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  • B1FF
  • C4PTA1N B1FF

Had me up until the last sentence, then faith restored.

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They stated their point in the last sentence: “Its algorithm makes it really easy to fall into an echo chamber.” Did you read their comment?

tf? You mean to tell me that there’s something billies can’t money their way out of? I’m temporarily impressed, right up until they do that, too.

Goddamn, that was a very tough read.



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If you think that’ll be awesome, wait till words are reduced to punctuation marks, and none of them mean what we’d expect.

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Chief’s sayin they’re gonna guzzle mad glizzies cuz el-dub’s so litty-poppin fresh

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Better check your punctionary, you just said you plan open a time-frosted radio pipe with a kiwi-flavored stock market.

…or maybe you intended to say that.

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Whoa… (blushes)

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jesus fucking christ. The only thing that’s ever been connected to either the numbers 616 or 666… is Christians irrational terror of them, all induced by their book. GJ.

Yeah, mainly for 18-24 year old demographic, most of whom don’t seem to care much about the news, anyway. Interest in news generally seems to increase with age, though neither of these two statements is strictly true.

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I grew up in it, too, and now I’m a basic LaVeyan Satanist. gg authoritarian regressives!

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OP just casually taking us to the brink like that. Good on them.

It just doesn’t fucking stop with these degenerates!

“Eroxon! Apply directly to the dickhead!”

To be fair, a civic del sol is a step away from being a mountain bike with extra wheels and doors, so I recommend that it be exempted from the “heavy machinery” category.

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Shave the whiskers off while the haggis are still alive?! I don’t mean to imply that you have little experience with haggis hunting, but core below, friend, what are you using to catch them? A container held inside an unfederated pocket dimension? The things could phase through mythril-latticed adamantium as easily as a gnat flying through one’s open front door! Next you’ll be suggesting I simply grab the bastards with my bare hands!

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“Oh cupcake” lmao You’re very welcome, and do take care!

Yep. All because Bart tried to resurrect Snowball I.

mlem beta for iOS works this way, too, you just have to download TestFlight to use it

Disregard that, the beta’s full atm

The fine person (commonly referred to as "Original Poster" (often abbreviated to simply "OP")) responsible for having created the post we now comment in has stated emphatically that they are enamored with the services and experience provided by the online federated communications platform instance to such a remarkable degree that they have forsworn to consume, for sustenance presumably, meat-based sausages (shown in the photo along with the original poster's post) commonly referred to in some locales as "hot dogs" placed within a type of baked bread most often referred to as "hotdog buns" (the two most commonly consumed concurrently and likewise referred to together as "hot dog") (also featured in the aforementioned photo accompanying the original poster's communique). They furthermore take oath that indeed, this simple but effective meal shall be the sum total of their repast for the entire duration of one 24-hour cycle. It is my most sincere wish that my explanation has, at least in some small degree, helped to alleviate your confusion regarding the matter.

Okay, I won’t.

Agreed on all points, friend.

This is what's better known as a thinly veiled warning...

Is this… Loss?

if you’re comfortable lying under 1,100kg.

I’ve sat under much more than that, but I was in a vehicle moving through a tunnel. The seats were comfortable enough.

Technically correct is the best correct?

Uplike for casual use of the exclamation “egads”, and would you please tell me what browser script(s) you used? I’d be much obliged!

Goddamn, that boy couldn’t dig a hole faster even if he was teleported to the center of the earth by pure magic.

damn baud rate

^ This guy glizzies

Well, okay then.

Apollo user here, can confirm: I really love its interface. Wiped the Reddit account nevertheless.

Reminds me a bit of an old-school shell for windows that was called GeoShell. That was a long time ago.

I agree that there’s a currenct hard push for massive enshittification, so I think we’d better be ready and able to 1) embrace federation, 2) advance it to a degree that BigTech can’t keep up with (FTL speed), 3) pay actual money for it ourselves to ourselves, and 4) do what we must to enshrine anti-enshittification systems into the fabric of this new direction of online society.

Oh well.

That still wouldn’t prove me wrong, there could be users the sources don’t cover.