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Joined 7 months ago
  • 2 unskippable pre rolls that advertise drugs to treat the causes of the emergency condition
  • 5 minute long explanation of the creator's life story
  • 1 minute long subscription beg
  • 2 extended sponsor breaks with awkward segues
  • first 30 seconds of content
  • patient is dead
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They seriously blamed the customers, anybody but themselves for this boondoggle.

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A $70 DLC (it was literally supposed to be DLC) is a best seller. That's where the industry is now. Cool, cool, cool.

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Not news. Kids are pressured to buy things their friends have, regardless of medium. Duh.

by a different name

It's literally just genocide, cut and dry. (I do understand your point, just emphasizing my view).

Nah, California is pretty great. I'd say it would be the place I'd move to if money weren't an issue. As long as you can afford it, CA is an amazing place to live with widely varied culture, fantastic weather, and an incredible number of things to explore and experience.

You can find every biome across the state, and you can literally go surfing in the morning, drive up the Pacific Coast Highway and through beautiful, lush valleys, in perfect 72 and sunny weather, on your way to snowboard in the mountains for the afternoon, into a nice chilly overnight at the lodge, and back down the coast the next day, because the weather is perfect again.

That's just one of the countless things to do in California. You'll also get clean air, a comprehensive interstate highway system, better public services, a near infinite variety of food, and generally better quality of life than many other places.

CA isn't perfect, but I can't think of anywhere else that could ever match it for me.

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with a smokescreen

I wouldn't say it's a smokescreen, they're pretty open about genocide, e.g. Netanyahu's call to "finish the job". I'd say that's everything short of a direct call for literal genocide, given the context.

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Goes to show how much they value education there.

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Good, so let's train crappy AI on posts by crappier AI, which was trained by posts from even crappier AI before it.

God I love credit unions.

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They're forced to work 12+ hours a day, every day, if they want to get anywhere. I wonder where the time to find a partner and have children is supposed to come from?

Since half or more of reddit is now bots and shills, I don't imagine the training data is going to be great. That's fine, Gemini already sucks, so it'll be hard to make it worse.

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You're making passive income from disability, a pension system that no longer exists, and owning 3 houses you didn't pay for based off of programs no longer available to anyone starting out now. While collecting "market rate" rent (which conveniently always increases).

The disability, I'm fine with. My buddy had the same thing from the Marines and he more than earned the 100% rating, as I'm sure you and your wife did.

However, this whole thing where you're talking about with retiring off of passive income... that was a LOT of words to say:

I'm a landlord

I really wish you would have said this first, because your long winded story about houses and "passive income streams" gives me the impression that you know the house-related part all boils down to being a landlord, and I get the impression you buried that fact to obfuscate it. You're making money from other people's work, in the form of the rent they pay to you (minus a small fee to the property managers), while doing literally no work yourself, as you explicitly explained.

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The staggering irony of them doing the very same thing the Nazis did to them to them less than 100 years ago, and then calling an allied country holding them to account for it Nazis, is mind blowing. There are still people alive today who were hunted by Nazis, what do they think, I wonder?

Yeah it's started inserting "totally not advertisements" like "take a left in 300 feet, past the McDonald's". More enshittification.

Considering they don't pay moderators, I don't think they do.

My brother, we are in that Renaissance right now. Lethal Company, Palworld, Balatro, Helldivers 2, Pacific Drive, Go Mecha Ball, etc. And we're only 2 months in, let alone the insane amount of gold in 2023, and upcoming games like Hades 2 in 2024.

Based on his actions, not his empty words, he has made it quite clear there is no distinction between Hamas and women + children, they're effectively the same at this point.

It's Slaughterbots. It's on YouTube.

Payouts for the deaths would just be a cost of doing business.

Stating facts is hating? I play CoD myself, I just disagree with the pricing of MW3 for what it is.

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Hah good username.

Population decreases are already happening in modernized, wealthy countries, no need to do anything there. The poorer ones will end up starving as the climate collapses, so that's basically taken care of too. Population collapse isn't always good, though, somebody has to buy the goods and services.

Couldn't have said it better.

There are many, many, many things posted as fact over the years on reddit that are not only untrue, but dangerous or even deadly in the case of some of the most idiotic advice given. I wish good luck telling them all apart to the poor 3rd world contractors the big commercial AI companies exploituse to "train" their stochastic parrots.

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Because they want to replace the complexities and pitfalls of human relationships with something compliant that they can fuck without it asking for anything in return.

Well, you can make it social with a large drill bit through the stall walls.

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Just because landlords have existed thousands of years doesn't make the situation right. There are lots of harmful things society has been doing or did for thousands of years. Feudalism isn't one of the high points of humanity, to say the least.

If he lived in his primary residence and did honest, productive work (Or hell, even just collect disability, pension, SS, every damn cent the government will give them, I'm all for that!) There would be 3 more houses that families could buy as primary residences (in an ideal world). Yes, I know there is nuance, PE firms like Black Rock and speculators will probably buy some of them up, etc. etc. so you don't need to "actually" me here, just work with me here on the ideal that those houses would be bought fair and square by primary residents.

Home prices would be lower if landlords weren't hoarding them, and 3% + PMI would be lower as a result. It's simple supply and demand, most kids learn about that in Jr. High School. And when certain people hoard supply, there is less supply to meet the demand, therefore higher prices on the demand side. They are sucking value out of society and not giving back or doing an hour of fair work. Providing housing for over-inflated prices without giving equity is not giving back, it's just taking. When landlords talk high and mightily about charging "fair rent prices," that's code for "as much as the market will let me exploit them."

It's easy to see everything as fair when you're out of touch on top of an ivory tower.

We have seen a growing tendency of toxicity in our community, something we have not experienced to this extent before," the CEO writes. "Not only directed towards our devs but also our fellow community members - resulting in people hesitating to engage with the community."

Read through Steam, forum, etc. comments. The vast majority are not toxic, her statement is ridiculous. Customers are angry and we just want our damn money back for this fraud of a game. Instead of recognizing that and/or doing anything to take responsibility, CO has made enemies of literally hundreds of thousands of customers.

As time goes in, it's clear that CO is too incompetent to fix the game in any reasonable time frame. The game is in Alpha/EA state right now at best. The list of broken things, and how incredibly broken they are, is nothing short of embarrassing. Someone needs to clean house, starting with removing their out of touch clown of a CEO and culling most of their "leadership."

I'm waiting and hoping for a class action lawsuit for fraud and misrepresentation of the product.

Boost for Lemmy has keyword filtering.

Surprisingly? Not sure.

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Yep, and a lot of reddit is thinly veiled shitposts, bots, and uncredited karma whoring reposts of stolen content (the commercial AI companies should feel right at home here). Some of them are to anger the self righteous redditors who come to PC police anyone who dares speak against the far left zeitgeist. But most importantly, so, so many of them are just for the lols.

The scariest part is that those drawn out, apparently accurate but actual nonsense posts/comments, is how many of them end up near the top, with massive numbers of votes from those who think "well that sounds reasonable," but know nothing of the subject itself.

Semi-related: I really loved the shitposts where the guy would tell an elaborate story, and end it with his dad beating the shit out of him with jumper cables. Now that's quality reddit content.

If it breaks, you can just sell them more 🤷‍♂️

I mean... I don't know?

The AI is what was fed into it 😂

We are quite certainly in the beginning-ish of WW3.

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But I am a stick!

I am a stick.

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How convenient.