Solar Bear

0 Post – 159 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They don't believe in copyright law so they don't mind whoever infringe on them. Especially since here it would make the proprietary driver work better.

I don't believe in copyright law, but I especially don't believe in partially enforced copyright law. Nvidia doesn't get to use copyright to protect their proprietary code while infringing on the copyright of FOSS.

Well I wasn't gonna downvote before, but now I am. Can't stand this kind of fragility.

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You're the one they see every flight. Keep up the good work

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Look, I'm usually first in line to shit on Canonical, but I can't get mad at them adopting AGPL. This is objectively the best license for server software. Incus should also switch to AGPL for all Canonical code, and seek to have contributors license their code as AGPL as well.

I will however point out the hypocrisy and inconsistency of it, because the Snap server is still proprietary after all of this time. If this is their "standard for server-side code" then apply it to Snaps or quit lying to us.

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When the corporation wars start over the remaining arable land and drinkable water, I'll be joining the Steam Corps

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We all go down this hole at the start. The truth is, you should only reserve IPs if you actually need it to stay the same. You don't need to check IPs as often as you think, I promise. The only segmentation and planning you should do for a home network is for subnets/vlans; LAN, Guest, IOT, Server, etc.

Instead of managing the IP addresses, just manage hostnames. Make sure every device with a customizable hostname is easily identifiable. This will help you so much more in the long run.

There's 102 people mentioned in that commit and two of them happen to meet in the comments of a meme thread on Lemmy of all places. I love the Internet.

You didn't criticize it, you simply stated that it was bad, in a clear attempt at baiting a reaction out of people. This is fragile loser behavior and indicative of an unwell mind. Seek healing.

Why does everybody seem to think that userspace attestation is the only use for the TPM? The primary use is for data to be encrypted at rest but decrypted at boot as long as certain flags aren't tripped. TPM is great for the security of your data if you know how to set it up.

Valve is never going to require TPM attestation to use Steam, that's just silly. Anti-cheat companies might, but my suggestion there is to just not play games that bundle malware.

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  1. Flatpaks are usually fresher than point release distro packages
  2. Flatpaks are distro-agnostic
  3. Flatpaks are easily containerized for increased security and privacy
  4. Flatpaks can guarantee you have a known-good dependency chain directly tested by the developers/maintainers themselves
  5. Flatpaks can be installed and managed entirely in userspace
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it's probably time to come to terms with the fact that better alternatives would have arisen had anyone thought they could truly manage it.

This is the most important takeaway. There's a lot of people whining about Wayland, but Wayland devs are currently the only people actually willing to put in the work. Nobody wants to work on X and nobody wants to make an alternative to Wayland, so why do we keep wasting time on this topic?

I don't care. We don't do deceptive dark patterns in FOSS.

The children yearn for the distro wars

Why doesn't Israel stop doing things that require other countries to intervene

Refurbished drives get their SMART data reset during the process, they absolutely had more than that originally.

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I would bet the main reason is that KDE is way more willing to accept features and contributions outside of the typical use case than Gnome is.

This is the only answer, and anybody who doesn't agree just doesn't understand users. They just use whatever you give them.

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What you're probably referring to is running a virtual machine with VFIO passthrough. I hate to be that guy, but this is one of those "if you have to ask for help, you probably shouldn't do it" kind of situations. It's complicated and easy to mess up, requires a decent amount of knowledge of both Linux and Windows, and every situation is unique. There's no cookie-cutter way to set it all up.

But if you're willing to buckle down and learn anyways, the best way would be to do it from scratch. This is the best documentation I'm aware of on the subject, but it's tailored heavily for Arch Linux, a rather advanced distro to use.

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I've used both, each for a long stretch of time; they are fundamentally extremely similar and you'll be fine with either. I switched to AdGuard Home entirely because I could run it directly from my OPNSense router instead of a second machine. There isn't really anything else major I've noticed different between them, but my usage is fairly basic. AdGuard's interface felt a bit more mature and clean, but that's it.

If you're happy with your PiHole, there's no reason I'm aware of to switch.

Nvidia shipping proprietary code is what makes it worse for people who actually use Linux. They should open source their driver.

This feature unironically turned me from a decade long Samsung hater into a Samsung shill. The fact that it's still not in base Android is just embarrassing.

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because of the check against darkweb leaks or whatever type feature when you pay. That's seems like an anti privacy thing. I understand it's a good idea albeit seems to expose a lot of information about you

For the password leak checks, your passwords are never transmitted. They are one-way hashed locally, and then only the first few characters of the hash are checked against the API provided at which is run and designed by Troy Hunt, one of the most respected people in the cybersecurity industry. He collects major password breaches and makes them available to check against without actually exposing the data. It's perfectly safe and secure.

