19 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

fake gamer | sporadic shitposter | pro-ship | BLM | trans rights | head of the antifa PR department | 🚩 🏴

i block tankies, right-wingers, and others with garbage opinions lol

if MODERATORS are landed gentry, what the fuck does that make rich bastards like him?

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How many people who are horrified by this get their news through reddit or Twitter? Getting news via social media isn't weird.

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yup. we have to raise hell ourselves, because even the non-queers who nominally support us won't always fight for us.

i mean, lemmygrad is a tankie hellhole

Though it's not something I personally enjoy, it is very important to me that I make a point of sticking up for even the weirdest and grossest content out there that isn't hurting anyone, because a) freedom of expression must include art that disturbs me personally or it is meaningless, and b) if you ignore people going after art just because it's gross, eventually someone will decide the art YOU like is gross. But even if I disapproved of lolicon and shotacon, I would still not be down with you lying about its legality, because I happen to have principles.

Ban me or whatever if you must, but someone has to point out bullshit when it crops up.

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Ha. As if there's a process. I just stumble across a hill one day and realizing I'm willing to die on it.

Probably due to my own childhood experiences, it makes me very upset to see an individual or group persecuted because they are doing something or are something that is not harmful in any way whatsoever but have been arbitrarily categorized as unacceptable.

Holy shit, MOOD. I cannot stand people insisting that harmless things are bad just because they're weird/they're gross/they make them feel bad somehow. Especially from leftists like myself. They should know that that feeling is exactly the same feeling that drives conservatives to hate queer and kinky people.

When I see banal evil, or wrongdoing committed out of apathy and selfishness, I want to shake them and explain to them that they are deteriorating the social fabric and ultimately creating problems for themselves through sheer stupidity.

Right? Even if you don't care about anyone but yourself, YOU ALSO BENEFIT FROM THE WORLD BEING A BETTER PLACE. And you can actively contribute to that!

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How many people actually click on the cited sources on reddit and Twitter?

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It's not "pedophile content." It's pixels that look absolutely nothing like real human children. And I don't care whether anyone allows it on their servers or not. They're free to ban it. I care that people make shit up about it being illegal when it isn't.

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I haven't been affected by the shortages myself, as apparently Vyvanse is unaffected, but I'm with you on this one. Fuck the DEA. They made it harder for my mom with chronic pain to get her meds during the crackdown on opiates.

The way to reduce medication abuse isn't by punishing people with legitimate need for the medication. It's by a) making society suck less so that people feel less compelled to abuse drugs, and b) providing support for addicts. Granted, I suppose the DEA doesn't have much power to do either of those things, but still. They could at least leave us alone.

there are things you can do to start building a better world today, but it never feels like enough

I'd request you cite your sources. I might even click on them.

That's not illegal, though, or even especially legally dubious.

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one kind of dumbass will also be another kind of dumbass. worth knowing, but not especially surprising

See the little overlapping squares under your post? Click 'em!

I'm perfectly happy to die on the hill of freedom of expression because, as a queer person, I know that when people start coming for the harmless weirdos, I'm next. I've walked out of communities over this before, and I'm willing to do it again. Again, I have principles.

Absolutely no one is saying you should have to federate with instances like that if you so choose. I'm merely pointing out that it's not illegal, and perpetuating the stigma against being into weird but harmless shit will eventually come back to bite not just you, but anyone who likes anything that's not vanilla sex between a married man and woman under the covers with the lights off for the sole purpose of procreation. Puritans always go for the weirdos that even other weirdos don't like first. Then when they move onto something less weird, everyone is shocked and all "leopards ate my face." I've seen a disturbing trend of people equating what you enjoy in fiction to what you enjoy in reality over the past few years, and I feel a moral compulsion to fight back against it because I know that shit never ends well.

Yeah, I'm not fond of the anti-therapy/psychiatry bent a lot of leftists take. Therapy and psychiatry can be enormously helpful and would be necessary in any world. Capitalism contributes to mental health problems, but I personally would still be profoundly mentally ill even in a socialist utopia.

