1 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

i like birds and i use linux. that's pretty much my whole personality. have a nice day!

Man I didn't even notice the fire in the tent until I read your comment ...

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Sounds like someone doesn't like sticks

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We do not live in a society. We are a society. 😔

Believe it or not, friends can be mischievous with one another in good faith

I remember an old podcast/audiobook thingy that was about this exact thing. The escalators went out at the mall and everyone was trapped on the 2nd floor. Sort of a parody of post apocalyptic survivor shows

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I like the one that looks like Pringles, yum

What? You mean someone would just go on the Internet and lie like that?

Huh. Never heard of him

So each lemmy site is an instance with its own servers. Even though they all connect to one another, they run on their on load and data. So you're on, which is being very overloaded with the influx of reddit folks. I'm on which is buttery smooth, yet still able to see posts and comments from world, since it's all federated

I use both. I use the CLI for a lot of stuff but I also use the GitHub Desktop fork for Linux lol. I don't care how powerful git is in CLI, that gui is just so nice imo

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What's the name of the instance that uses ransomware name?

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Where's my "I survived the Lemmy beaning of 2023" shirt??

inb4 they start working on a third game and then tell you that Squadron 42 won't be getting new content until that third game is done.

Idk if it's an exaggeration or not to say that Outer Wilds changed my life. I played it years ago yet I still think about it nearly every day. I started learning guitar just to play songs from the game. Highly recommend lol

It's also on the AUR. Hilarious package. Would be fun to somehow turn into a screensaver

You watch it boy, DS2 is best souls

Ib, it's an old-ish RPGMaker horror game

It goes so hard, I love it

You wouldn't download the moon

This isn't super relevant, but I just installed Windows on one of my drives so I could play Tarkov (lol), and oh my god the AMD Adrenalin software. I'm sure there's some okay features with it, but for some reason it was not saving my fan tuning. So like, during intensive graphics, my PC was just overheating like crazy, and would just randomly shut off multiple times and not turn on for a few minutes. Every time I rebooted, I would have to launch Adrenalin and load my fan tuning configuration. It's absolutely atrocious that this happens on a default Windows install.... like if it happened on Linux I'd accept that I maybe configured something wrong. But installing Windows and AMD drivers should not put my computer at risk of burning my GPU. It's ridiculous.

Anyway if anyone else has this issue, you can fix it by turning off fast boot in Windows power settings. Stupid af

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As a pro-farter, I think if you hold in your farts, you're basically committing murder and should get life in prison

  1. Get put in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats.
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Nah hunger games was to impose fear and prevent a political uprising and revolution. Mr Beast is just the old bloke from squid game lol

People like to act all holier than thou with this kinda stuff. Whether or not we read and upvote articles about this evil clown isn't going to change whatever the outcome is. I'd like to see Musk in prison as much as the next guy, but watching him burn twitter down is entertaining as well

I have cravings for Uncrustables. I know that you can just like... make a pbj for way cheaper, but they just hit different.

Probably all the added sugar, lmao.

Ngl I feel like falling asleep when I drive an automatic car. I'm not even a car bro or anything. I just think if I'm gonna have to drive a lot, it may as well be more engaging to my monkey brain

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Very true. seems to be a relatively up and coming one?

Side question, what's the nomenclature for referencing communities/instances? c/ seems a bit wordy, but the most specific

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I'm a huge Linux shill, but man I love the surface pro. It's just such a sexy device lmao. I'll mainly run Windows on it, because I at least need one Windows device for my work. The surface pro 9 has and easily replaceable battery which is a huge draw for me.

I've been playing Starsector lately, that's been pretty fun. Native Linux version too. No launcher required

Ah, oof.... I just picked it up with the Humble Choice. Thanks for the heads up that it's filled with microtransactions :(

Something I can't seem to figure out is what determines the @instance.whatever to appear after the username. For example, I'm on and you are on, but I see you as theksepyro, not

Edit: WAIT I'm dumb. Is it just display name? hahah.

Yeah fr lmao maybe if new cars weren't littered with privacy infringement, I'd be upset about this

One of the features I miss dearly from when I used the iPhone, was the ability to double touch the home button, and it would bring the whole screen down by half so that you could reach stuff. There's probably a way to do it on Android, but idk

I don't care one way or another, but this thread really makes me hungry

That's a good one. First Joe Bob episode I ever watched was on that movie, fantastic

You're doin' good work B)

Nethack for me. It's nice being able to SSH into the gameserver from practically any computer.

2000 gang