3 Post – 180 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

starting a new adventure in the fediverse!


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Curious how none of these Republican house committee members gave a damn when everyone of Trump‘s children did this for their entire lives. Now they suddenly have a problem with Hunter Biden doing it?

Give me a fucking break 

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it’s just baby throwing his daily “look at meeeee!” tantrum.

it’ll pass when someone changes his diaper and gives him his binkie.

edit: oh, hey, look at that:

Musk's X delays links from rivals loading, then backtracks

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I got to tell you, I don’t really miss those subs. I don’t think they are good for people. 

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I’m surprised he waited so long, honestly. all this tip-toeing around rigged elections and shoving his political opponents out of windows into cups of polonium tea is lot of work for a guy who has to shop for gigantic conference tables all day and poop into a collection bag for his secret service guys to catalogue for whatever reason. when you combine all of that with his busy schedule of genociding Ukranians, well… obviously, one of those activities will to have to go. an evil autarch has only so much time in the day!

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I hate to say it, but Trump is correct: he could literally murder the judge in this (or any) case on live TV and get away with it. why? because they let him. they refuse to hold him accountable for anything, and that’s why he keeps doing this shit— and getting away with it.

The only reason I can see for the judge allowing it to continue is to give him more rope to hang himself with

the problem is: HE NEVER GETS HUNG WITH THE ROPE. he just gets away with everything, time and time again. fines are meaningless to him because he just gets his idiot supporters to pay for it.

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reminds me of that Ken Patti twitter post:

I forced a bot to watch over 1,000 hours of Trump rallies and then asked it to write a Trump rally of its own. Here is the first page.

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Well, if you can produce evidence of that, or if anyone else can produce evidence of that, then it should be investigated. Currently, there is no evidence of that. Therefore, an investigation into that does not seem to be warranted. Not legally, anyway.

You even admit that all there are are “allegations”. That’s not enough to even sustain a search warrant. You can’t just go violating someone’s rights because you have some sort of allegation or suspicion. And the GOP is trying to start some conspiracy circus because they don’t have dirt on Joe Biden, so they’re trying to get to him by making up a bunch of crap about his son instead. and while Hunter Biden may be kind of a scumbag, unless they can actually produce evidence that he did anything illegal with regards to his father, and they haven’t been able to so far, there’s no reason to start a house committee investigation.

Nobody is shrugging this off. Those left of center are freaking out while the Nazis on the right are cheering him on.

Nobody is shrugging this off

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Ninety-one felony indictments in four cases in three states and Washington, DC. And forty of them are either for or are related to espionage.


his biggest donor just cut him off for being “a bit much” with the nazi shit, so don’t be so sure he’s paying audience members.

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why? do you need to see the individual sperm in the cum? do you want to be able to count the pubic hairs? why on earth would someone want that level of detail in porn?

I don’t get it

edit: sorry, I didn’t mean for this to come off as rude as it did!

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weird how those who keep claiming “protect the kids!” really just want to control everything you do and spy on you. and then they keep getting busted for things like pedophelia, child molestation, chid sex trafficking, and possessing child porn?

weird, huh?

meanwhile, Russia is pulling its 80-year-old Soviet war machines out of mothballs just to keep up with Ukraine’s “Junior High Team"

[sad nazi trombone]

Equality means you get to be exploited like the rest of the peasants 

there’s this:

its free, and it’s licensed under the MIT license. it’s a bit bare-bones, but it works!

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that’s why I overwrote all ofmy comments with gibberish 10 times before I deleted them, so even if they un-deleted them and/or restored previous version, they’d have real trouble finding a version that wasn’t total gibberish. I just knew they’d pull this crap.

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enjoy my melon babies fam

Matrix is a federated alternative to Discord that is both open source and highly concerned with user privacy. It’s also very popular here on Lemmy, and a lot of communities here use it. 

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“...and while riding my bike, my 4-car and 1 helicopter security escort and 10 press vans followed me."

Ok, so here’s the headline:

NATO Official Gives Ukraine 'Unacceptable' Conditions for Joining

Then the first sentence:

The chief of staff for NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has angered Kyiv officials for suggesting Ukraine could become a member of NATO if it ceded some of its territory to Russia.

Then the second sentence.

Stian Jenssen, who has held the title of director of the Private Office of the NATO Secretary General since 2017, reportedly made the suggestion while speaking on a recent panel in the Norwegian city of Arendal.

Now we have 3 slightly different versions of the story, but the differences are very important. Which one is the truth? The headline says he gave conditions to Ukraine, the second implies it, and the third clarifies that he was speaking to a Norwegian discussion panel. In Norway, where there may not have even been an Ukrainians present.

WTF, Newsweek?

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He’s also responsible for essentially ending Rubio’s campaign right in the middle of a debate.

that was hilarious, though, and he had it coming

With that said I’m glad he is actually speaking truth now.

yeah, but it’s entirely self-serving and motivated by spite for a man that has been making fat jokes for the past 7 years at his expense, not by altruism or any interest in justice or doing the right thing.

