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Joined 1 years ago

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Because Fedora is open source only to the point of it being pathological. If there isn't am open source driver most time you're just boned. Someone new is going to have a tough time with it, and the community is on average a very "lol rtfm" bunch. Not as bad as Arch, but that's not saying much.

Meanwhile, despite the problems around Ubuntu, Debian communities are much more understanding and helpful. Mint even with old packages is going to be an easier time for a newbie. Certainly a newbie unfamiliar with the way entirely too much of the FOSS community is.

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Sending my work email a calendar invite as the first communication. Just because you want to sell it doesn't mean I want to buy it. Or even hear about it. If a calendar event is the first thing you send me, I will be the avatar of snark. My calendar is busy enough without you inserting yourself into it without my consent.

Double snark if you get upset that I didn't accept it and reach out to find out why.

Arch is absolutely divine with its documentation. There is a bit of a "you must be this tall to ride" with them though. Like the tiny [AUR] link. That's not really well explained, and is even more opaque if you follow the link.

Their home/home office stuff is absolutely trash. That much is true.

Much of their small business stuff is on the verge of being ok. Just, expensive for what it is.

Meanwhile at work we have hp enterprise printers that are twelve years old and still working flawlessly.

It depends on how they're delivered. Generally bullets are interpreted as a threat.

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Nice try, Paul's producers.

That guy better watch out, Steve Harvey is in the woods with him!

This sounds just like something Jia Tan might say...

Unsurprising. Managers have their own goals in mind and how you fit into them. They don't care so much about where you end up, but what you can help them with.

ChatGPT just wants to be loved.

If you didn't want to be a bastard, you shouldn't have been a cop.

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Wait ... what?

I've just been using a box this whole time!

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Not even mind flayers want RFK Jr.

He is trying to look like a bear to trick women.

Nice try, foot fetishist

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Oh good! Now I can not play it on steam too!

There are some, probably. But any exodus will be slow. Xz isn't useless because it was dangerous once.

Florida man. 🇺🇸

Well, you see, in countries with actual social safety nets, you can pretty comfortably go without a paycheck or two.

If you're using the built-in unmodified hotspot on pretty much all phones these days, mobile data for the hotspot goes through a different apn. Your phone requests data on one channel, while hotspot data goes through another.

Grissom, the Fart Terrorist

When in doubt, eat her out.

And nothing of value was lost...

Cool. Anyway...

A000 is next

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Aww, did he forget to make sure he had five years of savings? Did he not make sure his retirement plan would be enough to cover his desired lifestyle once he no longer had a normal income? Perhaps he could pick up a part time job at the local Walmart to afford his insurance needs.

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Nice try, FBI

Excuse me, I shower once a fortnight whether I need it or not!

They have, but no one is listening to that.

This one bakes.

Right, the charger exploded and not the phone

There is no ATLA movie in Ba Sing Se...

The S means sales

Pandora's cheeks

I mean, the toxicity wasn't a reddit thing, it was the users. Reddit was big, so many were there. Some of those users moved. So it's here on lemmy too now.

Yes, politics. That's what is going on. Politics

Lucky for you, teams will install edge for you on Linux!

I don't have their reason, but a big one is that hot liquids can hold more things. It's why adding sugar to hot tea and cooling it is better than using cold tea. Warm/hot vinegar will dissolve hard water remnants faster and with less manual input than cold/room temp vinegar.

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It's nice to see my shitposting being appreciated.

I, for one, would welcome our nuwu owoverlords.