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Joined 12 months ago

forbs cover Elon Musk

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Wtf is a boerd ape NFT event? I know the bored ape images and I know what an event is... But wtf? Are people supposed to go somewhere to look at those ugly images? People should know they can enjoy this meaningless garbage online. For free.

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Don't send us your garbage.

-The rest of the Planet.

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Once in a restaurant I got some longe macaroni pasta as a straw and I still think this was genius.

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Who cares? Nobody outside of twitter needs to know if Twitter is growing or shrinking or rebranding or changing or turning into a subscription or anything else. Investor maybe but I hope they have a more reliable source than Elon...

Post screenshot of tweets with relevant content, that's okay but stop wasting our time with nonsense about Twitter itself.

Somehow we all figured out how to stop talking about Facebook... Let's just do the same with Twitter.

What you call social media is corporate attention harvesting I'd say while Lemmy seams to be real social media.

We need more things in this world that are user focused.

My tip for everyone using Firefox on pc: install the tree style tabs plugin!

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It is totally terrifying but also very strange to read about the record heat everywhere while we here in Germany had probably the coldest July in a decade. We had 16C where we should have had 30C. And we had rain, a lot of rain.

Still, I'm terrified.

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Lightroom. There are lots of alternatives for editing some even FOSS but I haven't found any usable alternative to the library of Lightroom...

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Windows because I know how to use it.

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The bright future where we wast even more time in endless and meaningless filler conversations with npcs instead of actual playing a game...

Some good story games may need good and deep stories with meaningful interconnected dialogues best written by humans while other games maybe should limit their NPC interactions to pushing the gameplay...

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I wonder how many users have to switch to dark mode with how many screen time to compensate for any meaningful amount.

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I hate to inform you that corals are dieing all around the world, not just in Florida.

Wow you guys hate apple more than I do and I really think they're overpriced but okay hard and software for people with other needs. The apple users I know don't really think about gaming at all, wondering how many seriously do.

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"hold the rights to X" What does this even mean?

I know it's a joke but in my opinion you're harming society 😭

No but the plastic ones actually did harm the plant.

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I have the feeling we should talk more about bio char. Seams like a feasible improvement for three very different problem mankind faces right now.

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It's definitely bad if you can't use a service you'd like to use but one has to remember that this isn't run by someone with millions of dollars at their fingertips. And the reason for that is simple: This service doesn't exploit it's users.

Okay, in some ways bio char itself is like the regular charcoal we know from BBQs and the manufacturing process can be quite similar. But like most things, it's a very complex topic, therefore, I'll only give a very rough overview for now but I’ll also share some links to further information 👍 • While charcoal is mostly made from valuable wood, bio char can be made from every form of biomass, meaning it can be made from every form of biomass waste.
• During the manufacturing process, the chemical carbon in the biomass is put into a form that is stable for several thousand years, so unless the bio char is burned again it can’t reenter the atmosphere. • Each ton of bio char produced using plant based waste is equivalent to 2.6 tons of atmospheric carbon dioxide captured by those plants. • The manufacturing process generates a small amount of base-load energy which can be, depending on the size of the facility, enough for several hundreds of households. • The end product can be used to revitalize the extremely degraded soils we're fighting in industrial agriculture right now.

Tl:dr we (indirectly) take something very bad from the atmosphere, generate useful energy with it and then store it within our dead soils to revitalize it.

It is not THE solution but I think it’s a feasible improvement.

I’m happy to answer more questions... here are some links ✌️

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Well, they do:

Not quiet sure what you mean but please, don't respond. That was already way more thought about something NFT related as I'd wish to have.

Okay maybe I need some explanation here but I was under the impression that, as long as your home instance isn't actively blocking that other instance, you're able to interact/join any* community on that other instance.

I'm quite new to Lemmy so maybe I missed that info or misunderstood what being federated to another instance means.

Oh thanks I get it know. Buying NFTs is like buying tickets to a concert. What if the events isn't anywhere near me? Still a very stupid concept.

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I would argue that we still see some slight improvements and progress over the generations. Of course the difference could be much bigger but every time I bring up that we should implement tests and a license to have kids I'm call a crazy person...

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On YouTube music it feels like Madonna and others are rereleasing their complete discography every month to spam the new releases page. And by the way, is it really so fucking hard to separate singles from full albums into two different lists?

Origins and Inquisition. One was a masterpiece and the other was also great.

But I would suggest that you start wir Dragon Age inquisition since Origins simply feels like the old game that it is.

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Why the downvotes, what's wrong with that question?

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If nobody is buying in Monopoly everyone is getting richer and nobody looses.

Than that's their problem. Right now we're destroying the current civilization.

Who are they?

Would you share those wizard memes? I'm very interested in some of those wizard memes. Please give us some wizard memes. Thank you.

Nobody is in control of the world but some very few people have a lot of influence over all of us.

The Länd is freezing at 17°C at the moment, the south took all our heat... Those poor bastards :'(

Pro Tip: you shouldn't care.

Maybe but a metal or glass straw that got disposed has a very different impact on the environment than a plastic one...

Thanks for your effort

Please Disney, STAAAP!!!

It can't have zero impact if you replace 50-300 million straws per day in de US alone. Could we do more? Of course we could but a start is a start and this is better than nothing.

Besides that I don't get how and why someone's life might depends on plastic straws but I'm sure we could find an alternative for that poor person.

I don't know if you really need Lightroom, if you only need it like five times a year?