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Guys, I have a plan.

  1. Throw a huge party for migrants, drag queens, and communists on the border of Georgia and Florida.

  2. All the cool people in Florida will come.

  3. While they're there, we can saw Florida off from the contiguous United States, thus allowing it to sink into the ocean along with all the uncool people who live there.

I wish the left (the real left, not corporate Democrats) were half as good at strategy as conservatives are. It's a shame such brilliance is wasted on the worst people on the planet.

You first.

Perhaps that content is more legally dubious than I realized, but claiming it's outright illegal is nonsense, and it's still true that almost nobody in the US is ever prosecuted for it.

I'm not saying that this community should welcome it here. Like, not remotely saying that. Even leaving aside any other issues, this community disallows porn. I'm literally just saying that claiming it's illegal is nonsense. Hell, I wasn't even going to get into the moral side of things until alyaza took the tone they did.

damn, they really are teaching CRT to elementary schoolers

Agreed on all counts.

Ahhh, the ole "You defend weirdos? Seems pretty sus. Sure you aren't one of them?" response. To which I say: Of course I'm a weirdo! I'm a queer kinkster! Obviously I'm weird. Am I that specific kind of weirdo? No, but so what if I were? That wouldn't undermine my argument. My point is this: Is it weird and fucked up and creepy? Yeah, arguably. So? It's still not hurting anyone, and if you start moralizing based on your own personal feelings of disgust, that quickly leads you down a dark path of "anybody who does something that grosses me out is a bad person who must be stopped." That's exactly the same rhetoric conservatives use to go after anybody who fucks wrong in the privacy of their own bedroom, and I'm not about to become the thing I hate. Taking your side would make me a hypocrite as someone who cares about the freedom of adults to get off however they please.

tfw you have to strike for the right to strike. what a world

See, I was born around 8:00 AM and I hate mornings. I figure it's the trauma of being ripped out of my nice comfortable home into this weird, loud, cold setting I never asked to go to.

why? so the police can get there and stand around staring at the punisher logos on their phones?

i'm not against this, i guess, but it's just... less than the bare minimum.

yeah, but if all the kids starve to death at least the drag queens can't groom them (by existing and sometimes reading stories aloud)

If not, huge missed opportunity.

As the kind of person who is targeted by rising fascism, I would prefer you did not speak for us. I am firmly against gun ownership. The statistics show that having a gun on you makes you less safe, not more.

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You are statistically much more likely to--accidentally or intentionally--kill yourself with a gun than successfully defend yourself against an attacker. Arming minorities will just result in more dead minorities.

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The line between kink and queerness has historically been very blurry. Being gay or trans was once considered a sexual fetish just like any other.

Kink has always been part of pride; it did not "become" a part of it. Both kink and queerness are sexual identities that are marginalized by the mainstream, so it makes sense that they would come together to throw bricks at cops.

Hard disagree. Kink belongs at pride. It's always been there and is a part of our history. Kinksters are often the people who work the hardest to keep us safe, and who will fight the cops beside us if needed. Besides, pride is specifically a celebration of freaks and weirdos, the kinds of people whose sex lives are condemned as immoral by the majority. Kinksters have every right to be there.

For me, absolutely everything has a color. Numbers, letters, sounds, days of the week, months... All of it. I didn't know this wasn't normal until I was well into my teens.

You are, of course, allowed to feel that way. But I'd trade my brain for a normie brain in a heartbeat. I'd still be me, just capable of taking out the trash. I see no upsides to my ADHD that aren't canceled out by the signifcant downsides.

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I'm not necessarily saying that ADHD doesn't come with benefits. I'm just saying that, for me at least, my ADHD's shittier aspects undermine the benefits it gives me.

