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Joined 1 years ago

Probably doing that anyway

Antennapod also has an option to skip the first X seconds of a pod and the last X seconds. It's really useful when an episode starts with 3 minutes of ads.

you dont say the o/s but if the pkg manager works, or you can add a statically compiled version, you could force reinstall all pkgs

Nothing to really fix because thats the design. In userland you can do anything, system wide needs elevated credentials. If you don't want the password prompt, look into aliases and sudoers/pkexec with the discogs plugin has never failed me. If its on discogs you will get tags

Who owns the mounted files and what are the permissions? $ ls -l /path/to/mounted/sdcard

Its easy with Jellyfin and the config will tell you if its set up right. You can either go directly to the Jellyfin port or thru a reverse proxy but either way you're exposing ports. I ran mine behind docker so I could easily keep everything up to date.

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Qtile... the default bar is really nice to use and if you know a little python every aspect of the WM is easy to hack around in. Docs are great too.

Supports musl on every architecture I have. ARM, AARCH64, x86_64 - no problem.

I had to take the keyboard off to remove a screw that enabled the required bios update. Since then been running Void with no issues. This was a Lenovo N22 so old, but still working.

for 1, in linux no output is often indicitive of no problem. To verify if your previous command exited successfully, type 'echo $?' at the command line and if its anything but 0 its an error.

For 3, I do the same but since I'm the only user I auto login so its still just one password to enter to get to a desktop.

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Depends if you're using a graphical login manager or not. If so, you'll have to search the name of it and 'autologin' in your favourite search engine. Its typically no more then checking a box and adding your username.

I dont use a graphical login manager, I just let it boot up and agetty (from util-linux) logs me directly into my shell (because I added -u ' to the config.). Then my shell profile takes care of starting the graphical environment for me.

Its just personal choice but I dont see any point in a login manager when Im the only one logging in. I understand that it may come as part of the desktop suite though. I prefer to start with nothing and add what I want versus getting everything and removing what I dont want

I just have because I want the zfs modules available. Everything I need is there

All IMO of course but I think you'd only be on the hook legally for using Jellyfin if you sold access to your server. A private server would never hit the radar in a million years. The bad thing about exposing ports is you're giving access to a service and therefore you're relying on the Jellyfin authentication system to be secure. If there are flaws then, at best, someone could watch your content (and possibly delete it depending on your JF config) and at worst they could escalate privileges to get access to the hosting server and do whatever they want on your network. Like I said, I ran it on docker behind traefik (as the reverse proxy) and had no concerns doing so. I would much rather have the slight extra hassle of Jellyfin over Plex because I didn't want the Plex middle-man sat between me and the person consuming the content. Jellyfin is a direct connection and there's an app on Roku so it met all my needs.

SwayFX (Sway with a bit more eye candy effects)

Been using it a while and I genuinely cant find anything to complain about. xbps is the best pkg manager, runit is quick and gets out the way and all my architectures are supported