2 Post – 54 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Beto Dealmeida makes music as a one-person band called The Fishermen & the Priestess.


Let's say you have a cow. The cow had a baby, and it's producing milk, but more than the calf or your family need. So you start selling the excess milk.

It's good money! Soon you buy another cow, and another. Eventually you can't take care of them all, so you hire people to help you. Yay!

After a while you realize that waiting for the cows to be impregnated by your bull means they are not producing milk as much as they can. So you start forcefully impregnating the cows so they are always pregnant or producing milk.

The calves are drinking a lot of your milk, so you decide to kill them as soon as possible. You don't know what to do with the dead calves, so you start marketing them as "veal", a delicacy!

A lot of your process is still manual, so you buy machinery that increases your productivity by 100x. You're still paying your workers the same amount, even though they're now responsible for producing 100x more.

One day you realize there's too much milk in the market. If you sell it all, the price will drop too much. So you dump thousands of gallons of milk in the river, to keep the prices stable. You couldn't give them away to people in need, that would still affect the market!

You're still not selling enough (though you have more money that you could spend in your lifetime). So you buy some politicians so the government says that milk is essential, the only way to absorb calcium, and it should be in every school. People are convinced they need milk, even though it's from another species and even though humans don't need milk after a couple years of age.

That's why I hate capitalism.

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I'm 45. I spent the weekend playing video games with my 43-year-old girlfriend and her nephew. When we thought she had COVID I bought a couple games that were online multiplayer so we could play together while she was isolated.

You just need to find the right people for you. Put "I love video games" in your Tinder profile, and this will weed out people who think that's for kids. Put yourself out there as you are, and it will attract the people who like you for who you are.

  • Ethical reasons: hundreds of billions of animals are killed every year (not counting fish), after living a miserable and short life.
  • Environmental: greenhouse emissions (CO2 and methane), deforestation for pastures, water pollution, are all caused by animal agriculture. If everyone went vegan we'd need only 25% of the land we currently use for agriculture.
  • Health: there is some evidence that meat causes cancer, and convincing evidence that processed meat causes cancer. Also, the use of antibiotics for animals can lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Cow farts are methane, which are a more aggressive form of greenhouse gas, though with shorter lifespan.

Here's more info about meat and the environment.

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ffmpeg is written by Fabrice Bellard, who's one of the most underrated programmers in the world (he also wrote QEMU). It's probably the best tool out there, still actively maintained, and most commercial apps are probably using it under the hood for any kind of conversion.

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I've been using Alacritty for a while. It's fast and does everything I need.

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My favorite comment about this from Mastodon: "X is just a sans serif swastika".

Has anyone played it on the Deck yet? What's the experience like?

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Related: every time you shuffle a deck of cards you get a sequence that has never happened before. The chance of getting a sequence that has occurred is stupidly small.

In Brazil (Portuguese speaking) we also use Fulano de tal. I didn't know it was used in other countries!

We also "José Ninguém" and "Maria Ninguém" to mean someone who's a nobody. It literally means Joseph/Mary (very common names in Brazil) Nobody.

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Soy and quinoa both have all essential amino acids. And you can also combine different grains to get all essential amino acids.

If everything went vegan we'd need only 25% of the farms we currently have. So we can do fine without meat, and the planet will thank us.

I worked for a startup that had as main investor a company called InterTrust. Our office was inside their building.

InterTrust was a patent portfolio that belonged to Sony and Philips. All they did was sue people. One day they were able to sue Apple on some stupid patent, and there was much rejoicing at the office.

We'll go down in history as the first society that wouldn't save itself because it wasn't cost effective." — Kurt Vonnegut

Fun fact: if you search for copyrighted material in Google and they show that a link was removed due to a DMCA takedown, you can click on the DMCA link to see the original request, which includes the original URL, which is usually still up.

Everyone should be vegan. It's great for your health, for the environment, and more importantly, it would save more than a trillion (yes, with a T) lives every year.

In a hundred years we'll look back and be ashamed of what we did to animals.

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They do that upstream, so there's nothing you can do on your router to change that.

