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Joined 1 years ago

Learned about cremation before I learned about death. Thought we all were burned alive at the end.

I stopped using it because of a couple shitty interactions on Discord. I don't know anything about the developer himself but the company he keeps sucks. Using the word "cucked" when talking about breaks in dependencies... and being told "see if I care" when pointing out a race condition I found in initialization that caused problems with multimonitor setups.

No thanks. Sway works great. No need for eye candy.

Your bones are made of calcium, which is also a metal. You've got a metal frame inside your body.

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Real answer though, 2001 a space odyssey.

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Wayland for better multimonitor support, scaling, and tear-free rendering.

Numbers will go up again once the reddit infinity client stops working.

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I'm a vegan btw that uses Nix btw

Mattress: something firm like a tatami mat with a thin futon on top. Your lower back and hips will be happy.

Pillow: buckwheat husk filled with a dust cover. Your neck, shoulders, and sinuses will be happy.

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What do you think about the ethnic cleansing that Israel is doing? Surely it should be obvious that the apartheid they are carrying out is orders of magnitude worse. They've imprisoned millions of people in bantustans and driven them to abject poverty through severe restrictions. The death count for Palestinians is two orders of magnitude higher than that for Israelis.

What israel is doing is literally genocide as legally defined by over 150 countries.

This doesn't excuse any bad behavior by Hamas but to characterize them as the main problem is a gross mischaracterization of reality.

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Considering room pressure and temperature, things are not cooling at their fastest possible rate. Blackbody radiation isn't the only way things cool down. You are forgetting conduction and convection. Liquid nitrogen can cool things down super quickly.

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Harold and Maude

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Don't take 4 pills of molly in one night. And don't make that mistake more than once.

Surprised? You bern living in a cave?

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Ooh good one. I fucking loved it and only recently realized how many people hate it after talking about the new Dune movie.

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Kim Dot Com

Sucks on Android tho

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Check out Nix, which goes in the opposite direction. There isn't really a distinction between the system and applications.

I'm officially done with reddit now that infinity is done. Good riddance. I will be overwriting my comments then deleting my account.

I really hope that Lemmy gets more traction with niche communities.

Discord is really fucking up on the discoverability front. They could take over the internet if they got their heads out of their asses. I was looking for discords on a specific topic, and had to scrape through several random pages to find relevant servers.

For me it was when Infinity died.

Ah sure, yeah, if they want it to actually use radiation, it's not possible.

That's called the halo effect, where a small but influential group of people make something popular.

You missed my point. I'm saying the leadership are fascists on both sides. You can't just blame one side.

Except it's not, because he didn't wage war and kill millions of people. I guess being an edgelord douche is the same as being Hitler these days though.

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Lineageos+microg is a useable de-googled android. I'm using it now without any google services.

Would you mind elaborating? Understanding what your issues where that were addressed by help could help see what I'm misunderstansing. I obviously want to do what's best for my child.

The thing that started this conversation is hemoglobin, which is also not metallic but a protein. I don't think anyone was confused and thought that there's actually shiney silvery elemental metallic calcium in our body.

I agree. Lemmy is the first federated app that i check regularly. Nothing has stuck for me before. I think there is staying power and the community will grow.

This absolutely. Rather than think it strange that you don't eat cows, you should think it strange that you eat any sentient being at all. If something feels pain and runs away, it's a strong sign that we should not use and abuse them, especially when our needs can be met without doing so.

NixOS. Declarative reproducible immutable systems are the future.

What is the value proposition of Gentoo over, say, something like NixOS?

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Yeah that thread i linked does talk about combinatorial explosion that would result in either a unmaintainable cache size or basically no caching at all of binaries. Your point about premature optimization is good. It makes me think that the seeming ignorance of USE flags by Nix was intentional.

Anyone who calls themselves "atheist" is certainly not a skeptic. With the insanity presented to us in this boundless reality, how can anyone say for certain what does and does not exist? Agnosticism seems the more skeptical stance.

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Reddit already fell into the trap a while ago. They've started walking into a cave they found in a trap, and now it's so bad that we are here.

Don't make stupid assumptions about people. I have an advanced degree in physics. "Boundless" was vague and can apply to many things.

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Also dumbfucks if this thread is evidence.

I wasn't talking about the downvotes. I was talking about your analogy, which I still don't understand.

Your hobby is building straw men.

Interesting, looked at the Gentoo docs to understand USE flags. Nix has similar capabilities, where some packages expose configuration options that apply to the build, but it's not a overtly named feature consistently applies across all packages. It seems that something like USE flags could be implemented rather easily by Nix but was either deemed not necessary or was an oversight. You can still change the build for any package but it might involve introspecting the package definition to figure out what to change so not meant as a first class mechanism like USE flags.

Edit: found this:

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I don't have numbers but my personal experiences tends to show me what it's over diagnosed, at least in California. Got many people around me that are diagnosed, with meds, and they take it as part of their identity, bringing it up all the time.

My kid talked to a therapist a few times for some minor anger issues, and he's already talking about getting him diagnosed for ADHD. He's the top student in his class, can focus for hours building anything he wants, is outgoing, and gets along with all his friends. He just has a few emotional outbursts at home, which don't affect his functionality or happiness. I don't understand the point of a diagnosis. It feels like a label would just follow him around and box him in, so we decided not to pursue.

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