0 Post – 13 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

No, really?

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Ugh l didn't know this about nova

Boost for lemmy is in the works.

Also, at the time for writing, boost for reddit still works

Thanks to you and/or other Spotify devs for the linux desktop app that I understand you develop in your free time

That really wouldn't bother me at this point

Hi, average idiot here, whats matrix?

I'm actually amazed this account wasn't made just for this comment lol

Yeah I think boost will work until the api key stops working.

Boost for lemmy is promised though

Thanks for this. I'm enjoying it

Out of peertube and new pipe, which would you recommend?

What keyboard did you use to type that comment? Looks like the autocorrect doesn't work. Or was that unexpected keyboard?

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Im using florisboard, im getting used to not having autocorrect but i think im doing ok so far. I believe autocorrect is in beta

Then the fediverse can charge reddit an obscene amount for a api. The money can be used to pay the devs and support development

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