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Keep in mind that kremlin still runs massive campaigns to make you think Biden will loose and is unable to run the country.

But he is not alone, this is not a monarchy, there is a full team behind him to make great things for the country.

daaamn this gang applied the same old receipt : The french word for murderer is "assassin" that comes from the haschischins sect (XIe century). The "old men from the mountain" (leader) gave young mens a taste of paradise (cannabis, food, shelter, maybe girls) then sent them to kill someone.

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Ahah it is ready to take the job of pur politicians

Europe confiscated their yachts so now oligarchs are using military ships to go on holidays?

Kuzminov and his family are currently safe in Ukraine. The pilot was rewarded with $500,000 for defecting with his helicopter after the Ukrainian government last year implemented a program that incentivizes Russian military members to defect with their equipment in exchange for hefty monetary rewards.

Nice mean to get cheap equipment

Yeah that was what I was thinking : in America, land of the lawyers, can't you sue someone who make such important threats ?

“There is a joke here that all poor people are driving electric cars, and all the rich people are driving petrol cars,” says Malakhovsky. “Tesla is a common-people, popular car because it’s very cheap in maintenance.”

yeah, only a joke unfortunately, later on the article they give the exemple of a guy who spent 24k$ for a totaled Y + 25k$ for repairs + 4k$ for batttery change... because the guy was tired of paying 400$/month for gaz, now he is paying 10-100$ for charging. This is even more expensive than a new one

It is already the case for new cars in EU from july 1st

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it has never stopped, there are more Greeks dispatched in the world than in Greece.

Damn, some others countries successfully banned single-use plastic bags years ago, replacing them by re-usable thicker bags that you can buy, people are now accustomed to bring bags to go shopping.

Seems like californians have too much money or are very generous.

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next time you go to the gas station think about him thanking you from his mansion ;)

Same in France, enjoy your slaves champagne

the point here is not to blame large 4x4 owners for global pollution, it is to prevent them from parking in the city's streets, to avoid local air pollution and endangering other road users (pedestrians, bicycles...).

When you want to enter the city there is no issue if you leave your vehicule in a public parking around the city and take transports to go downtown.

It is only a message sent to carmakers, and suv buyers, saying big cars are not adapted to cities (no shit sherlock)

Most of disposable things are the worst, we should ban as much as we can. But for that, we need regulation, and some more efforts

I saw a pedestrian get bumped by a city car on a crossing yesterday, she rolled on the hood and had a leg injury.

With a higher hood, like a SUV, she would probably have been thrown onto the ground and hit her head...

Guys who signed petitions will be on next draft

Do you receive a compensation from your employer for electricity/internet/phone plan ? Then it is way cheaper !

So you are afraid of cars so you take your own car... I fully understand that but it is all the problem.

We have to constantly remind drivers that road are for everyone, and not only to go full speed.

Here they painted bikes on roads and put speed limit at 30kmh so it is better, drivers seems more conscious, but we still see too much distracted people that don't realize they can easily kill someone just by not looking constantly at the road.

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Dacia spring is less than 20k€, just a little more than others city cars (polo is 17). Of course you have only 250 km range.

I am not sure that price is the only reason people don't go for an EV, we still want enough range to go in vacations.

Yes it is aimed against heavy and large suv, as they are more dangerous for other road users, more polluting and take too much of public place in a cramped city.

A CR-V and other "normal" suv does not take more place than a sedan

nah even an ICE car in a garage is not neutral : it needs oil & filters changes every 1-2 years if you want to keep it running, and gas does not like to be stored more than 3-6 months.

This said, so you are so right we should stop using cars as much as possible and walk, bike, take public transports, or rent when needed.

ok so this is a mindset problem : people are too accustomed to disposable, and lost the habit to re-use (thank to Consumer society)?

This problem can be solved with education, with new habits taught to young generations : awareness courses about waste management, teaching about sorting, waste reduction, composting and food waste.

In my area they do it since 6 years in schools, now children are educating their parents !

damn you just reminded me my mom bought a basic calculator with tiny solar panel 25 years ago : it is still working !

so now in top of entertainement systems on videos, soundsystems, drivers will be distracted with bot conversations. Awesome.

thanks vw that is very useful... How to pay attention to the road, and others road users already fragile (pedestrians, cyclists, motocylists) on a 1,5T rolling living-room-sofa ?

A car is already too much considered as personnal property and "vital space", yeah it is a good idea to give drivers more of this "personnal bubble" feeling. /s if it was not explicit enough

put the stack of thick plastic bags in your car, you will progressivly think about taking some with you when going groceries

sure, 2019 EU regulation, to apply in 2022 and 2024 :

you still can de-activate it, but you have to do it every time you run the car.

To stay in topic : In some cities there is already an automatic speed limit to 5km/h in certain areas (packed narrow streets in city center, around schools...) for rental scooters, so it is not surprising they want to extend it to all electric mobility. Even for cars speed limit is often limited at 30 km/h in city centers.

nah it doesn't solve the issue of crazy speeding in school areas and city center.

You can go as fast as you want on a airstrip, I won't mind, but respect the life of other people ("you" is general ofc)

The same interior minister thats attributes the "enwildment" of society to immigrants previously this year and minutes after the murder is now trying to defuse the bomb he helped to plant...

Yeah it is still expensive "for a bike" but you save on gas, insurance, maintenance, and health!

damn wild trees crossing street

Surprisingly yes it is, cause big cities are in valleys which are flat (valleys were flattened by massive glaciers), and there is a lovely bike infrastructure.

Yeah but this is an attrition game : if every patriot sent costs 3 m$, is it used to down a 10m$ khinzal, a 1m$ kh-22 or a 20k$ shaheed ? It costs both sides a lot, and I am not sure it is in favor of UA

unfortunately there is no such product available in the market currently.

Most close may be a triporteur (scooter with bed) or a cargo bike, with an extended battery it is enough for daily work (60-200km)

Could you elaborate how to grow algae with electricity?

Are we sure newer cars are more efficient ? With dieselgate and recent articles about how Co2 emissions are better in lab but same on real conditions, we are allowed to have fat doubts.

Maybe you are lucky with your car, and know how to maintain yourself. We spent already 3000$ on repairs on our 2010 car and we have it for only 5 years. And there is more to be done (dampers, belts, corrosion on exhaust...). Even with knowledge and equipment (which I do not have) engines are complicated to maintain, at least here in europe with our anti pollution regulations, older motors are more robust but are now banned from cities. EV is a good solution for city/suburbs people with small range needs as less maintainance is needed. Better solution is bike and trains...

Or just learn to ignore it, like advertising : when I see a troll I just think "allright this is bullshit" and move on

Unfortunately that won't solve the problem, I see some people that have already everything, but they are just afraid of others, don't want to change their habits and don't want to share.

I guess the only way to change this mind is to talk, exchange, mix, share

They will if they are forced by regulation : 10y mandatory warrantee, right to repair, standardized swappable batteries, spare parts production for 20y...

but we need politics who set up such regulations