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Joined 5 months ago

I’m not entirely sure what’s you’re trying to imply. But Bangkok is a city in Thailand.

You can also apply it when watching a YouTube video by appending “&wadsworth=1” to the url.

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Non- tech: I’m a psychiatrist, generally working with offenders in hospital and prisons. The clinical work is always interesting, and im usually thankful for openness at which people spill their life stories to me.

Tech: I’ve kinda thought myself software development since I started working as a doctor. There’s just too much inefficiencies in the way we work clinically day-to-day due to the sheer amount of defensive practice inherent in the health system. Started off with personal tools to “assist” the electronic systems in place. But since then I’ve launched and maintained a number of digital clinical tools in a few local hospital which I’m pretty proud of.

Have a look at the communities in the instance

If you miss the UI of Apollo, give wefwef a go. Add it to your Home Screen from Safari, and it’s pretty close as it gets to Apollo for Lemmy.

This reminds me on why I turned off personalised ads on Google many years ago.

I work as a psychiatrist, and regularly have to search for literature surrounding the medications I prescribe (like antidepressants). After a few months of practice, Google started having ads that start with “if you’re depressed, have you tried… ?” Or the more click-baity “so-and-so have tried … and you won’t believe what happens next! ”

It was funny the first few times, thinking that Google must have profiled me as depressed.

When this saga began, I didn't think I'd be struggling with such a sense of disconnect with the loss of an app of all things. However, I do feel that Christian's eulogy for Apollo helped, a gentle reminder to "smile because it happened". Here's to moving on.

I think ultimately it depends on what your use case is. Comparing Apollo to any web version of Reddit, there were already a few use cases which were definitely superior in my view:

  • the video / gif player with supports scrubbing by touch.
  • packaging comment chains into screenshots to share, with automated features like blurring usernames, selecting depth of parent / child comments to include, merging with post content
  • being able to "favourite" a sub without actually subscribing
  • hiding posts that you've already seen

Ultimately, as with any tool, the best tool is the one you have on you.

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I feel like the developer should actually get some legal advice. In the U.K., “the crown” does not refer to the monarchy, but some legal entity that might as well be the state.

One source:

Very good explanation of why you should be skeptical online. I just wanted to chime in as someone who does eat dragon fruit regularly, that they are absolutely delicious when ripe. Although the red ones do stain quite bad.

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For what it’s worth, Apple has had an attention API ( for checking if the user is interacting / viewing ) since the debut of their facial tracking sensors on the iPhone X. Although, Apple makes its very clear it’s not to be used for ads and the such. If it helps I don’t know of any developers / Apple abusing that API.

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Coming from Malaysia, I have quite the non-standard order of names with my surname being the in the center. It gets more complicated because most Malaysians don’t have a surname, so none of our official documents have a Surname / Firstname field, just a Name field.

Flight tickets always look bizarre because the order is off, and bits of the last part of my name is taken off. Surprisingly this has never been a problem with the airlines in Europe / NA / Asia. The only EU country to give me a grilling about the name was at the Italian border.

As I was holding a visa in the U.K. since 2010s, the home office’s compromise with me was to list my whole name as my last name. Thereby making documents in the U.K. match my passport name. Although since about 2 years ago, they’ve finally relented and recognised my last name as such.

Another odd side effect of this is that I have 2 credit scores, depending on the name order.

Thanks for the question, it actually made me look for the api. Looks like I misremembered it, and there aren’t actually any exposed APIs for developers regarding attention. Internally it’s used by iOS for checking when you’re looking at the screen for faceID and keeping the screen lit when you’re reading.

There are APIs for developers that expose the position of the users head, but apparently it excludes eye information. Looks like it’s also pretty resource intensive, and mainly for AR applications.

The faceID / touchID api essentially only returns “authenticated”, “authenticating”, and “unautheticated”. The prompts / UI are stock iOS and cannot be altered, save showing a reason.

I’ve always seen it as a contract-like promise that you’re telling the truth. So if you weren’t, you can be charged with perjury, which used to come with much more severe punishments.

Much like the odd statements on visa forms where you promise you aren’t a terrorist or have committed genocide.

Asian that’s moved to the U.K. here.

Back home, when I grew up I’ve never drank tap water. In my college days I was way too lazy and started just drinking it with a cheap filter. Surprisingly I survived for 5 years despite everyone around me telling me otherwise.

Now in the U.K. I’ve always drank straight from the tap. It’s surprisingly refreshing! And the boiled water taste I can’t really get used to again when I visit home.

The water in Iceland is safe to drink from the tap. Although if I recall correctly it’s pretty sulfuric due to the local hot springs.

I’ve visited a few countries around Europe and have always enjoyed sampling their local tap.

This was always a known risk of having alternative app stores. Think of it from the dev’s point of view, he’s also one of the founders of AltStore. Of course an exclusive app is one of the best ways to get people onboard. Just wait for the Epic, Meta, Amazon… stores next. At least AltStore has an open-source ethos behind it.

i don’t have a solution yet for the media playback. Mainly because I don’t seem to have stumbled upon many gifs / videos on Lemmy yet.

However for the stale posts issue, I’ve found sorting by new or new comments seem to be the best way to get fresh posts. I’ve also put in a feature request for the hide read posts feature to the Wefwef dev. Hopefully they get a chance soon to consider it!

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For iOS safari, I can’t recommend vinegar enough. It replaces the YouTube player with the default html 5 player. So you get all the built in iOS features and ad blocking. There’s also the sponsor block app which works in conjunction with vinegar.

I can definitely attest to this advice. Learning how to search for answers, and parse options builds a whole of confidence when you’re trying to solve something.

And nothing makes you search for answers more than having a problem to solve.

It might be worth keeping it so you can access the purchased wallpapers. Also without the new api key it’s unlikely to be able to pull any data from Reddit anyway

Take a look at vinegar / baking soda as an extension for safari. It replaces the non-standard video players on websites like YouTube with a plain HTML5 player. Much smoother and you get all the iOS / macOS features like scrubbing and PiP. Plus it blocks ads as well!

I can confirm the extensions work well together.

If you have a grill, try making rabbit satay. One of my favourite rabbit dishes when I visit south east Asia.

I can confirm this link style works in the iOS Memmy App. As well as links formatted like “!community@instance”.

One of the other elected monarch in practice today is the Pope, who is elected by the cardinals in Vatican City.

I can almost smell the fresh bread through the picture. That cat is showing some mighty restraint…

It seems it may be because Orion on iOS has web extensions support. Which I think safari also does (partially) but uses a different framework for its on extensions. Check out Kagi’s page on Orion and web extensions.

My wife is currently pregnant, and we have just passed the expected due date. So quite possibly we’ll be welcoming our first child this weekend, fingers crossed!

I think the slight saltiness would work well with coconut juice. So, would probably pair well with a pina colada.

Vinegar on safari for iOS / macOS is probably the extension I find the most useful day to day. It replaces the usual YouTube video player with a standard html5 player. So no ads, and support for PiP.