2 Post – 84 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

bruh.. You maybe missed the entire part where there are lots of people who think 9/11 was an inside job, false flag, whatever they think. Ever heard the phrase "jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams"

That's the reference here. Not that we went into a crazy surveillance state.

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Same as the title for me but different than your thing. Just feels stale over there and I go into comments and it's the same ol drivel over and over again lol. This community feels fresh and I'm really enjoying exploring the various communities and chatting casually about whatever..

Feels just very corporate place over there and I dunno. Just not feeling right anymore. I'm thinking maybe it's been wrong all along I just didn't realize. Hopefully lemmy's growth continues but at a reasonable pace so that we don't devolve in the same sorta rhetoric over and over again.

I definitely feel better over here now and while there are way less comments it really seems like the engagements are far better.

Maybe that's what it is. By the time I look at a post over on reddit there are 1000s of comments and half of them just saying the same thing lol.

At least here you can contribute

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Grifting out in the open.

As a representative democracy we are doing it wrong when none of the candidates represent the majority. They represent business and special interests that's it.

That being said republicans are in the pockets of the most backwards ass religious folks.. So that's is definitely worse when they continue to shit on our constitution for that group.

So sleepy Joe it is.

Perl is still the best. 😁 😁

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it's also really stupid considering the liberal cites are literally what MAKES Texas. There's mass amounts of population in rural areas that just flat don't vote. If everyone voted in TX it's be blue as fuck.

Either way when the cities themselves lose all the workers that high paying jobs need the cities start to fall and the revenue for the state will follow.

Literal idiots that just think the oilfield will go on forever and nothing else will matter

bruhhhhhh.. 40s folks is what created the booming gaming industry. We can't stop now it'll crumble without us!!!

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he's been wanting to throw that fit for a long time. He's locked in some horrible echo chamber of hate and has been ready to fight the "wokies" for a long time. People like this just aren't fit for our society in my opinion. At the very least it's harasment and the justice system should do something with him.

Florida has passed all sorts of new laws that restrict rights and literally break the constitution. Republicans are not anywhere near a freedom party. They are the party of the drug war and police state. Party of politicians know better than doctors. The party of "science isnt real and everything is a conspiracy"

These loonies are not fit to lead in the least. Meatball Rons career is coming to an end. He's fucked FL up so bad.

this isn't why America is divided what lol. It's divided because of misinformation and an education system that is totally failed so critical thinking is fucked.

It's divided because people believe every whacked out conspiracy theory and even policy makers make policy on said conspiracies.

It's divided because the super wealthy want to remain in power and it's easy for them since money is allowed in politics.

Biden joining Truth Social is just plain comedy.

lets hope

The world is on fire and people just don't give a shit. We're more worried about keeping oil prices low than we are about rising oceans lol.

Through the month of june where I am in the south it's going to be record breaking temperatures every day. Facing 111f this weekend and next Tuesday 114f.

This is in TX and those temps are IN THE SHADE.. people are complaining that it's hot, but still not talking about climate change.

I blame our media companies. They are owned by people who need capitalism to just power on because that's their livelyhood and they are close enough to death and far enough north not to care. If our local weather people just talked about it every day and explain all these climate events as part of the great climate change I think people would start to care more and thus vote for people who care.

Sadly, at least in Texas, people flat out don't believe it because they were raised thinking that anything you don't believe in isn't true and anything you believe in is totally true.

Irony that the worship of a supposed creator is also going to be the ruination of our species.

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Woke is accepting SATAN as your lord and savior. HAIL SATAN

I think it's an early day sorta problem you are looking at. From the reddit point of view. r/technology just sorta became the default, but there are other tech news subs for sure.

Early reddit there were probably 100s of them and then everyone just found /r/technology and that's where you can get the most engagement.

I do think lemmy will need a way to create your own multi-community subs. So you can quickly click on your "tech" tree and see all the tech subs you've subscribed to.

behaw defederating though could cause issues, but I'd think over time that'll sort itself out as well.

End of the day people will settle into communities and eventually there will probably be a main tech place and that'll just be where you go. Just going to take some time for people to sort through it.

There are a lot of people on reddit that just post for karma or w/e reasons so we definitely have less content because we have less bots. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.. I'd also imagin eventually we'll have plenty of bots.

Need some bots to start porting all those posts over to Lemmy lol.

religion is what gives them cause to act on their shitty way of thinking. It gives them an excuse that they can then go to sleep thinking they've done right.

Without religion society would come down so fucking hard on them for their shitty ass views.. Sadly lots of people are religious so even those that don't agree, agree that it's against god or w/e stupid ass shit they come up with.

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Meanwhile in TX we are hitting record heat indexes after last year hitting "record # of days above 100" and coming off another once a century drought lol

people are so dumb it's painful to watch. This particular guy seems to be up north. His watchers better prepare because everyone's moving that way. Entire contitnents are going to start migrating to them sooner than we realize.

You might consider buying a cheap 7" tablet on Amazon and using that for your dji. Assuming your controller can handle the size. I have an older dji and that's what I do. Nothing of importance on the tablet. I think a Lenovo 7" was like $99 when I got it.

lol dude this is flat out wrong. Being able to ask active communitites things is useful to a lot of people. Have you ever even heard of IRC?????

What do you think happened before google had everything indexed?

It's useful to chat it out with people sometimes especially when you are all collectively centered around a single topic.

