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Joined 11 months ago

The debt is going to come calling, and I'm sure you'll blame Republicans, and I'm sure they'll blame you.

Perhaps I'll have my place self-sustaining by then, perhaps not. But I'll be sure to keep plenty of popcorn stocked.

Nah. Both sides are off their rockers. Absolute fucking nutters. One's just more violent. But neither can be trusted with any kind of control over others.

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Yep. Investing should tie you to a stock for at least a year - as soon as you decide to sell, the one-year timer starts.

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A lot of people are saying Debian, because Debian.

Debian. I've literally run Debian stable with uptimes of over a year.

Yeah, kinda weird to see it on mildlyinfuriating.

  • get in
  • get keys into hand
  • the abyss gazes also into me

Exactly this. There is a lot of experimental and direct human knowledge of nitrogen asphyxiation.

The "anoxic environment distressing to some animals" is specific to rodentia or other creatures that have been exposed to anoxic environments in their evolutionary process.

Must animals use a buildup of waste products to sense a need for fresh air. But in an anoxic environment (like when breathing only nitrogen, or when breathing subterranean gases that have similarly supplanted oxygen), you still breathe out the waste products, so everything seems fine.

But since rodents live underground on a regular basis and have realistic probabilities of encountering low- or no-oxygen environments, they evolved the ability specifically to detect oxygen - that is, they evolved the ability to realoze there's no oxygen and freak out.

But for us, it's blissful sleep, possibly preceded by a case of the sillies.

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Dogmatic much?

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Even if we treat then like people, they easily deserve that (and some criminal charges) for circumventing tax law.

If organizations are treated like people, they must be accountable to the law in a proportional way.

You want some of this? You want to really eat this? Hit the button and subscribe, and you'll get monthly shipments of meat grown from various parts of my body!

  • Belly: $50
  • Thighs: $60
  • Armpit: $70
  • Lips: $90
  • Breasts: $110
  • Dat ass: $150
  • Anus: $200
  • Puss: $300

Near death experience?

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I always picture them in a meeting:

Person a: So.. ..looks like in order to get into the Chinese market, we'll have to work with the Chinese government to help them censor certain topics..

Person b: but.. ..our motto.. The optics aren't good on that..

Person c: maybe we don't need a motto.

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Third and fourth-gen nuclear addresses these issues to a very, very significant degree.

Like, less than 1% of the current waste stream, and waste that lasts around 300 years (as opposed to the current 27,000 (fucking) years.

You're still not clarifying what you mean.

Plus one for chaos option

Nothing. I use it all the time.

The task question is:

Is Online Office 365 good enough for you? Or, is an 'almost fully compatible' word processor enough?

The features are there, but it's a whole new interface to learn, and if you export to a word document, the document produced may look wonky when viewed in word. OTOH, whatever PDFs you produce, those will look right. And if Online Office 365 is enough, that's great, because you won't have to worry about that.

You'll need to establish a workflow, and others in your office will need to use (and get used to) the same workflow.

It's not a small leap for an office to take. I love Linux, but check out that it has what you need before you fully commit. Give it a try by dual-booting or by installing it on a secondary system.

No. The ROG brand is ASUS's brand in the first place.

Like, anyone could be like "this is my normal quiche, and this one here is my MuMu quiche."

Then, once everybody's buying MuMu, start using the normal recipe for MuMu. It's not illegal, but at first people think they just got an Ok MuMu, then they start realizing it just sucks now. Hard for the company to recover from that.

But voiding and not honoring warranties?


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Anything but revolvers, bolt-action, and pump-action. ..well, there's muzzle loaders, too.. Kinda extreme.

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Without a foundation, you have no foundation.

Effectively, China has been acquiring a monopoly on manufacturing, which is an absolute necessity for modern life. We have been acquiring the higher-paid, but less numerous and less critical industries.

I have a budget saved for donations that comes from overflow in other areas, when there is overflow. I spend it on the projects I use and like most.

This. There is a distinct lack of awareness by both parties of just how fascist their tendencies are. The right has more of the authority-centric tendencies of fascism, and the left has more of the out-of-control virtue signaling, demonization, etc that can lead up to things like the struggle sessions that occurred during China's cultural revolution.

Anyone who says 'those who are not explicitly on our side are enemies' is deeply at risk of losing it to fascism, if they're not already gone.

The interesting thing about this aspect of fascism is how, although it leads ultimately to centralization of power and authoritative control, it's more of a decentralized, manipulative mob of social anxieties run amok.

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What you probably want is a dmz or red/green localnets. A reverse proxy (as others have mentioned) like haproxy or nginx) are extremely unlikely to, themselves, be hacked. But they don't really add security, either.

What does add security is to have a router with a firewall, with one or more red networks, and a green network.

The red network has all of your public-facing servers. They have virtually no external access, and no internal access except to respond. It's even good to have a rule on the router that you can turn on/off that blocks all outbound connections from the red network to the external world. To upgrade a server, turn off the rule, upgrade, and then turn the rule on again. The router only forwards inbound connections from the internet on a specific port, and routes them to the server/servers on the red network(s) on a (possibly different) specific port.

Most ownage-style hacks involve (once compromised) either calling home (can't if the server is not allowed outbound connections) or opening an additional port (who cares, the router will never forward anything to that port).

Then, back up your important info, and keep multiple copies of that info - daily for a week, monthly for a few months, and yearly.

I'm solely in the camp of who the fuck cares, anyway.

I mean, you brought it up..

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Yes, that's what they said.

Multiple: consisting of, including, or involving more than one.

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Kidding is irrelevant. Your interpretation is irrelevant. Surrender is inevitable. You will be assimilated.

Yeah, it's like a Star Wars themed ad saying "feel the power of the dark side of the force! Use your hate, buy Microsoft things!"

It's ironic how unironic it is.


I mean, if you think about it, up to the advent of vat meat, the only truly vegan many meat was human meat, because only humans can grant consent.

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Interesting how you use "simple" and "mail server" in the same sentence.



What monstrosity are you running and calling Debian that there are package conflicts on regular updates?

..or, are you talking early-2000's Linux, where SuSe was the only consistent distro and package management hadn't really been fully sorted out?

Classic "don't let prefect be the enemy of good."

When people reduce their commercial meat intake in favor of veggies, or humanely raised and slaughtered meat, they are having a beneficial effect. Period.

Sure, the weak of heart need solace in these dark times, where anyone might have a different opinion than their own.

But, seriously, you're right that 'crap I don't want to hear' should totally be handled by individuals making that choice, rather than mods banning people.

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Yeah. Violence is generally not the answer. But when it is, it's the only answer.

There's a standard. /usr was often a different partition.

/bin - system binaries
/sbin - system binaries that need superuser privileges
/usr/bin - Normal binaries
/usr/sbin - normal binaries that require superuser privileges
/usr/local/bin - for executables that aren't 'packaged' - i.e., installed by you or some other program system-wide
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Yeah, this is something I stand firmly behind. Fundamentally, our issue is social and cultural. We are armed, and so when we lash out, that has greater impact.

That doesn't mean we should disarm. We are armed for good reason. But we should address the underlying cultural issues.

Nice to see a sane take.

Based coder brings the freedom.

That's a lot of dischill considering the casual and inconsequential nature of this conversation.