5 Post – 66 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is a case where the class is led by a moron. That person should be reported.

Piracy for the students was justified because they had no other option. But outside of this school, if I were you and I needed the software again, I'd definitely use Octave without question. (Or Python if I'm willing to learn something new.)

The point is, if you have free and open source alternatives, use them. You'll be better off.

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Lemmy is also ad free. Love that.

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My goodness that's awesome. I never understood why they locked it down in the first place about a year ago. What changed?

This is the kind of things I like to hear!

It makes less sense since extensions actually ran on Android, e.g. via Nightly and creating your own list of exceptions. Also if you downgrade and install in an old Fennec version, extension will continue to function if you then update to the latest.

I think the move was an attempt to create a walled garden. But for whatever reason, they have now decided against it. Thank goodness.

And snap has other issues, such as it's very badly implemented. No sane person wants to see 100s of lop devices mounted on lsblk all the time.

Search for "how to install Firefox in Arch". Snapstore page which asks you to first install snap from AUR, and then install Firefox through Snap is the second entry, I kid you not!

And they have same pages for Fedora erc.

This predatory behavior is to try and get any potential new Linux users to use their crapstore instead of their distro's package is disgusting and malicious.

How do we know that Fediverse will be any different? After all if it is a law and you get a legal subponae, you comply with it.

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The push towards app from mobile browser was insane. In the end they even made NSFW marked posts impossible to view in web browser. WTF.

I hate that they also SEO'd the hell out of major search engines to show snap setup and installation instructions when anyone searches for installing a package. E.g. "arch install firefox" leads to which is downright dishonest marketing.

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I don't need an AI helper for my OS, thank you. (What I need is to drop the push on snap.)

With moves like this, they are really foreshadowing what Windows has become (who ironically is finally dropping Cortana now).

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Switch 2 should then be a much less of a hit than Switch. Already Steam Deck has proven to be a far better handheld gaming console.

Fastest growth happens with community of people who have growth mindset.

And gamers + owners of Steam Deck definitely have that! I mean we take apart our deck just to change the look of the thing - something that could be thought of as very risky by others is just another adventure, a new land to be discovered for us.

There are people.

This except Ubuntu has fallen. Mint or PipOS are better now.

I don't quite believe it, but secretly hope that the metric is correct and it's indeed accelerating.

Linux desktop has been ahead of its competitors, both Mac and Windows, for a while now. While Windows keeps getting worse and worse.

And now all games run on Linux desktop too (except Destiny).

May be people are slowly realizing and catching on?

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Destiny did this. I have no idea why people love that game, btw. The guns and the environment are well designed, and the story (if you call it that) teases of science fiction. But that's all the positives about it.

The secrets are so bad that you need to follow a Youtube guide and would probably never discover them in a lifetime. The raids are a huge chore of completely arbitrary series of mechanics that are never explained. You grind for weapons and they get nerfed. You keep doing the same missions again and again and again. Your trophies that you firmed for in year can just go away without notice. The damned thing does not even run on Linux. The list of ways it is unfun goes on.

I beg to differ. I think it's very harmful.

  • There as absolutely no reason for anyone in Arch to use snap to install something mainstream like Firefox. Same goes for other OS's like Fedora etc. (which are all mined in similar way, just change it to /fedora for instance).
  • The page presents itself as if it's the only choice, and can easily scam someone who's just getting into Linux into installing snap. I think it's designed for that purpose. Arch links to the package, but not step by step guide (which is on Arch), but this can easily lure people into installing snap and being none the wiser the it's not the default package manager for their distro.
  • It's 4th for Firefox, but I've seen it as the top result for some other packages. Probably Google caught up, or probably for packages not mainstream as Firefox it still shows snap as number one result.

Lol yeah not gonna happen.

Damn it. Just when I bit the bullet and bought Diablo 4 on Battlenet. I bet whenever they launch Diablo 4 on Steam, they'll not just transfer my license it to Steam.

Edit: FWIW I'm using the Battlenet launcher with Lutris, and so far it's far less problematic than Epic. Hasn't yet forgotten my log in and asked for password again like Epic does every few days which is super annoying (pretty sure this is how they operate on Windows also).

Am game as long as the AI runs locally, and doesn't siphon every website I visit to their server.

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Too expensive though.

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  1. That certain community is by any chance? They also ask you to write pretty much an essay to join, and didn't accept mine.

I don't think anyone should play anything other than Hades.

Until Hades 2 is released, that is.

Your reason of "wish to start fresh" doesn't sound compelling.

Arch is stable, and works great. Biggest draw for NixOS is packages. I don't think NixOS has anything to offer in packages that I can't get in Arch. I'll not advocate switching to an experimental distro with who knows what other headache, just because I can run Debian or rpm packages. Not for a daily driver.

Do it only if you are bored or something.

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Honestly the news seems to be about RHEL. Fedora should still be good.

Manjaro is a really good distro to start with. It has very nice defaults including the correct zsh plugins. Should make your transition to Arch whenever the time comes very smooth. It does have a bad reputation because they don't seem to manage it well (e.g. keys keep expiring), and the said defaults are implemented in a very hacky way (if you see the code). Also they follow a delayed release which is really unnecessary given Arch is stable already; and in fact the delay can cause issues if you use AUR (which you will, eventually discover and learn about and love).

Oh my bad then I read wrong in my sleep 🫣

I've been using Arch, and very happy with it. Very low maintenance except updating once every one or two weeks.

I just installed Fedora. I think it's good for a laptop which you plan to seldom open or update. I'll continue using it.

I'll stay far from Ubuntu, because I do not like snap - and it reminds me of Windows on how I have to tinker to avoid something the OS wants to push on me.

If you were considering Ubuntu then you'd like Debian - and wouldn't go wrong with it.

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I hate GUI for every little thing. Config files are so much more flexible, shareable, and use friendly because you can edit them with anything and can have much more control.

You can instead, for instance, get a Dell latitude with 32GB i7, for less than $1000. It comes preinstalled with an inferior "OS" (rather sales, telemetry and data harvesting avenue), Windows 11 Pro. But it begs to be wiped and installed Fedora or Arch or some other useful OS, which is easily done.

I think it's dev, single person. All the more impressive.

Also probably that's why it is so good - one person's vision and passion project without anything getting on the way.

$44 billion / 8 billion = $5.5 (not $5 billion)


Where were the .bibisco2 files stored before they vanished?

Yeah I did make that mistake.

I think if it's separated from Ubuntu then it's a nice excitement. I wish they just base it on Debian or some other distro.

Never knew there is a script to hook. It works flawlessly since the beginning for me with Arch.

I'm not sure why you say that. I've been using Arch to play triple A games (Control, Diablo 4, Elden Ring, Death Stranding, etc.) with NVidia GPU even (which is known to have proprietary driver and not as tweakable). Never had a single glitch, everything runs like native.

The latest versions - DXVK 2.2, lutris-GE-Proton8-10.

Hmm no I have no lags at all. Happy to help any tests on my machine if it helps you to diagnose your issue.

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