Beko Pharm

3 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I dabble in coding, linux, gaming, HEMA, LARP, e-mobility, carhacking, simpits and… parenting?

Laughable selling this as "Improving gamer experience" breaking another existing standard.

Saying this especially from the DIY angle where custom controllers are kinda the thing.

Also lol because "competitive" gameplay. Gear always wins the day - just like in meat space.

Ah well, one good thing may come from this: Plenty of cheaper second hand controllers that I may buy as replacements to connect to my Steam Link. This one isn't too picky when it comes to controllers. My current mix on that is a Steam Controller, a Wii-U controller and some no-name "works-on-all" wireless controller.

Well, I can confirm that it can still be downloaded. It's notable that this is one of the few that even got a native Linux PC version as well and yes I agree on the narrative that this game is very very underrated. Not your average military shooter.

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At least Steam lets you still download it when you purchased it before. I checked today just to make sure it really does still download. Granted, this is as long as Valve may exist but I don't think there is anything DRM related here that would stop anyone from making a copy of the downloaded game 🤔 May try that later.

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There's always the one that can't grasp that VR is not for everyone (or that making something is also a hobby).

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We met on the Mumble like 3 days ago :P

Alas yes, join the SC LUG. It's the best LUG out there [for penguins] 🤣

Mebbe I should have phrased it more as "underrated in the beginning when it went on sale and was considered a sales fail" 🤔

Say… how far on the dark side of the moon am I living if I never heard about this streamer before? xD

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This. They are also known as "arcade buttons". Everything you want to really smash :D

Mission accomplished 😜

Edith says: This is mostly because I don't have any icons for X4 yet. The HUD app (written in React) can switch that on the fly but I'm really not big on the gfx side and that's also a lot of hot needle coding going on. Currently also experimenting with Rive animations that are more suited for classic MFD applications. See this [unlisted] demo snippet:

my first version was cardboard too and I also call it my little fire hazard 😜 The backside is really ugly. Thanks for your comment. My 10yo self is very proud and happy that I finally built this.

The idea of random bloggers having any impact in 2024 made me laugh. Thanks for that :D

-- a random blogger

Plenty but mostly snippets only. Nothing cohesive for a while (3 kids don't leave much energy for YT).

There is a project website: (slow af, backyard hosted but ads and tracking free) There's also a PeerTube channel: I did make one of those dreaded YT Shorts (not going to do that again - that's just pain):

Other sources may be derived from the project website or my blog 🤓

Not going to defend ED but this type of game is usually more about the journey especially with friends. Yes, the grind is unreal and also nothing for me which is why I almost completely ignored engineering so far. I do enjoy other parts of the game though.

100h? My would you look at my SC playing time: just 57h and half of that is walking back to the spaceport xD

Quite an impressive list (together with the other posts). And here I thought I was a space nutter (thanks Beyond The Frontier!).

Missing the slug throwers Diaspora: Shattered Armistice and House of the Dying Sun though. The former is an Open Freespace mod in the BSG verse with a great campaign, the latter a rather short but still very nicely done pew pew that shines especially on sound effects (and I guess VR but I didn't try that). Both do TrackIR though (and I even hacked together an OpenTrack provider for the native Linux version of FSO).

dunno, it's for the flowers 🤷

Star Trek Fleet Command

Nope. I'm aware of various bridge command sims though :)

It's just not really my cup of tea.

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Heh, probably for the better 🤣

Huh? Rebirth and X4 do run natively, yes.

Minus some details like head tracking but I am needling em about this again and again so there is hope and the workaround is okay-ish 🙃

I even fired up Beyond The Frontier (for the lolz) via Wine and even that worked 🤪

Sounds like Markdown went Markunder on your Lemmy client? 🤔 Try the source of this post maybe:

Space Pew Pew is more a category ;-)

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It's really "the best" I found without going down the realism route.

Spent a lof of time figuring out what I want :)

…also huge fan of the franchise since… dunno… forever I guess?

Wasting away hours with Ostriv. Alpha/ea or not. It's not stressing at all, in default even very slow and can be paused. Goes great with an audio book 👌

Alas activity slowed down a lot recently. Which is not very surprising considering the dev lives in a freakin warzone :-/

And there are a few other input options that aren’t seen much any more:

I raise the bar. Using a DIY 5.- EUR head tracker in NMS mapped to a virtual gamepad and my X52 Pro joystick mapped to another virtual gamepad and some keyboard keys just because (Why waste a perfectly fine HOTAS system just because the game is too stupid to support this?) :D

…and also KBM because this is simply more comfortable on foot.

Yes, it's complicated and it absolutely depends on the game and even… location? Like, on the couch I prefer some sort of gamepad controller too.

Mostly Fedora.

funny that you'd ask:

that's just a video loop though 🤓

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Haha, this also came to my mind :D

No idea about $$$ and if they even ship to your location but I got my hands on a Backforce One Plus for 500€ and that thing is day and night compared to my last. Arm rests are a little bit wobbly but the rest… dead gods I hope it lasts for the rest of my life.

That's from someone with a lot of back pain for… reasons.

I wonder where my 04 install went xD

So I guess you know about Hunternet Starfighter or Rixer already?

Ah that's where I did see it in DRM free. Yes you're correct. It refuses to launch without Steam running.

In all fairness: A lot of physical releases from back in the days can be redeemed on Steam nowadays. It's not often obvious but it works for a lot. e.g. for Prey (the 2006 one: ) - which saves me the trouble to look for a CD drive I no longer have xD

Yes, I understand that archiving is more tricky nowadays and even Valve may defunct one day. Alas in reality is a > 15 yrs old CD also prone to errors and may no longer work already.

I get the charm of a console for gaming. Just switch it on and go. Still prefer a PC at the end of the day though. For once my preferred genres are very unrepresented on consoles and since I dabble in DIY I do not have that level of freedom on a console or mobile phone. Well, do some extend. Fiddling around with key remappers that hijack on the accessibility system is horrible. Anyway, I enjoy tinkering and this is not really something consoles are known for, no?

This said it is very amazing that I can just e.g. fire up Waydroid nowadays, connect an X360 controller and play AmongUs with the little one on my Linux PC. That level of possibilities is mind boggling.

I know, late for the party. Know what else has "seamless" flying from space to surface?

This tiny FOSS game here nobody heard of before: Pioneer Space Sim

Yes it is nowhere state of the art in looks but considering it's very slow development from what's mostly a one dev show I find that a lot more impressive.

Also yay for orbital mechanics.

So say we all :)

At least we've Diaspora I guess.

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I see. In theory that's possible but there is no game that has this as virtual cockpit as well. I know this exists for e.g. "real" jets but it's really not for me. Getting motion sick fast (even from shaky YT videos), wearing glasses and like drinking my beer while simming.

Smol update here too: Made a tiny demo video show-casing the cockpit in action in Elite Dangerous 🙃

Pick your poison: /

Just slaughtering pirates (wasn’t in the cockpit for months) but you get to see it from a first person perspective this time because I strapped the camera to my headphones 🙃

I edited this and removed the Markdown. Hope it shows now?

X4: Foundations

Can relate 🤓

Only thing I'm missing is "real" head tracking. There is simply none in the Linux version and while I can map a virtual joystick driven by OpenTrack to each camera corner it's just not the same. Sadly this is not exposed via LUA or I'd have wired up a UDP connection by now. So this feature sadly works only via Proton. Still sticking with the native Linux version though. It's faster.

Wait… does Markdown not work for kbin too??

I played “The Expanse” (on Linux PC) and I enjoyed it so much that I didn’t put the controller down for over 6 hours (