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The shutdowns are mostly in Jammu/Kashmir

The majority of shutdowns in India have historically occurred in Jammu and Kashmir, a region at the center of a decades-long dispute between India, Pakistan, and China. In August 2019, it experienced 552 consecutive days of internet blackout, the world’s longest shutdown in history.

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An insurgency, riots, or general strike impact business as well.

Wikipedia calls it wars:

The 2006 Lebanon War, also called the 2006 Israel–Hezbollah War[39] and known in Lebanon as the July War[1] (Arabic: حرب تموز, Ḥarb Tammūz)–Hamas_war

Persecution in europe also wasn’t constant. It varied significantly as well.

In the best case Jews were second class citizens under Muslim rule. They had to pay a special tax, were forbidden to own horses or weapons, and wear special clothing.

When was the last time the USA toppled a government by coup in Latin America?

Connect them directly via wifi.

So ineffectual, they manage to start wars against Israel.

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I also really enjoyed this one. Played it on Nintendo Switch.

I would also like to see a different government in Israel.


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The aid sent to Gaza isn’t just food and water. It includes construction materials, machinery, all kinds of equipment, and simply money to pay salaries and buy whatever.

Cement and steel to build houses was regularly used to build tunnels for military purposes instead. Water pipes were used to build rockets and so on.

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Hamas has been siphoning money and materials from the aid provided to Gaza for decades. Palestinians receive tons of aid, mainly from western countries.

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Hermann Hesse’s Steppenwolf is a short book about the adventures of an alienated young man in a big city. Hesse also wrote a really good novella about Buddha titled Siddharta.

Ray Bradbury’s Mars Chronicles is a collection of short stories around the settlement of Mars.

Thanks for the reminder comrade humor commissar.

It’s not a short book as OP requested. However the episodic nature fits his requirements. The genre is comedic fantasy.

Older generation hardware usually has better support on Linux. So don’t buy the lastest chipsets. Otherwise you might have to live with an unstable driver and compiling your own kernel for up to a year.

No. The way aid gets distributed needs to change. UNRWA is part of the problem and need reform at least.

Hamas and other extremist organizations should be removed from power. Gazans also need a political perspective towards a good and prosperous life, trade and free travel.

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The Nazi flag used a 45° rotated swastiska. However horizontal swastikas were also commonly used by the Nazis.

A different analysis from an expert in international law.

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It’s not a no brainer. If they want to run x68-64 games on it, they need good tools like Apple’s Rosetta. It would definitely decrease performance and lower the number of compatible games.

Lenovo Thinkpads are also good, especially the T and X series.

Valve is interested in controlling the software they use on their hardware and not being dependent on Microsoft or license costs. They are a for profit business. More games running on their machines help their sales.

RISC-V would be a terrible architecture for them at the moment. There are zero chips available with somewhat competitive performance. The number of commercial games that natively run on it is also small if not zero.

Don’t confuse targeting with who gets hurt at the end. It’s generally not allowed under international law to target civilians. Civilians getting killed when military objectives are targeted are legal. Proportionally and necessity come into play here.

It can be legal under international law to kill a combatant in his family home together with his whole family, if that prevents a planned attack that would kill another family for example. The target is the combatants not his family.

Good numbers are hard to come by. However Hezbollah themselves say that their fighters were targeted and reported 3000 exploding pagers. A low number of around a dozen others were injured or killed as well. That’s a ratio of less than 1 civilian per 100 combatants hit. Compare that go Gaza, which has about 2 to 3 civilians per combatant killed.

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Try taking some caffeine at the same time.

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Valve will do with SteamOS what’s good for them and their profits. They aren’t in this for idealism.

Jesus Christ was a Jew


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Farmework makes me feel warm and fuzzy so I should give them money?

Yes, that’s what they’re going for. A personal computer is a machine people spend a lot of time with and develop an emotional attachment to. People can buy this laptop and gain status among their peers by supporting the ideas of repairability, being against planned obsolescence, for Linux, and open standards. Owning this laptop can make you feel as part of a movement for a better world.

Sure their claims might not fully hold up to scrutiny. However that doesn’t matter much if you’re emotionally invested in the ideas.

You don’t have to give them money as their product doesn’t seem to be for you. Your priorities are different.

I myself use a MacBook Air with a big ass thunderbolt dock on my desk attached to it. Apple as a corporation sucks for many reasons, but they make some good products.

Overall Framework laptops reminds me of the Fairphone.

All excellent points. The trajectory of the current laptop market is the MacBook. One system on a chip with integrated RAM and an SSD. These are light, high performance, and long battery life. Repairability is difficult and upgrades harder. This type of laptop is good enough for most people and sells great.

Having a highly configurable machine is the opposite of the MacBook. There’s probably a market for the Framework laptop. It fully leans into being configurable and repairable. That gives the user a bigger sense of control. They don’t feel dependent on huge corporations. It’s not just a feeling either. Other companies don’t want their customers to repair or exchange anything on their laptops and will void the warranty if you do it. Framework is the opposite as it encourages their customers to assemble and replace parts themselves.

Customization has become huge in the PC market, especially among gamers. Framework is smart to try and fill this individualist niche. The marketing works well, just like you said. I find the programmable LED modules quite charming for example. The option to buy the laptop as a kit for me to assemble myself also sounds fun.

Empowerment is what the marketing sells to their customers. Few people really need this product, but many find it desirable.

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Replacing a main board like in your example won’t be financially attractive for Framework laptops. With a new laptop you would also get a new and better screen.

Framework laptops shine in customizability and repairability.

What would you even do with the old motherboard and CPU? Could you even sell that?

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Combatants tend to violently fight back, when you try to round them up. They also tend to hide among civilians in case of terrorist militia like Hezbollah.

Would be interested to see where you got those numbers

About 40,000 killed total in Gaza. 15,000 militants killed. That’s 25,000 civilians killed. These are estimates.

It will take years until we get good numbers on this.

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Hamas and Hezbollah aren’t ineffectual. The only reason they don’t kill more Israelis, is the immense effort Israel makes in civil defense, shelter construction, missile defense, etc.

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We will know. Hamas and other militant groups have published their martyred fighters about a year after the wars ended in the past.

Iran has been working on nuclear weapons for a while now.

Under UN Resolution 1701, the governments of Israel, Lebanon, and Syria have to negotiate about the border and Sheeba farms. On all maps from the French mandate, the Sheeba farms are part of Syria.

Israel attempted to negotiate this under Olmert and didn’t get a response.

Hezbollah doesn’t give a shit about Sheba farms. They explicitly want to destroy Israel. Just listen to what they say and write.

Start reading something else besides the notorious anti-Israel Al-Jazeera.

Hezbollah has tried to deescalate by flagrantly violating UN resolution 1701 for decades.

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Look up Hebron massacre 1929 for starters.

Where was Jerusalem Mufti Al-Husseini during WW2?

Farhud in Iraq ring a bell?

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They asked: “do you support Hamas?”