1 Post – 92 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"The regulation provides that by 2027 portable batteries incorporated into appliances should be removable and replaceable by the end-user"

By the end user! Oh shit, nice one!

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It's a 2% difference. The cutting and packaging is done (most probably) by machines. I have clinically diagnosed OCD, and I wouldn't care about 8g of missing pasta... How much do you leave on the plate/in the pot/throw away? :)

Otoh, hitting exactly 410g (assuming the scale is calibrated, and you have the same temperature, air moisture and altitude as the factory), is very difficult. They could adjust their machines so the variation hangs a bit more towards the customer, but for them, 2% x millions of boxes = profit.

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Despite Firefox’s declining marketshare on desktop the browser is in use health. It’s fast and feature enough to hold its own against its rivals


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I mean, I don't like the guy, but how is he the one responsible? What about the ones that put a smartphone in the tribesmen's hands?

In the EU it's usually like that. 3 years for a bachelor's, 2 years for a master's, only then you can start pursuing a phd.

I graduated in 2005, and back then we had a different system, where I did a single 5 year program for a computer science degree (engineering), that today is the equivalent of a master's (diplom engineer). I could have continued to go for a dedicated master's, another 2 years, but I got lazy.

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We do, we have Proxmox.

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"Well, I guess you're no longer invited to my birthday party."

Said to a random person, it confuses the hell out of them.

They have cheaper devices, starting at ~850€, but I agree they are a bit expensive over all. They can't really compete with the big players out there, as their volumes are rather small.

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Not sure I understand what happened...

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Short answer: we don't.

Long answer: clean up your shit, or your friend will not come over / your allowance this month will be going to my pocket. Do you want to eat? Help clean out the kitchen/dining table. I did place their plate of dinner food over the one from lunch that they didn't put away. They didn't like that.

It also varies a lot from kid to kid in my family. One of them is a crafter and a hoarder. Carton boxes, glue, scissors, pieces of paper, colored beads all over the room. Once in a while I tell her to clean up, and anything she doesn't, I will scoop up and throw away. Her sister has a spotless room... nothing to complain about. Their brother, every couple of days he will have a new videogame ask, or a new Minecraft server I should set up for him and his friends... Again, I will do so, when I see all the cans, plates of food and clothes on the floor put away.

Also, who in the metric hell measures grams with decimals? No recipe ever tells you to add 14.xy of something. Everything is rounded, usually around 5 or 10 grams.

650g of flour, 500g of sugar (one small pack), 400g of mascarpone, 250g butter (one pack), 500g of fresh raspberries, 8 (unsterilized, room temperature) eggs, 2 packets of baking powder, 2 vanilla pods = 30 delicious muffins. No decimals or fractions needed :)

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I mean, Blind mostly (only) plays Dwarf Fortress, which works awesomely on Linux. GG.

Could be, as they start learning English in 2nd grade or after in Germany. But yeah, my kids are way older, and their handwriting is far worse :))

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My wife is very much like you. She lived a hard, misunderstood life, noone in her family believing there's anything wrong. She had troubles in school too, but she was able to get two master degrees. In Eastern Europe, there is no ADHD, you just didn't get enough beating as a child. In the last few years, she also had issues at work, being called unfocused, that she talked too loud and too much, didn't try hard enough, but, like yourself, managed huge projects for corporations with tremendous success.

We got our kids diagnosed a few years ago, and all have ADHD (also dyslexia, tics, ASD). When we learned our kids have ADHD, my wife also got diagnosed, and it's textbook perfect for her. Very high "score" for ADHD. She got on medication (Ritalin), and, in her words, it changed her life.

She did have to adjust the medication through trial and error, going up and down in dosage until she found the perfect spot (I believe 25mg x2 a day) and even learned that when it's that time of the month she needs 5mg more than usual.

She can now sit for a movie or dinner with family, can remember stuff without a calendar, and even started going to interviews to go back to work after a long break. She is now part of a couple online ADHD communities talking with others like her and finding people that are not yet convinced they need to get diagnosed and /or medicated on Slowly.

She still obsesses about random stuff for days or weeks and then just switches focus to a new obsession, but hey :)

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In Romanian we have an "i" situation.

