3 Post – 216 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Music (mainly prog rock) and veggie loving, geeky cat butler living in Hertfordshire UK. A lover of all things LOTR (since I first read it over 50 years ago) scifi and what have you. Ex soldier (Royal Artillery) and other trades ;-)

Or Winnie The Pooh.

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Obligatory eye-roll.

Do you use Arch by any chance?

PS. Two of my machines run Endeavour OS, the other MX XFCE ;-)

It's the Chinese way.

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Holy crap, that's depressing.

And whitey wonders why the locals have got the arseache.

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I never thought they couldn't. Glass phones were an absolutely ridiculous idea.

If people don't like Beehaw, they are free to go elsewhere.

They seem to forget they request to be here and have read the rules. Don't like them? Goodbye then.

I've noticed some 'I'm right and everyone else is wrong' types turning up on Lemmy world/ml.

I'll probably drop those accounts. This place is like a breath of fresh air.

Long may it stay!

This should come as no surprise. The UK's MOD did similar, albeit on a smaller scale, for training troops for deployment in Northern Ireland, and Germany/Europe.

I think we all know China is gearing up to attack Taiwan as they make no secret that, as far as they are concerned, it belongs to them. The fact that the Taiwanese don't agree is neither here nor there.

Same with Russia.

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Thing is, if it's non toxic, then it's possibly safe. Maybe not pleasant, but not poisonous. Just as bad as pineapple on pizza.

Wonder how long it'll be before we get suggestions about eating detergent capsules or drinking bleach to cure covid.

Training your AI on Reddit was never a good idea though, you just have to look at all the crap on there to realise that. Let's just hope the didn't use Facebook or worse, Quora!

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How could we all fall over dead due to AI?

Seems like click bait guff and old fishparts.

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That article is dated Apr 3.

Latest version here

Mind how you go - it's still Alpha.

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This. No amount of excuses or lengthy explanations. It's childish and unprofessional.

It can and has. There's no way I could keep in touch with old army mates. They won't all move to other platforms. I don't even know of an alternative for group chats and finding people.

Unfortunately I have to go along with it. I keep it locked down as much as possible, use it only on Linux desktop etc. But there you go.

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I'm sticking with Beehaw, thanks to some awfully crap communities (courtesy of Lemmy) showing up in the 'all' feed. I'm continually blocking them, but somehow they'll be back a few days later.

And before you scream at me to 'stick to subscribed', how else am I supposed to find interesting content?

I know that I'm not going to want to see a lot of subs, I understand that.

Just don't want them back once I've (supposedly) blocked them.

I know it's an issue that possibly only affects me, but if Beehaw jumps ship from Lemmy, the crap will be a lot easier to manage.

That's my €2 anyway.


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Now imagine it printing out adverts whilst you're not using it.

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Have to play devil's advocate here. I totally agree that naming your chatbot Aryan is a bit of a giveaway, but does it say that exactly anywhere? All I can see is Arya. That is a legitimate name, even more popular since Game of Thrones. This crap is bad enough without making false claims about it. We'd be quick enough to call the other side out when they made a false claim. We shouldn't adopt their practices. We're supposed to be better than that.

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Not interested in youtube links thanks.

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I loved this snippet. "Three times as many unique visitors in July visited the websites for The Old Farmer’s Almanac and the Denver Gazette, Similarweb estimates show".

From the article

This would make charging phones, laptops, and even electric cars much more efficient and convenient.

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'No legitimate public interest'

This just sums up how these bastards only have their own agendas.

Utter scumbags, the lot of them.

Seriously, could they not get a shorter cameraman, or lower the tripod? A lot of these pics are taken at this angle.

The twat is posing. Why was he not made to stand straight and not pull a face like he's on a wannabe supervillan dating site?

The article seems to suggest bread machines and slow cookers have gone away - I use both at least a couple of times a week.

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If you decide to move and leave all the cack behind, I'm in.

I'll probably be more involved and would even be willing to chip in with a small subscription. That or registered users may also keep a lot of the trolls away.

Darwin awards will benefit - if that's the right term.

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I see your point, but anyone with an ounce of intelligence will steer well clear of these.

That said, Amazon should be held responsible for deliberately promoting false and dangerous information.

Sadly, I don't think it'll ever happen.

There is always going to be someone that wants power over others. And someone who hates others. It's human nature. We'll never be like the perfect Star Trek world, all chummy and getting along.

More like The Expanse.

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I thought it might be the 'any' key.

Looks like the are going all out with Copilot though.

Don't know how Copilot works offline, OK neither does Google or Bing to a degree, but these systems are placing increasingly more load on round the clock connectivity. We don't have decent 5G here in UK yet. Even 4G is patchy, and I'm in an urban area just north of London.

Should I worry though as I don't use Windows, apart from work? Possibly not.

Certainly highlights the fact that all nature is interconnected. We interfere at our peril.

Yeah, that shouldn't be a thing. Ought to be left to the host nation. We don't want Chinese law in Europe - or anywhere else for that matter.

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Exactly. God's chosen people often turn out to be just as shitty as the 'bad' guys.

They all use religion as an excuse for their shitty behaviour. I still don't understand because it's the same God.

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Just cannot get on with it. Have tried a few times over the years.

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No. I'm jacked off with all the crap that comes from Lemmy and the sooner that Beehaw drops Lemmy the better. So many bots and trolls there. If you're not a flag waving Hamas apologist you're a Trumper. It's a cesspit.

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I've been a Tolkien fan for sixty or so years.

Baggins wasn't available on Reddit but it was here.

I also use it in email addresses.

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Hopefully. Disgusting company selling cheap and nasty tat that helping fuel the disgraceful practice of fast fashion. They should be closed down and the owners jailed and assets stripped.

Why on earth would they need Chinese policemen? Is there a problem with Chinese tourists or a disproportionate number of Chinese immigrants that would require such a presence? Sounds like they are looking for tips on how to keep tabs on people. With all the downsides that will generate.

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You didn't find all the spelling mistakes..

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Looks nice

I like the fact it has a low bandwidth mode for those on data plans or poor mobile signal.

They can't come quick enough for me. I can go to work after a night out without fear I might still be over the limit. I won't have to drive my wife everywhere. Old people will not be prisoners in their own homes. No more nobheads driving about with exhausts that sound like a shoot out with the cops. No more aresholes speeding about and cutting you up. No more hit and runs. Traffic accident numbers falling through the floor. In fact it could even get to a point where the only accidents are the fault of pedestrians/cyclists not looking where they are going.

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Ah, cooking it, I thought you meant actually making it.

I aways freeze it then press it for at least 12 hrs. Can't stand it squidgy in the middle.

That looks good. Agree with the ginger swap, thinks fresh is much nicer. More gingery 🤤

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Good. Let's make it zero.

Same here. I did the trial 300 search thing and was very happy with that. Settling on the fiver a month plan as I can't justify a tenner. Plus I realised that I don't do much more than about 300 searches.

It's so refreshing to not have 'sponsored' posts or adverts in front of your results.