
9 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This was the answer, called up and got them to unblock ports 80 and 443 (they actually unblocked them all). Thanks alot!

Anyone got good options for ebooks? Currently got calibre setup but only sourcing my books from libgen. Tried using jackett + readarr but the indexers didnt seem great... is it worth paying for indexers? Which ones?

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Yeah its just reskinned chromium like the rest, but it'still nowhere near as bad as chrome, edge and the other telemetry filled ones.

Support Firefox!

Used to use Niagara launcher, but moved to kvaesitso since it's FOSS. Both are very very good.

May I suggest Tracker Control, allows per-app network access and even restricts certain tracking requests. Only downside is it takes the VPN slot. Very much worth it though I believe


I can't believe just how radically different that is to what I see here in Australia. Absolutely breathtaking

Must be nice living in a post 1995 country... theres only 1 or 2 ISPs in Australia that support ipv6...

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Onyx Boox Leaf 2, and use the OPDS feature of calibre(web) to download books and read them, all within the KOReader app

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Ohhh wow I can't believe I forgot about that, I feel so dumb hahaha.

Are there any benefits to keeping this switched on? Other than than the security I mean, is the tradeoff between privacy and security worth it in your opinion?

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Have you got any resources regarding setting up a firewall? I forgot about fail2ban though, gotta set that up soon

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I could, I do find it very convenient having my services exposed though. Makes it easy to connect to the calibre opds from my e-reader, don't have to have wireguard fight with mullvad etc...

But maybe I will just switch to vpn rather than exposed, the security would take a load off my shoulders

Yeah that was something i was worried about too, not like my server is an proper rig. Its just a shitty laptop with a slow ass HDD, and who knows how much life its got

Thanks for the advice! I'd personally like to stay away from big companies, I made the server in the first place to escape from them, so it'd be weird for me to still use them. Maybe if I had a password manager or something sensetive I'd go with external so though

Problems I was having were just with the setup, problems with redis and mariadb, and getting them all linked together. I can attach some relevant logs if you're willing to help, thanks!!!

Good point, I'll leave it on then. Thanks for your help!

Sounds like you need to check out Org-roam (if you use emacs) or some other zettelkasten style note taking software

Im assuming youd recommend using something like watchtower then? Or would you say its better to just ssh in and docker pull every now and then?

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Yeah the internet services here are really stuck in the past. Hard to tell if theyre taking advantage of the scarcity of ipv4 addresses to make more money somehow, or of theyre just too fuckn lazy

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Ah yeah forgot to say I'm using nginx proxy manager already, screw chucking all that stuff on the internet without a reverse proxy

Will look into authentik though!!

Yeah i started off going the plain nextcloud and mariadb, but i saw somewhere on nextclouds github i think??? that said they reccommend using the AIO version, so i just did that. Might be worth just keeping it simple and doing nextcloud + mariadb

Yeah will put an issue on there, but wanted to test another app first in case it's not due to phonetrack somehow. Away for the weekend so can't easily test a new app just yet

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Sweet! Thanks so much!

Ah I see, thank you for the reply!

What would you recommend? I like the idea of the privacy but having that security does also sound good...

I decided not to use server side encryption, as its just running on a comp at home. But maybe a fresh reinstall would work. Did you do anything special when purging?

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Whats the best way to check that?

Running docker stats shows that when uploading around 500MB of vids, database spikes to 30%, nectcloud spikes to around 10%, and nginx proxy manager goes up and down a bit as i send through the files.

RAM wise though nothing seems to be going above 5% of my 16GB RAM. Unless i upload larger files im sure

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Will get back to you later on running top, but i installed it using apt so hopefully shouldnt be snap. Also, surely it shouldnt be using so much resources right? Its at the point now where i open Nextcloud Mobile, and a single image will never load. This cant be too much load on the server

Yeah i could definitely do that, however would that cause much trouble regarding using the nextcloud android app, or my ereader which uses OPDS to get books from calibre? I get thatd id have to sign into the VPN, but i already use mullvad on everything.

Sorry, just dont know much about personal VPNs

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Sorry, but I sincerely hope you just don't selfhost Vaultwarden.

Are you saying this because i dont know much about firewalls and VPNs right now? Or because i dont have a good backup solution? Or something else?

Currently my backup solution might not be the nicest, but im taking regular backups on the same laptop, copying those onto an external HD, and syncing that onto my main PC, hopefully whoch should be enough

I've been using Thunder, very sleek app for android and ios

Nextcloud, memories app for desktop, photos-nc for android

When I connect with it off, I am able to connect. If I use https://cloud... It connects, when I use http://cloud... The address bar changes to https and connects like normal.

It just feels weird using it with force SSL off, as if even though I'm always connecting with https I'm still leaking passwords

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Trying out Authentik now, and having some more issues... Following various guides I can get to a stage where I access the Authentik UI locally, but when I go into NPM Advanced tab and add the stuff to forward auth requests to Authentic (proxy pass and whatnot), this causes NPM to have that proxy host set to Offline...

I think I might just take a break and get onto this stuff later. I don't know if I'm smart enough for this yet (I'm a data scientist not a computer scientist!!) Still got a lot to learn

Thanks for the reply, yeah that's what I thought it was meant to do, sorry for the confusion

Do you have any idea why setting it on would lead to "this page isn't redirecting properly" in firefox?

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Alright that makes sense, do you know how to solve that if that webapp is nextcloud aio?

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Was meant to get back to you, sorry

Didnt work for me unfortunately.. maybe some setting in the backup was carried over and thats the problem. But i think the actual problem is hardware/setup based rather than config/software. Might invest in a less shit computer soon haha

Might have to try squeezing out a backup and giving it a go

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Time to start de-googling?