1 Post – 221 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just someone running away from Reddit.

On Reddit people use emojis a lot

I find this really funny. I used reddit for about a decade, and I remember redditors absolutely hating emojis. Reddit really changed, in the time I used it and rarely did it change for the better.

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I know linux isn't for everyone, but self hosting on windows is self-inflicted punishment. It's just not the right platform. Sure it's doable, but it's death by a thousand papercuts.

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It's not open source. It's source available.

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Mod wanted ONLY article, so enjoy reading in polish.

I love it. Do we have a malicious compliance community on lemmy?

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There’s a registry key to turn off the button.

Of course it's a registry key.

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I don't know what the answer to your question is, but I love the way tekst is spelt.

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Figma balls.

Wiki do not have answer

?? The arch wiki is one of the greatest Linux resources out there. Sure there may be situations where it doesn't have the answer for something, but for a new user? It has all bases covered.

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Manjaro 🤮

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Especially her.

Jellyfin is unable to do that. Your jellyfin instance is YOURS, there is no man in the middle like with Plex.

Check ! for more information, but the tldr is; Mali is forcibly taking back .ml domain. is likely in danger too.

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is blue light from led so bad cause it's harder to make blue leds and thus the color range is more limited than red and green for what a blue light produces and thus causes our brains to get confused

Imma need some punctuation, I have no clue what you're trying to say.



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I am actually very surprised. Did not see this coming.

Also because because beehaw has sownvotes disabled. Imo downvotes are an integral part of the Lemmy experience. As it is for reddit.

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Just so you know, you've created a community not an instance.

In any case, this is pretty cool. Hope people can achieve their sobreity and find some help in your community.

It's a fork of gittea aiming to accelerate federation support.

There was also eventually a bot, before silver became an award.

my BTC is "locked" on coinbase

So you don't have any BTC then. Not your keys, not your coins.

Not sure I understand your point.

just don't use windows if you're sailing the high seas.

Or just don't use windows.

It's all local, except when it isn't.

The AGPL applies copyleft to web services. If you're learning about licensing, it might be worth googling copyleft. Fascinating concept, and, in my opinion, something to subscribe to.

That's how it starts.

That sounds very reasonable. Why shouldn't you be able to start training at 18?

A few examples include s*x questions on askreddit

Says sex questions on askreddit were a problem

Doesn't even write the word sex

Yeah, I don't think the sex questions were the problem, mate.

NixOS has had it for a few days already 😎

Who's the real rolling distro now?

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This is pretty cool, I remember when you guys released it under the name crackpipe. For the record I really liked the name.

What's the reason you chose to use a CC license? Why not any established open source license? Even Creative Commons themselves recommend using the GPL instead of CC for software.

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basic literacy is not their strong suite.


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Why would you not?

Here's to hoping j2k stays actively developed. Unlikely, as j2 himself already had pretty low drive for it already. (。╯︵╰。)

And Reddit is already pretty left leaning, on the whole.

Maybe a custom Wayland compositor could keep up

This is just a bad idea in general.

This is good news! Ever since I found or about nomadic identities I've wondered why they weren't a thing from the beginning in the Fediverse. It just makes t so much sense in a federated environment.

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Cautiously optimistic about this one.

It only stores files, so there's no need for wine support, as far as I understand.

Edit: looks like I was wrong, their client seems somewhat capable.

It is not, you may be confusing it with retrodeck, which is solely distributed as a flatpak.

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