I've learned mass amounts of things through IRC and often times they don't just give you the answer they give you clues to help you figure it out.

Discord will be similar for many people. It's not necessary to archive every last bit of information. It's OK to talk to real people who enjoy talking about said topic and letting them guide you real time.

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down votes take you down the chain in reddit so you can basically be downvoted to where no one would see what you wrote. If they had a brigade they could take you out of a conversation

yeah you'd think when temps hit 114 like nothing they'd start to question what they know. Especially when every day for the foreseeable future is going to be near these crazy ass temps.

But no.. "It's always been hot"

Sadly it's going to be when we have actual water rationing or the oceans have flooded the barrier islands that we built on that people will start to be worried about it. By then it'll be way too late, and they'll blame anyone except the politicians they voted for.

At this point we have to science our way out of this shit. We have a lot of governments with tons of money who could all contribute to the most powerful science team ever to exist and funnel funds to fight it.

Instead we are still arguing over if it's even happening.

yeah abbot literally blamed the deaths of 2 people in the rio grande this week on "Biden's open border policy"

Mind boggling especially considering this is like a 40 yr problem at this point and republicans have done literally 0 to solve it.

dude South TX is on fucking fire. Heat index of 120f.. all time records and still I see people on linked in and wherever arguing about how it's stupid to try and stop oil usage..

Maddening. It's the people way up north that aren't quite feeling it yet.. GUESS WHAT WE ARE MOVING NORTH lol.

they are going to be real sad when we start migrating north and trying to pass laws to stop us lol.

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that's probably not good.....

These areticles are 100% written by big oil. It's quite literally propaganda. They are going so hard in the paint to try and slow down EV adoption. The IEA predicted we are going to hit peak demand by 2030. I think personally that they are way off and we'll get there far sooner, but peak demand means terminal decline in oil demand.

It's the beginning of the end for them and they are scared.

Random people I talk with spout out nonsense about battery fires burning down your house. It's already getting through to a lot of people.

Hilariously gas is highly combustible and ICE car fires are sooooo freaking common you just never hear about them lol.

America's army still has a decent amount of people playing. Mostly older folks, but there are tons of community made maps. Give it a try.

Sad shit

Lol dude no. There was practically nothing online back then. I was around back then learning linux and programming. IRC was a great place to go otherwise you had to actually read books and RTFM. The wealth of information that we have today wasn't even close back when alta vista was something you used. I had a job where I specifically had to search things and input data about it and there were like 5 different search engines offering all manner of different results. It was horrible.

IRC had massive amount of people and chatting with them was helpful. Discord offers that. Your beef is just that it's not searchable and takes way more engagement for you to try and figure it out.

That's just one place, but it's very useful for a lot of people. IRC is still around and decent amounts still use it and have all along. Those communities that decide to be discord are probably so freakin niche that even if you just log in day 1 ask your question it probably gets answered in detail in 2 seconds.

Something tells me he wont be her husband for much longer. Statistically speaking relationships where the spouse has to go to jail for over a decade tend to not work out.

well currently in the US religion is fighting progress and religion is what half the bills in Texas that just passed were based on. Abortion is sceince, but religion is what has caused it to lose legality. Religion ignores science. Same thing going on with climate change.. religion says humans aren't doing this.. Science disagrees, but here we are.

So yeah religion is the thing. not just being an asshole. It's written into the various religions (who all think the other is wrong by the way) that this is the way to be. To deny science is the right choice of action for them.

i like it and can totally abandon reddit for it assuming people continue to show up and like all my tiny little niche communities pop up. I do feel like it's a bit confusing at first as far as finding communities and connecting to them all so some work there would probably go a long way.

basically when there is a community for stock tank pools specifically and has 2,000 subscribers we're in the money lol

haha thank you!!!!

I can't for the life of me understand why people are so bent out of shape about a brand supporting the trans community. Hate is their whole identity

lol. I mean yeah I get what you are saying, but I know these people exist already because our own politicians are saying the same thing.. Completely ignoring the indictment and that this is just an attack blah blah.. Yet they wont comment on the actual charges. Sad really. Good chance for everyone to talk about how justice will prevail one way or the other through our justice system and that no one is above the law. Instead they are literally saying that the ex president is literally above the law. Need a RL downvote button

They'll figure out how to get it appealed up to the bought and paid for supreme court and that'll save him.

This is so stupid. If we are going to regulate social media companies it needs to be done at the national level. I'd say their age should be voluntary and if it's a minor then yeah the algorithms should be cognizant of that. But that needs to be a national bill.

I do hope that these social media companies respond by just shutting down in these states. Even as someone who is unfortunate enough to live in Texas.

Hopefully they use their ridiculous amount of power to show Texas legislators who is actually in charge.

yeah I told my doc that I had really dropped my overall beer drinking down to about 8 beers a week like I was super proud of myself and saying "I don't drink all that much anymore" and he looked at me and just said "well that's still debateable"

I'm like BRUH... Down from like 20 beers a week I felt accomplished but he didn't think it was an accomplishment.

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Been that way since like the late 90s lol

I'm not saying it's better my point is there is shit loads of that going on since forever. It's not hurt anything and some people prefer to chat it out because searching can also get you a load of nonsense. Guarantee you got your answer. It's mostly super niche communities. If properly run they have searchable forums of a FAQ.

"those deadbeat parents should've got an abortion if they can't feed their kid" --republicans probably