One solution I've used in the past is run to get a public IP (it's basically a VPN). Then your home computer has all ports open on that IP, since everything goes through an encrypted tunnel.

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There's a big conflict of interest in dating apps: if you're successful you stop using the app, and of course the company doesn't want that.

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Whiskey on the rocks.

I can suck the ice cubes during the day, and drink the whiskey at night.

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How many people do you think would be needed?

It's less than you imagine. As long as the sampling is random and unbiased, assuming 100 million Republicans, a sample size of 1000 should be enough for a 3% margin of error with a 95% confidence level.

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Staying true to the centuries-old library concept, only one patron at a time can rent a digital copy of a physical book for a limited period.

So sad that we solved the problem of knowledge scarcity, and because of greed we need to add it back artificially.

...replaced by monocultures...

Guess, what? We have those monocultures today. That's how we feed cattle. But if everything went vegan we would be able to cut that land usage down to 75%.

Veganism is about killing as little as possible, it's not about being 100% perfect. We would need those farms to feed people, and of course animals would die in the process. But it's a smaller harm.

No doctor will tell you you can live well on a vegan diet without any supplements.

Says who? Here's a quote for you (source):

It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.

You're right, we would need supplements, like B12. Today those supplements are given to cattle, because they can't get it when they don't graze. That's were you get your B12: from supplements given to animals. Maybe we could skip the middleman?

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OP said in another thread that they've been banned 10 times from Reddit for being "able to articulate various logical arguments against transgenderism". 🙄

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That's just for colorectal cancer. It also affects other types of cancer (like breast cancer) and increases the chance of dying from heart disease considerably.

No, but you can just take B12 supplements, the same ones that are given to cattle.

Singular they has been used for something like 7 centuries.

"poorly planned vegan diets that do not replace the critical nutrients found in meat, can lead to serious micronutrient deficiencies." (from the article)

Yeah, switching your diet to anything has that risk, obviously. You need to understand what you eat.

And your daily life is already supplemented with pills, the only difference is they're given to the animals you eat. Cattle is given B12 because they don't graze and don't have access to enough cobalt.

It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.


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There's was a scanner app that I loved, for Android. Turned into a subscription, even though most people use it less than once a month and even though the app was basically complete and never got updates.

I thought the same. Definitely the same vibe.

My day to day rice is pretty simple. Half a cup of organic which jasmine rice, 1.5 cups of water, a heavy drizzle (a tablespoon?) of olive oil and some salt (a teaspoon?). Bring to a boil, cover, cook for 15 minutes, leave it aside covered for 10 minutes, fluff with a fork.

When I'm feeling fancy I do a different version. I dice half an onion, fry it, add 3-4 cloves of chopped garlic, fry it, add the rice and salt, fry it for a minute, then add the water already boiling. Cook for 15 minutes as well, wait 10, fluff.

Every time I move to a new house I need to adjust the water to rice ratio to keep the cooking at 15 minutes. I'd rather add less water than cook for longer.

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I used it, I actually ran my own server under my domain. It was nice to be able to talk to people using Gchat from my account.

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I like supporting small business. 🙂

Also, depending on the VPS provider, you might get a lot of sites blocked. When I ran a VPN on Digital Ocean I couldn't access USPS, OpenAI, imgur, and couldn't leave comments on YouTube. I assume because of too many bots running on DO.

And makes the world a better place.

This is amazing advice! Saving it for when I have a kid.

All the water is gone after the 15 minutes. Then I take the pot out of the burner and leave it, covered, for another 10 minutes, just waiting.

And yeah, I fry the dry rice for a minute. I don't know why, I invented that and I think it tastes different!

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I run on a VPS with 1GB of ram and 1 VCPU, so a raspi4 should suffice, at least initially. Bandwidth is around 7.5 Mbps.

I work on a big open source project with hundreds of committers, so quite often — I'd say a few times a week, maybe a third of my PRs.

Steal $50 from your employer and you'll to jail. Employer steals trillions and nothing happens.

Thanks! I guess I'll wait a little bit then before giving it a try.

Twist and Shout is not by the Beatles.

It depends on what you mean by better. Faster? More user friendly? More versatile?