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Joined 13 months ago

I think a big part of it is that driving is inherently dangerous (you're in a metal box going much faster than you're capabale of going yourself, your health and finances are at stake) and frustrating (waiting in traffic, people making mistakes).

All those things put people on edge and cause them to act out

Dodged a RPG there my friend seems to be well respected

I instantly know the answer to ANY question

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This phenomenon is literally called the tetris effect haha

Walking on the ground is always slippery

Vs code is an IDE change my mind

I have two trains of thought on this. The first is naturally occuring vs man made. Stones are naturally occuring, bricks are not. While we as a species have always made shelter, there is something "unnatural" about modern homes with glass windows, running water, steel beams etc.

The second is natural vs synthetic. GMO'd food, hydrocarbons etc. I think the biggest difference to me regarding this is around how long we've been exposed to the substances. We've been exposed to certain foods and chemicals (from plants etc) for 100,000s of years and so our bodies handle them well. Our bodies haven't adapted to things like polymers, microplastics or high fructose corn syrup, which is why these "unnatural" chemicals are considered bad.

My second and most recent one was tough. She was a good girl and incredibly mature for her age (we were 22 when we broke up), and truthfully I wasn't ready for that kind of a relationship and still had some exploring to do.

We used to catch up once a year or so, but she has a partner now who doesn't like me seeing her and while I'm sad about it, I respect it and promised not to reach out until she does. I'm over her and not holding my breath, but if she ever does I'd definitely consider giving it another shot. Turns out that girls like that are few and far between.

I would start with immediate solutions - setting designated areas for camping and providing tents + basic amenities. I'd look into what the most effective policies that exist around the world are and why they work and select the one most applicable to our situation. Finally I'd try and solve the core issue(s) regarding why the majority of those individuals couldn't provide housing for themselves

"Yeah, I do really feel like the plot was underdeloped"

What's it like when you try think through a math problem? Like do you just follow your feelings and intuitively get to the answer?

For me it's definitely a clearly defined voice in my head. "First I do this, add those together..." etc

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I'd imagine that for some jobs (seasonal etc) there is too much variation in a month-to-month basis

Agree with everything except the vegestable oil, it's high in good fats

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You also have Tourette's

I think it's less about "proofing" your life and instead embracing it. Seek it out. All good opportunities (your dream job, the girl you want) require you to take risks with a real chance of rejection. Get good at being rejected, even enjoy it, so that you can persevere and try and try again until you get what you want.

To me it depends on:

  • How much money I'm contributing vs my partner
  • How much time we both work
  • What hours we both work

I'm paying all the bills and you're not working? You're doing all the chores. We both work 40 hr weeks but I earn and contribute more? Close to a 50/50 split of chores. My partner works night shifts? I'll do all the stuff that can only be done during the day.

I think unless your partner is unemployed you should both be doing some chores, but who does what depends on the circumstances.

All of the jokes in this thread stopped being unique the moment they were posted here

This. Look at facebook (although I know the "upvotes" aren't anonymous)

Might be better off spending your time resetting all the passwords that were saved in your bw acct

Respect for givinf a real answer

No, but that's not the point. Mobile phones and apps are specifically engineered to draw your attention as much as possible. Children are especially vulnerable to distractions, and so to me it makes sense to serverely limit their usage in the classroom.

Not everything has to be as black and white as "stop". A step in the right direction is a good one.

I think it's a much better approach than the "hurr durr zuck bad" sentiment here. You don't have to be a power user, see if it can add value to your life and how, then go from there.

Any conversation that really makes you think

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Hostel shower (This'll do)

Late 20s male gang

I'd make something dumb with real world applications. A chat-gpt chat bot with attitude or only wrong answers. An app that only allows the user to make a paypal donation to you. Etc etc

They must be esting all the vegies they don't like because it makes them feel like a big boy / girl

How are you posting this? Just tether your phone and use that instead

Why be snarly while also actually doing the work for him?

In a way this is how billionares live

AI in its current state is an algorithm. Given a temperature of 0, an AI SHOULD always give the same answer for the same input (but there is currently a bug in chatgpt that makes it not so)

If not you, then who?

I don't think it's your responsibility to cure him, but as somone close to him I think it's your responsibility to try, because if not you then who? But it sounds like you did that to some extent

I think if you give them a comfertable life beforehand there's nothing exploitative about it. They wouldn't even have existed if it wasn't for human demand. But it truly has to be a good quality of life.

There's two types of people I can't stand in this world. People that are inconsiderate of other people's cultures, and the Dutch

I actively do this. I try think about what it would look and feel like in first person before I do something (or as I'm trying to improve at it). Lots of studies show that this can be almost just as beneficial as training

I'm Aussie and say 240zee, but I'm also a dutch immegrant and into cars

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Servers and and sometimes services

Ever tried a moka pot / perculator? Makes great coffee and pretty cheap

Pilot is king