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OP, do you have the numbers on how men’s vote changed relative to 2019? From the article, 75% of women voted v 73% of men voted. This reflected a 12% increase for women but didn’t go into percentages for men.

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Now, consider how powerful Reddit is/used to be, especially in quality human generated resources (jokes, answers, commentary etc) and realize networks exert power in different ways from just numbers. Numbers matter, but in very different ways.

Here is an alternative that aggregates from multiple sources:

While I do not oppose paying for definitions, there is someone confusing about collectively generated meaning being aggregated and packaged by one company for profit. A publicly maintained dictionary is a much much better alternative. I guarantee it would be more versatile and rigorous than this Oxford stuff.

Thanks, anyway.

Don’t forget how new Bluetooth headphones require that you download an app to set up the headphone. So a whole new data harvesting broker forces itself right where an audiojack used to be.

Check on the AppStore’s the kind of personal data one has to handover to tune the headphones. Total fuckery!