Adding my voice to the Debian choir.

This is no different than anything else, we naturally appreciate the skill it takes to create something entirely by hand, even if mass production is available.

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People really be out here preloading their computer with viruses to get around Microsoft's latest bullshit instead of just using Linux, we ain't never gonna have the Year of the Linux Desktop

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The full details are complex but I'll give you the basic gist. The original GPL licenses essentially say that if you give somebody the compiled binary, they are legally entitled to have the source code as well, along with the rights to modify and redistribute it so long as they too follow the same rules. It creates a system where code flows down freely like water.

However, this doesn't apply if you don't give them the binary. For example, taking an open source GPL-licensed project and running it on a server instead. The GPL doesn't apply, so you can modify it and do whatever, and you aren't required to share the source code if other people access it because that's not specified in the GPL.

The AGPL was created to address this. It adds a stipulation that if you give people access to the software on a remote system, they are still entitled to the source code and all the same rights to modify and redistribute it. Code now flows freely again, and all is well.

The only "issue" is that the GPL/AGPL are only one-way compatible with the Apache/MIT/BSD/etc licenses. These licenses put minimal requirements on code sharing, so it's completely fine to add their code to GPL projects. But themselves, they aren't up to GPL requirements, so GPL code can't be added to Apache projects.

Whatever you get for your NAS, make sure it’s CMR and not SMR. SMR drives do not perform well in NAS arrays.

I just want to follow this up and stress how important it is. This isn't "oh, it kinda sucks but you can tolerate it" territory. It's actually unusable after a certain point. I inherited a Synology NAS at my current job which is used for backup storage, and my job was to figure out why it wasn't working anymore. After investigation, I found out the guy before me populated it with cheapo SMR drives, and after a certain point they just become literally unusable due to the ripple effect of rewrites inherent to shingled drives. I tried to format the array of five 6TB drives and start fresh, and it told me it would take 30 days to run whatever "optimization" process it performs after a format. After leaving it running for several days, I realized it wasn't joking. During this period, I was getting around 1MB/s throughput to the system.

Do not buy SMR drives for any parity RAID usage, ever. It is fundamentally incompatible with how parity RAID (RAID5/6, ZFS RAID-Z, etc) writes across multiple disks. SMR should only be used for write-once situations, and ideally only for cold storage.

Maintaining multiple SKUs with major differences is quite expensive and time consuming, plus confusing for the customer on a global Internet trying to look things up. I expect that this would make at least some manufacturers ship these to other countries, so we would have some options.

We shouldn't be discounting entire peoples like that. Nobody is born a nationalist. Every citizen in both countries deserves to live a life free of terror or strife, and instead they were manipulated against each other by a small number of evil people.

Nationalism is a poison and we should be seeking to cure the afflicted, both for their own sake and the sake of all of us.

Never trust corporations. If you're not profitable, they will abandon you. Only trust community-driven projects with a true open source commitment.

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Are you just anti-acronym in general?

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You've correctly identified the weakness in our infrastructure. Now, let's push to get it done, yeah?

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Sure, but what you choose to focus on reveals a lot. Nothing they did was deserving of death, nor does any of it even slightly mitigate the circumstances of their death, so why it is what you choose to keep focusing on in your posts?

Most Snaps have apt or Flatpak alternatives.

I'm simply not going to support a distro that creates a proprietary service and ships it as the default source of software. I will support and use distros that open source their code so that everyone can benefit from it. Whether workarounds or alternatives exist is unimportant, my prime issue with Ubuntu and Canonical is with their principles, not Ubuntu's quality as a product to be consumed by me.

Once per day I enable light mode for two minutes

Have it just be form-fitted outside contacts, with magnetic adhesion to hold the plug in place.

I actually really like this idea. If we're breaking backwards compatibility anyways, let's do something useful with it. This form factor was invented in the 1950s. I'm sure we can do something better now.

We need to move away from everything having a battery anyways. Wireless headphones were a mistake. Now people are walking around with 4-6 batteries on them at all times. Phone, laptop, earbuds, earbud case, battery backup, smart watch. Batteries aren't great for the environment, not to mention they typically condemn something to being tech waste in a few short years. We need to significantly rethink this model.

Data encryption and decryption without entering a password is a pretty darn good reason.

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It's a docker container that runs an OpenVPN/Wireguard client in order to provide a connection for other containers, yes.

Noled buttons. Completely blank, and therefore never showing an incorrect glyph!