For example, I'm quite creative. But I don't create much. Why? Executive dysfunction. I've wanted to be a writer my entire life. But I just don't have the discipline (or executive function, call it what you want) to make it work. I've had the same novel idea for a long time. Wanna know how many words I've written? Zero. I've got a bunch of scattered, sometimes contradictory notes about the characters and setting, but I can't make myself sit down and compile it all, let alone plot out a coherent story. I've tried writing without planning or outlining beforehand, and it works insofar as it gets words onto the paper, but at the end of it I'm left with a disaster that needs copious editing and no energy or interest in doing it.

I wrote a couple novels when I was a teenager. They will never see the light of day because after writing them, I never got around to making them into something decent, and now I'm no longer interested in the projects.

Even on meds, I just lack whatever it is normies have that makes them select a project or skill to work on and then follow through with it until they're satisfied. The one and only creative thing I've ever been able to stick with is crochet, and even then, I took a six-month break from it and only picked it back up on a whim. And I only stick with crochet because it's easy and mostly thoughtless; I won't be able to do consistently anything that requires sustained mental effort, especially sustained mental effort.

Admittedly, I probably could write more consistently if I had some kind of outside force making me, but where do I find that? I both need structure and avoid it at all costs because it feels so suffocating. I could maybe get an accountability buddy, though I hate having to be accountable, but I doubt that would be enough. I fear the hell out of failing out of school, but if my dad doesn't sit down with me and help me study, I just won't do it half the time. Even with the meds. Even knowing my future depends on it. Even as a 27-year-old adult. Even knowing my dad is paying good fucking money to send me to school. My brain simply hates doing things. Hell, I even procrastinate on things I love.

What good is a writer who doesn't write? I know I'm worth more than what I produce, yes. But still. The world could have my works, but it probably never will, and that depresses the hell out of me.

And none of this is even touching on rejection-sensitive dysphoria. RSD makes normal life events like breakups and failure into soul-crushing catastrophes. I've tried repeatedly to kill myself in part because RSD ensures things that happened years ago still hurt just as sharply as they did in the moment. There are some things I will simply never get over, and I just have to learn to numb the pain enough to keep living. Call ADHD a gift all you like, but the truth is that a healthy person's brain should not try to kill them over every bad thing that happens.

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See, like, I'm not sure that's the problem. I mean, sure, that's definitely part of the problem for work and school shit. But what about shit I do on my own time? Even under fully automated luxury gay space communism, surely you'd have to do a lot of stuff on your own. And I just... can't do certain things I'd like to do. I dream of a socialist utopia and a world where it's okay to be different, but even in such a world, who would make me write? Someone clearly has to if it's ever going to get done. Owning the means of production would not make me more productive on my own time.

Needing help with stuff other people don't doesn't make you lesser, but it is something of a problem that has to be dealt with. I don't like it. I'd rather be able to do everything someone without ADHD can do. I'm not sure there's anything worthwhile I can do that a normal person couldn't.

And what of the RSD? Breakups and ends of friendship and failures are going to happen in any world. Yes, we could live in a less lonely world, or a world that doesn't place so much value on productivity/succeeding at everything the first time, but frankly, I think if we all lived in close-knit communities the way a lot of my fellow leftists hope we will someday, that might make relationships ending even more painful because then you'd have to keep seeing the person at the monthly community meeting or whatever. Again, I don't know that this is a social problem so much as a "my brain tries to murder me every time something bad happens" problem.

I hope this doesn't come across as me being upset with you. I'm not. I'm just trying to say that hey, for some of us at least, this whole ADHD thing is a real shit deal and having it treated as "just a difference" isn't always helpful.

Sure, but that's true of any job. If everyone were a doctor, society would fall apart. That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with wanting to be a doctor, or even with a significant portion of the populace being doctors.

But wait. I have a NSFW subreddit, and reddit doesn't allow you to upload pictures directly to reddit if you're on an NSFW subreddit. Right? So how can it be the primary host?

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Huh. Still not gonna use it lol