1 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

How is this not anti competitive behaviour?

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I think I am less concerned about the ransomware and more confused as to why there is a wrench that can connect to the internet. What use would that provide to the user that would improve it?

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That would be your cadence, or how you enunciate or emphasize certain words when speaking a sentence.

I think they are using the term documentary as a joke.

Right now I am missing the hyper specific cat subreddits like catswhoyell and catsinbusinessattire. There are so many that I loved to revisit every 2-3 months and see what was there

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I don’t think it’s simple enough to lump entire work sectors as good or bad. I would argue that that kind of macro look will gloss over the people you will work for.

The company reputation and turnover is what is really worth looking into. If a company has low turnover and its employees speak highly of their work environment are one’s worth looking into. The only exception to that would be if there was higher turnover but those people leaving move to bigger things or don’t look back on their time poorly.

I cycle every day to work and back and see e scooters everywhere, doesn’t bother me none as long as they follow road signage.

I know I am gonna be one of the few, but I use YouTube as my main viewing of things. I don’t use Netflix, or any of the other services much. Premium is something I can’t be without anymore tbh, the ad free and downloading is super convenient for me and I like how a lot of my premium subscription goes to the creators I watch the most.

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Vzedshows is a video game content creator I really enjoy.

Strong Towns is a channel about city planning and urban centres.

Shifter is about urban cycling and focussed on Canadian cities.

Robert Hoskin finds and restores old films. Mostly Japanese ones.

Olden Demon creates cool videos about old Warhammer 40k

Mars Guy does a weekly dive into what is going on with Perseverance on mars. Super interesting.

James Channel is all about retro games and messing around with them.

Grouse House is an Australian absurd comedy group. They make fucked stuff.

Face Full of Eyes does absolutely incredible breakdowns on the aesthetics of games.

Canadiana makes some of the best documentaries about Canada.

Every channel here I believe is under 100k subscribers. So much great stuff waiting to be found.

*Edit: Fixed URLs, if they still don't work let me know.

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A couple notes on your design. I think it’s a really great step in what could be a really slick skin, my only major gripe is the inconsistency in what you are doing.

I hope this doesn’t come off as being negative or nit-picky, but a lot of the elements in your design are clean, but they aren’t completely cohesive.

First thing is padding and spacing. One thing that is really throwing me off is the inconsistent spacing for your text and iconography. Your text labels for each major section are great, but they should be given the same spacing as the icons on the screen. It’s causing my eye to dart around rather than follow the flow of your screen. This also is the case with your week calendar widget, if you moved those bars and days over a bit to the left to be in line with the rest of your design it would be a lot more cohesive.

Almost all of the “problems” that I see with the design could be fixed by building out a grid system and aligning all your objects to it. If you check out the metro design system windows still uses, icons and type all have specific rules for where they go and how they behave. Try to follow those rules and it will definitely improve.

Second and much smaller is a lack of hierarchy. I am not sure what I should be looking at first when I see this. However, because this is a phone screen, it might be very readable for you. I think taking advantage of accent colours would draw your eye to your most used apps and make them easier to tap onto. I think adding a splash of colour or toning to each square would give it a bit more clear sense of what everything goes. iMessage bubbles do this, the colour becomes less saturated the further away the message is from the keyboard, this is a really subtle way of drawing your eye to where the keyboard is.

I think this design is a really good start, but I think with some tweaking, this will be excellent. I would love to see a version 1.1!

So I’m a wedding photographer and in the past 3 years I have noticed an increased amount of the lights at venues strobe or have really bad banding when I set my shutter speed to higher than 120. My assumption is that the new LED lights are flickering at a consistent rate to save energy but at the cost of the photos I take. Is this the case? That cheaper LED lights will flicker like that?

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Breakdowns. Chug chug chug chug chug Random growls and barks

Mmmmmmmmmm. Soothes my soul.

I am a big fan of the advice CGP Grey gives regarding solutions.

Don’t pick the first solution that comes to mind for a problem, it is most likely the least effective.

Based on comments and stuff I read, isn’t this sooner than expected? I thought I read somewhere it wouldn’t be until October until contact would be possibly back.

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Do you have a link to said video? Not because I disagree but because that sounds super interesting to watch.

I agree that it’s a problem but lithium is not an easy mineral to mine or extract and it leads to a lot of nasty biproducts.

I’m curious if Musk has the same rules for himself.

I’d recommend checking out “Jesus and John Wayne” it’s a book that digs into a lot of these ideas.

Clearly the most reasonable response. Did you work for apple back in the day?

I get where you’re coming from, however I find it is personally easier and it is within my financial means to pay for premium instead. I am aware not everyone can but I am glad I can do that. I also support some creators through Patreon for their YouTube content as well. Currently, I am almost completely ad free with the content I consume and sometimes that means I pay money and other times I use an ad blocker. I should also note that I watch the majority of YouTube on my iPhone or on a PS4 and while there are alternatives on the App Stores I prefer the native YouTube apps.

Another reason could be for test market. For example, some products launch into smaller places as a test bed to see if they will be successful at a larger scale. Some websites and services start this way as well.

What’s your specs? I’m running a pretty old X99 build. The dual boot is my favourite part and when I eventually get a Mac Studio that’s what I am gonna miss the most.

If you use a Mac, Keyboard Maestro is similar with features and stuff. It just uses an interface similar to Automator.

Seriously, helps keep your shoes in better condition over time as well as you aren’t pulling on the back of the shoe or crushing the heel.

I am a citizen of neither here or there Don’t really belong anywhere

Don’t support any party It seems foolhardy

I believe in a man who rose from the dead So I waste my life for that instead

It depends on where it comes from. There is a defeatism that comes from my cynicism, but there is also the existential dread lying awake at night that I deal with as well.

I’m curious about what specifically it is stemming from? In your post you mention feeling aged out in an industry you have become extremely accustomed to. Do you feel like your value is very much driven by what you do? If you were to be aged out and eventually replaced do you feel like a large part of yourself would be missing?

In regards to how often I experience dread, it can be an every day thing. But it depends on what it comes from. There is the dread from feeling powerless to change my environment or culture I am in, but I have found personally that living to bring joy in the small things helps with that. If the dread is from questioning my purpose if there even is one, it’s the same line of thinking for me as before.

I have no clue if that provides any value but I hope you find peace amidst what you’re going through.

Holy shit this is amazing thank you for sharing this resource.

I’m personally a fan of Carrot Weather. You can pay for some extra features but in general I like the snarky shit.

That one dude at a hardcore show karate kicking during the opener.

Thanks! Subbed.

I agree with this. One of my favorite things to do was go to a hyper specific cat sub and just lurk. Same with other subs. Right now there isn’t enough stuff to do that currently. I did posit and comment here and there but it wasn’t regular.

Yeah sorry about that. I just went through and fixed them on desktop. I think I got them all.


Premium gang.

Here’s a great video by People Male Games about this!

This is definitely one of my favourites. I feel like I have moved to Instagram for my cat fix for now.

I don’t use YouTube music and don’t find the price too absurd considering the average daily watch time I have.

Holy fuck I am not the only one.

You ain’t ever seen a purple barn have ya?

I started taking medication before I started driving so I can’t speak from experience regarding that, but I do find when I drive I concentrate a ton so when I finish driving I get really tired.

I don’t like driving much so I try to cycle and take public transit whenever possible.