“Free speech for me"

I went Mac. it’s UNIX, and far better than suck-ass windows… but there’s a real limitation when it comes to gaming… Linux is supporting more and more games and macOS isn’t so much… that might change soon, it might not.

Personally, I’m not so much of a gamer, and I really like the Apple ecosystem. I run linux on my server and love it, too, and macOS plays really nice with linux. But if gaming is big for you AND you need Adobe apps like I do, then you’ll have to dual-boot if you want your main OS to be linux.

As for learning the ins-and-outs: there’s a leaning curve we ALL go through, and you’ll always be learning more as you go. But there’s never been a better time to learn as there’s never been more resources to help nor more community to support you with any and every problem you could ever have. Now is a very exciting time for linux. it’s super.

So, if I were you, I’d consider the switch away from Windows. You can dual-boot (or run a VM) or find a way to run Adobe Apps via Wine (not sure how that works). Personally, I couldn’t live without them and am very happy with macOS, but it’s not for everyone. Maybe you’ll be able to live with dual-booting into windows for wen you need to work and living the rest of the time in linux. it’s a journey you’re just going to have to take.

best of luck to you!

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Trump’s lawyers, and especially Trump, called his own 2016 election win “rigged”. He WON and still called it rigged. That’s how full of shit the guy is and proof that he’ll call anything rigged, biased, or whatever in order to look like a victim.

oh wow, it’s bad there!

I know, right? The “unindicted” in unindicted co-conspirators translates to “cooperating with the prosecution” co-conspirators. 

if that funding were guaranteed and beyond the influence of those government officials, then they wouldn’t have any fear of revenge-based budget cuts.

this could be accomplished by putting control of the funding into the hands of multiple levels of committee oversight so that no one person or even a single committee could threaten it.

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I tried jellyfin, but it just doesn’t do all of what I need it to do.

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well that sounds like…

😀 🕶️ 😎

good news

IIRC, Russia, at least, has had to participate under a neutral flag in recent games due to their ongoing doping scandals anyway. Other than Belarus also competing under a neutral flag, what would substantially change?

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They’re all fascists? Because every time I’ve heard anyone talk about broken clocks in the last seven or eight years, they’re all fascist broken clocks.

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fwiw, running photoshop through a VM would be pretty easy and pretty quick to setup with very little (if any) troubleshooting required, and it’s unlikely that updates would break stuff. I’ve done it many, many times.

The real problem is getting good performance out of it. Now, I don’t know OP’s specific needs or what specific Adobe apps he’s using. if it’s just Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, he’s gonna be fine. if he’s got enough memory and he’s running the VM by itself, he shouldn’t notice much of any performance degradation until he’s got some gigantic files open in PS and/or he’s juggling a bunch of files between PS and Illustrator.

Now, if he’s trying to run AfterEffects or Premier, he could run into more serious performance issues and would definitely need to dual-boot if he wants to render anything. But he may not be using those apps.

Running those apps through Wine? THAT is the massive PitA that can take days to configure and troubleshoot and where an update can break anything— but it runs at native speed. Using a VM is pretty simple… just slower.

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I wouldn’t return to work if you offered me the whole building.

for my entire career, 100% of my work has been on the computer. once in a while, I may have some client interaction, and for that videoconferencing is fin 99.99% of the time. the 0.01% it’s not, I can go on-site. I’ve never attended a meeting that couldn’t have been an email or that couldn’t be handled via videoconference. what managers I’ve had fall into 2 categories:

  • The Quite Ones: these are the good managers who send short emails regarding project needs/goals and periodically check in on progress, providing feedback when necessary.
  • The Overbearing Micromanagers: jerkwads who feel the need to constantly insinuate themselves into my process and assert their position of power just for the sake of it, often negatively affecting both my workflow and the end-results of the project itself. They send huge, monotonous emails full of corporate-speak which say very little, set regular meetings that waste time and accomplish nothing, and set capricious, pointless policies which often change equally capriciously. I suspect this is done because they’re too incompetent to do their actual jobs and are designed both distract from that and remind us “who’s boss.”

Obviously, the first can be dealt with 100% remotely, and the second has positioned themselves, through being terrible at their jobs and being terrible people in general, to require workers to be present, mostly to justify their own jobs which would amount to nothing if there were no employees physically present to subject to their petty torments.

so, yeah, give me my own office? that’s not gonna cut it, as it changes exactly 0 of the reasons why I never want to return to the office, which are the commute, the stifling work atmosphere, the management, and the fact that there’s 0 reason to ever be there physically anyway due to the nature of my work.

So what? It may be unsavory, but I don’t see how any of this is illegal. And I especially don’t see why they should be wasting taxpayer dollars on this huge circus of an investigation into something that’s not illegal. Hunter Biden is not an elected official, nor does he hold public office appointed, or otherwise. He’s a private citizen, and going after him is just a slimy way of attacking Joe Biden indirectly because the Republicans don’t have anything on him. 

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I can see Ghouliani being dumb enough to stay loyal. Turning on Trump now won’t save him, anyway. 

many companies have multi-year commercial leases they suddenly can’t get out of and lots of office furniture they can’t liquidate. it’s a huge investment that suddenly worthless. (boo-hoo!)