5 Post – 139 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

You don't actually have to pay Amazon anything. I suggest you consider this.

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Do not believe their lies. Do not accept their token gestures. Abandon them. Let them burn. If you tolerate this your children will be next. Trust no one.

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Doesn't matter, they are both deprecated.


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Oh man. I'm so sorry for your loss. May your system break at some vague point in the future in a way that is nigh impossible to diagnose and that no one else seems to have experienced. Godspeed, you unwillingly content penguin!

Well that's nice. Games industry is not known for treating it's employees fairly. Or even humanely. I don't know what the situation is in Poland, but I hope this is a positive development for them.

The US still has a lot of lead pipes and I think that kind of explains a lot.

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Haven't watched all of it, but off the top of my head: Bryan Lunduke is long time Linux and FOSS enthusiast who is known for having yearly tongue-in-cheek "Linux sucks" speeches, which have traditionally been good fun. Lunduke has in the past few years become a polarizing figure with a lot of reactionary American politics seeping in to his Linux content. Nicco is a KDE developer and youtuber who made this video to criticize his latest content.

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Not a fan of Android myself.

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First it was Amarok, then Clementine, and now it's Strawberry.

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You can always create a GUI yourself, if you think it's so simple. It would be greatly appreciated and giving back to the community would be nice.

Really unfortunate. He looks rough. May his days be long yet.

I remember what the internet was like before we had ad-blockers. I concur with others who have said turning the blocker off would make it even worse. There no fucking way I'm turning off ad-blocking under any conditions. I'd rather just stop using the internet altogether. I can not verbalize how much I hate ads. I stopped watching TV because of ads a long time ago. Never again.

Oh man, I wish I could get a pair of AR-glasses with ad-blocking in real life. No more ads polluting the streets. That would be great.

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Kind of sounds like you just want Debian with netinst image and then do an Expert install. Afterwards you might want to migrate repos to sid. Good luck!

Oh, fear not Ubisoft, I'm perfectly comfortable never owning any of your games again. Ever. Eat shit.

Oh hey, I remember that screen. I have seen it many times. Many, many times. Oh God, so many times.

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This community is about Linux. Try:

Well that's a dumb fucking idea. Do it!

Pine64 has also had terrible communication for a while now and their site has had technical issues for a month. They have not filled me with confidence as of late.

postmarketOS is great though.

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Yeah, that workload is excessive. I'm glad she decided to take care of herself. "All or nothing" burns you out real quick.

"Unbiased opinion" is an oxymoron.

It is hard to overstate the importance of FSF in software development. We need them now more than ever. Long live the FSF!

Every time I've tried using modern GNOME it's like pulling teeth. I hate it. I think it has actual usability issues. Not disparaging anyone who likes it, it just really doesn't suit me.

GNOME classic shell was ok, but when I installed KDE Plasma it was like coming home. Everything made sense and everything was where it needed to be. More or less.

In the end I'm just glad Linux has a variety of DEs to choose from. Even if you choose GNOME, you weirdo.

I'm happy you're having fun computing and all, but I'm going to be that guy: It's rite of passage.

Can't go wrong with Debian on servers. Stable, secure and long term support. Very minimal install also.

Maybe also look into Alpine. It might be a bit lighter, if that's an issue.


Just go with Debian.

I mean, base Debian should work out fine.

That is crazy dangerous. There are some really deadly mushrooms out there. People need to go to prison for this shit.

Distros are really not all that different. Just use whatever.

But Android is worst.

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I'm happy with Konsole. Don't think I've customized it any. TEs by and large just get the job done.

Disappoint is a sober word here. I am actually pissed at the casual arrogance of Ubuntu and its parent company Canonical.

I'm actually baffled that this would come as a surprise to people. Canonical has been like this for a long time and you'd have to have blinders on to not see it. They are hell-bent on doing things their way and ignoring the wider Linux community and even their users. That is, of course, their prerogative and to some degree I even welcome their attempts at differentiating their distro from others. As a user though you should be aware of their history and the apparent direction they're heading.

I just wish they'd stop stalling and went all-in on snaps already, since that's pretty obviously where they're headed.

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Bring back AltaVista!

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Ok, hear me out. Linux is not an easy platform to develop for because it's in constant flux where systems and libraries come, change and go constantly. Linux itself is a somewhat slippery concept (if we expand from the kernel) where "works on linux" can really mean it's been tested on one particular distro. Debian stable and rolling releases are not the same. Unless I am completely mistaken, I can see why major developers are hesitant to support linux, whatever it even is. Is Android linux?

Now, I'm all for this message. Given how OSs have been developing, I advocate for linux adoption and wish people would "vote with their wallet". Otherwise things just will not change. Well, not for better, if recent history is anything to go by. I just feel that this problem has more prongs than we like to admit, being linux enthusiasts.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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You know, distrohopping is overrated. If your distro works for you now, you don't really need to switch. Other distros may have slight differences, but all in all it usually is just changing some problem for another. Most distros will be fine.

Having said that, I think Debian Unstable ticks your boxes. Most rolling releases will do what you want.

You can do a really slim install of Debian that should work. For DE I recommend LXQT.

If you're feeling adventurous, Alpine might be slightly lighter. It's a good distro.

Those specs are not going to get you a terribly fast experience, but my laptop runs Debian ok and it's in the same ballpark.

This has not been my experience at all. A few crashes in a year or so of use. Apparently experiences vary.


I like Bottles. Makes Wine less of a hassle.