One kid = un copil Two kids = doi copii The kids = copiii (the article goes at the end of the noun)

To be = a fi (You) be nice = fii cuminte

It can be confusing, but the amount of people that are eating the ending "i"s is infuriating.

As far as I know, MuPDF is not that heavy, and can view both PDFs and EPUBs (and others).

I personally use zathura, which is a very, very light weight document viewer, has vi style key bindings, and has plugins for viewing PDF, EPUB, CB, and others. Works pretty well in a keyboard centric desktop environment (I use Hyprland).

Face reveal at 75k?

Alex. Simple, gender neutral, not religious (I don't think), not a surname, not a place, doesn't rhyme with Aden.

At my current job, our department (DevOps), uses Linux (arch). A couple of devs too (Ubuntu), the rest use a mix of Macs and Windows. The Online versions of Office work just fine, there is Teams, Azure login and even Intune for Linux now.

At my previous job, most of the company used Windows, but the devs were using 90% Linux (Ubuntu), some of them with 2 machines (laptop and workstation with GPU, point cloud stuff). Ah, the good ole days of Ubuntu 16 and Nvidia drivers 🥲

The job before that, a very small company, mostly devs, we were using half Windows, half Linux (mint).

This is Germany btw.

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It saddens me to hear that kids in the US don't learn about the fuckups of their ancestors, as this might "upset" them. My kids here in Germany learn about the Holocaust and they take trips to concentration camps so they learn about the past. Not to guilt them or shame them, but to teach them, so history doesn't repeat itself. (And we're not even native Germans, we're east European immigrants.)

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I use it for shopping. I live in the country side, not a lot of options around here, and in a country where the concept of free shipping does not exist. So Prime saves me a lot. I barely use prime video though...

If you use WSL, you can easily access the windows drives. In a VM, you can share the folder from the host.

Another method would be to just mount the remote smb location from your DC using fstab. I use Linux on bare metal, and I added a line to my remote share with noauto, so it doesn't mount it automatically at boot, since I need to connect to the VPN first, and I don't need permanent access. When I do need access, I just run mount adm and I'm in.

I got an HP ProDesk 400 G2 with an i5 6500T, 8GB of RAM and a 512GB SSD for 99€. Works beautifully, and while it's not as efficient as a raspberry pi, it idles around 6-7w and can run a bunch of VMs with Proxmox.

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Not only for Nextcloud, but I recommend setting up crowdsec for any publicly facing service. You'd be surprised by the amount of bots and script kiddies out there trying their luck...

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I have 300+ games in my Steam library, some of them with Linux builds, just a few. The rest work with Proton. I did not find a game yet that didn't work on Linux...

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I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.

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This is pretty cool!

But, in the video there is a quick flash of text that went away after 1s, 120km/h max speed?

My cars all had this info under the gas cap. With details about number of people/load/comfort/economy.

You don't need to join the domain to access that smb share... You have to use the DOMAIN\username when authenticating though.

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There's a lot of detail there... Did you go all the way down? Anyway, that's messed up!

Why didn't they just go for "Scouts of America"?

That's exactly what happened to my wife's device. It suddenly wouldn't last more than a few hours... She took it back to the place she bought it from and got a replacement.


I've never heard of Microsoft Launcher before... A lot of people seem to like Nova Launcher, I've used Lawnchair in the past, but nowadays I just don't care anymore, I use the Pixel default. I try to use as little Google stuff as possible, but the launcher is hassle free.

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I'm in Germany and I barely see any German posts... Must be something from either your user or app settings.

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I used Infinity with Reddit, and now Eternity with Lemmy. Same interface, better platform. :)

D&D for social anxiety... I mean, it didn't "fix" mine, but it helped.

A powerful hairdryer. At one point we had 5 people in the house with long hair, some washing it daily. One day I was away from home and the place I was staying at had a large, professional looking hairdryer. I didn't know that you could dry long, thick hair in just a few minutes. I bought one for home immediately!

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Starsector. It's been in development for so many years, and they are not on Steam. But man, I love that game.

I would recommend just setting up iptables & crowdsec. Open only the ports your services need, and add the relevant plugins to crowdsec. Nothing should come through.

If you have services that allow people to upload files, that's a different story.