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You can use it as a webcam if you suddenly need to work from home and there's a shortage of webcams.

Originally I had to install an app for that, but it shows up as a standard USB option on my Pixel now.

Los Angeles had hidden oil rigs.

Maybe the second "DNS" should be "VPN":

The DNS is free. They advise users of their paid VPN not to use this DNS service as it already uses it behind the scenes.

One that sticks with me from chemistry classes: "Hot glass looks exactly the same as cold glass."

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Drain.exe would say "water in drive a:, commencing spin cycle" then power up the drive and make a gurgling sound.

Sheep.exe ... would create a sheep that would wander the desktop.

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Why is there this push to use AI everywhere when it's so resource-heavy? What do Google, MS etc gain?

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Do you think that the next step is product placement?

"Draw a rabbit wearing a top hat."

Produces picture of rabbit, wearing a top hat, sipping a coke.

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And yet Google had not yet added RCS support to Google Fi "messages for web" (the service to access voice and sms without connecting to a phone) after several years.

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I always have to look at this one after that.

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One possible reason is that some words on controversial subjects can attract mobs of posters with an agenda. They search for keywords to find threads to flood with their arguments.

So posters would get in the habit of saying something like "I love p1n3apple on p*zza" to avoid the wrath of pizza purists (made-up example, but substitute with anything more controversial).

When I read it, it stirred a distant memory of hearing such a story before, so I knew that there was something behind it and looked it up.

Catgacating! Cartchy tuns!

It's okay, they have a solution!

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Except for a calculator on iPads.

Windows Defender sucks compared to the original Williams version.

Well that's one way too ensure that the parts of the antenna are the correct length!

"Please scan this code to install the self-arrest app. If you are a first-offender, remember to also create an account."

Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head, behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming downstairs, but sometimes he feels that there really is another way, if only he could stop bumping for a moment and think of it.

I think that this captures so much of the human condition.

Ctrl-D to pay respects.

I'm comfortable using a terminal, but with my Linux machines s common pattern is:

Need to get some software working. Find how to fix it, edit some config files.

Months later I run a system update and it's starts asking me about merging the changes I made to various files. What were they for again? Are they still even necessary with the update or are the values I changed no longer used?

Then sometimes, something I installed is no longer supported, or needs a manual update because of how I installed it.

Apparently it was a holding page, could they just not have bought the domain?

A lot of people don't understand that GPS requires no cell service to function, so it's no surprise that many accept that they have to pay monthly for a "service* that has no ongoing support costs to the seller.

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Not everyone knew C.

Lack of trust: what was it doing behind the scenes? What's if it just went and ..... allocated memory all by itself!!

Optimization wasn't so good back then. People believed that they could write better assembly. For speed and size.

Memory was tight. C would include big libraries even if only one function was needed. If "hello world" was several k in size, that added to the suspicion (even though that was a fixed overhead in practice).

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Google Fi doesn't sell locked phones, so that shouldn't be a problem.

They do have various deals that require staying on the Fi plan for some time (I'm getting the full price of a Pixel 7 back in discounts spread over 2 years), but I read that they're delaying this increase for anyone on a promo (probably because a change of plan would allow people to exit the deal).

It's sad for anyone who has to pay more now, but it was pretty strange that the price was actually the same for 4 lines as 2 (taxes and fees excluded).

Did they try asking how to stop cheese falling off pizza?

Edit: Although since that idea came from a human, maybe I've failed.

You could just about play speech using one bit output using pulse-width-modulation. But it was almost unrecognizable. And would take a lot of memory for the time.

It was usual to have different numbers of beeps for POST errors.

But this was an age when a PC would say "Keyboard error. Press any key to continue", so things were not thought out that well.

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Are you sure that you're not thinking of Duo/meet/Hangout?

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Of course. Do you think that they'd risk missing out on a free branded t-shirt?

It's not a simple story of just taking away the phone.

I discovered she'd circumvented the screen limits and had been using social media into the wee hours of the morning.

And later, after she did take the phone away, she found her daughter had kept all old phone that was supposedly sold.

It does seem to be a pretty extreme case, but there was lots going on here.

One day I'm going to make my fortune by writing a silica gel recipe book.

I remember an obscure one named "grommit" that was a dancing animated character and you'd click it to change arm and leg movements.

Bonzi buddy was over of the bad ones, maybe?

Physical? As in a medical exam with a doctor?

If so you should really have a check up with an eye doctor, there are lots of eye health tests that you should regularly get beyond checking that you can read a chart at a distance.

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Given how the "shop and walk out" process worked, they'll probably outsource it to people paid to throw packages on parachutes over your fence while they make a buzzing noise.

It's still honored for phones that had it, but phones after the Pixel 4a don't get the free storage option.

The Quest range. I'm sure that the passthrough isn't as good quality as Apple's (some glitching at the edges of objects), but it's easily enough to walk around in, especially the Quest 3.