2 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Better, not bigger.

I have a love hate relationship with this man. He has spearheaded some of my favorite games even if they came nowhere close to what was promised. It's so weird to come back to Fable and enjoy it more than I did when it came out.

That's for idiots who don't look at the amount of interest they are paying... but sure, the monthly is lower.

We have so much computing power at home and the chances you have good reliable Internet at home are better than before. I revived 5 year old PCs and it's way too much computing power for my self host needs. I'd have to pay $200+ a month for the same compute power in the cloud. Even a Raspberry Pi with 8GB is capable of running quite a bit for fractions of a penny in electricity.

If you only need public access to things like HTTP or SSH you don’t necessarily need to run dynamic ip and just setup Cloudflare Tunnels. So far I haven’t needed to put anything public that doesn’t run on the provided tunnels.

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Just the type of mod I want!

Yeah but can it host PiHole?

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Sync is $20 to remove ads no? Where is it $100?

Update: nevermind I see it here for sync ultra

I did it for 3 months. I really enjoyed my time doing it and learned a lot about my usage. It was a cheap $50 experiment. After I went back to my smartphone, I uninstalled ALL social media apps. Turned off ALL notifications but left calls and messages as an exception. My smartphone is now essentially a feature phone. It's not 100% the same since the big screen does lure you in to use it but my usage is still way down and because I don't have any social media there's no reason for me to be on my phone around other people. I wholeheartedly recommend trying it for those curious.

The default settings of librewolf would drive the average user crazy. I'm not a fan of Firefox and use Librewolf myself but Firefox has sensible defaults for an average user that would be a net positive coming from Chrome. Just an FYI thinking of making the switch.

For additional context of those curious, Librewolf is very hardened by default. When you close your browser all site data is wiped (this can be turned off). Most people don't mess with their browser settings though... there's also a lot of little things that are disabled by default that will make people think the browser is broken e.g. canvas requests are silently denied by default, it's just not realistic for most people to use librewolf.

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Can this work with the "off the shelf" mesh routers.

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There's so many services where I'm like, wow what am I even paying for? Email is one where I know exactly what I'm paying for.

The biggest example of this is YouTube. Sometimes it runs fine but sometimes videos just don't load or freeze.

There's this fast food fried chicken chain called Raising Canes, used to serve massive strips. Now the price is 50% more expensive and 50% less chicken. They're extremely tiny, never going back again... yet all the zombies who love that place are relentlessly spending their money there anyway.

Edit: grammar

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cloudflare dash

You can secure your tunnels using the Access menu and then adding an application. It should be somewhat straight-forward but you're basically looking to create an access policy and then adding the rules you want. For example a simple one is to add an allow rule for certain emails. When you enter your email an access code will be sent to you before you can access the application resource. That's just one of many ways to secure it using their application config and access policies.

I did it for a few months and really enjoyed it. At the end of 3 months, I realized I could achieve nearly the same thing by turning off all notifications except messages and calls and uninstalling all social media. I realized... if I have the willpower to use a dumbphone I have the willpower to keep the distraction off my smartphone. Phone usage is now 100% intentional with the right setup.

With Cloudflare Zero Trust there is absolutely no reason for me to host on a VPS anymore. I have old hardware that's all been revived and bootstrapped with cloudflare. If you have good Internet and decent upload IO why not start there especially if it's just for yourself.

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If you're comfortable with using Cloudflare, you can use their zero trust tunneling and setup an application layer that adds auth to those services. I have mine protected by my GitHub login.

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Oh yeah, not meaning to hate on your suggestion, just giving a fair warning to those who are looking to take the plunge. I consider myself advanced and librewolf drove me crazy for a few days but stuck with it and found a balance of settings that I like.

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This is how I got a career in Software Engineering, literally had a strong motivation to build a clan website for my Counter-Strike 1.6 crew and I just ended up learning by maintaining self-hosted websites, forums, and voip. Kept doing it over and over by building other projects and then realized people pay for this skill...

I didn't realize how broken SearX was until I switched to SearXNG.

I think it's done like that on purpose so that their Canes sauce does a lot of the heavy lifting.

Have you tried logging in with a simple postgres client?

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Look under the Zero Trust category and then once there you'll see another menu item called Access. There you'll find Tunnels, in addition to Tunnels you can add an Application in the same Access menu to create policies that only allow certain clients to connect.

Yeah, I'll just stick with the mail services. When you start talking about all the complexity to maintain a spam-free environment their value starts to show. I'd rather have more time to self-host other things. I don't think we realistically as a community self-host every single thing in our life. Although I can def see a case for someone who's really interested in how email works and just absolutely wants to maintain all those things. I love how self-hosting has become really flexible.

No apologies needed! Cheers!

Likely because the apps need access to the host and the policies were likely blocking it since it's non-interactive.

Are you comfortable in command line? There's psql or there's

Does it support syncing photos from your phone? That's the only thing I need to get off Google Photos, I love how seamless it is.

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Think it really depends on who you ask. 1-click can mean different things to other people but for me personally, nothing is truly 1-click. I've always had to configure something and I like the flexibility Docker gives while also allowing you to understand how things are wired up without going too deep.

Are you having trouble learning it or understanding what it's used for? Much of learning Docker also comes with understanding some basics of software deployment like environment variables, ports and volumes. Happy to help answer any questions because it's an extremely powerful tool once it starts clicking.

Fair enough! Curious if you've tried out Portainer with Docker templates which feels pretty close to 1-click installs.

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Email is the only one I won't touch, I just want it to be rock solid reliable. Unless someone can point me to a solution with fault tolerance and redundancy that's easy to setup via Docker, I'm all ears :)

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I'm not angrily typing this but I'm curious why not Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunneling? You get built-in authentication and don't need to worry about dynamic ips. It's pretty game changing for me as far as self-hosting goes. It also doesn't require you to change your network infra as long as the host has some sort of connection to the Internet.

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