with the corporate net (corponet?).

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Of course not. That is not remotely their goal.

I looked it up, hydrogen fuel cells can attain about 60% efficiency from the energy potential in hydrogen, when converting to electricity. So I’m not wrong, we’re talking about different numbers.

If you are looking at the pure engine efficiency, we are now looking at >97% for most EV motors (class IE4). However, the point of the entire transition away from fossil fuels is preventing or delaying climate collapse. For this purpose lowering emissions and reducing energy use go hand in hand, hence the overall efficiency is critical.

But we can usually also do natural gas reclamation, which is the process of removing the carbon from CH4, and producing pure hydrogen, which, I believe is a much more energy efficient process.

Hydrogen is less strongly bound to Carbon than Oxygen, however in this process we produce more CO2 again.

AFAIK, no real progress has gone into electrolysis for decades.

There is a theoretical upper bound for the efficency of water electrolysis, depending on the temperature. While current electrolyzers can surely be improved, since we are already making electricity, we might as well use it directly. Some applications (aircraft, rockets, ...) need the higher energy density of chemical fuels. But: Working with liquid or gaseous hydrogen is terrible: Cyrogenic liquids are not easy to handle, let alone store. Hydrogen will embrittle any metal exposed to it and when inadvertenly mixed with air forms a highly explosive gas. Even the rocket people try to avoid using hydrogen unless they really need the ISP.

The fact is that the batteries will cause the cars life to end long before anything else wears out that could potentially cause the car to get scrapped.

So far we have seen EV batteries not degrade a lot due to good BMS. For most cars the battery will last at least 10 years before performance is seriously impacted and even then the battery can be reused for storage (home or grid scale). Most EVs have >40kWh batteries, homes usually need 5-10kWh storage. So one chewed up EV battery could be reused for multiple stationary battery systems.

Cycle life is the core of the battery problem.

I do agree that current battery tech is... not great. Having less spicy cells that are easier to recycle or recondition would be a massive gain and more research needs to be a core focus. However Li-Ion and LiFePo are already good enough to work for most people most of the time. Pair this with a lot of wind and solar energy generation and you have mostly sustainable traffic. This can be done right now and it has to be done right now. I argue a lot against hydrogen because it seems like a technology that is not there yet and allows many old players in the energy market to delay a transition which is not beneficial to them.

There is a technical solution: Have cameras sign the raw data recorded from the sensor in situ, which allows you to check if a given video was recorded on a given device. You could even add another layer where the device uploads timestamps, frame hashes and location data to a blockchain (finally a usecase!) to pin it to a certain place and time. Sure, all of this can be circumvented with enough effort, but it will make it much harder. Especially if a video can be pinned to a place, you can verify if it matches that scenery.

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What Usenet provider are you using?

  • Cannot convert baby carrot to Carrot
  • Index 7 is out of bounds for egg container
  • Boiling water suddenly turns totally black and opaque due to a bug in the bubble shader

One of the best weapons against this is probably having a well-formulated idea about this, which can effectively be communicated to people who are not in the loop. For example Right to Repair presents a kind of "our high quality device with schematics vs their short lived crapware". Good naming helps too. I suggest "Fediverse vs Corponet"

The only non-infurating way to read reddit. If it's gone people who didn't care so far might actually feel inconvenienced and move out.

It's back up!

Change to Linux on main PC when?

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