0 Post – 99 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Stop it meme creators! You were my only reliable news source. Now you are ruining it with fake memes.

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Yup. Among the victims VideoDownloadHelper Addon. They don't accept Paypal donation anymore.

On top of what Aatube says about secret unfair deals, Google's Play Store is necessary to run essential social services. In my case I need it to download my banking app and to sign into my university's online studies.

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Big brown 'Eat 💩' button

I tried using thunderbird for work MS email, but TB seem to be in the blacklist of my company (a professional school btw).

It popped me to ask for one time permission from the administrators and I did. They answered me 'TB is not YET trustable by them'. The incident is still 'in progress' after 10 months.

Then I found Ao. Pure gold.

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Ofc every upvote is working class. There is no other reason I would upvote that comment

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Totally agree with your idea, but so you know Apple has lost another legal fight. Europe condemnes it for monopoly of not only App Store, but also Safari and other services. About a month ago.

Most ppl ignore Israel gvt helped in the creation of Hamas

Still have never encountered nobody literally saying 'Hamas are the good guys'. But I guess any purely causal pondering on understanding what takes a human being into joining terrorist ranks is banned in this society. I don't wanna understand, just bomb it flat.

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One cannot subestimate how well informed newspaper readers are

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Yet their biggest abuse is on the environment. It would be so much easier to add environment pollution tax on burgers than building five hundred million wind energy generators.

Protip: destroy your 'smart' TV.

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Especially recent history. For an instance it took three hundred years for the french monarchy to recognize how Jean d'Arc wasn't a witch and saved France.

Imagine the opposition was inviting gang leaders to decide what to do with the country.

That's what happened and it's documented in video.

Why would anybody vote for them?

Most child trafficking would continue anyways. The biggest traffickers are linked to elite and don't take any chances like selling a child using personal whatsapp.

If you want to end child trafficking, go where the illegal immigration happens and put ground detectives. But no gvt is gonna spend enough resources like in hollywood movies happen.

From the article: 'So I went to install the same Windows update on a laptop, which actually resulted in it failing and me having to do a system restore. Once the system restore...'

Who needs to continue reading the article before realizing the malware is Windows itself?

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Still not a single genuine argument or discussion. I read all comments. Only bored ironic ppl 'making fun'.

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US: we really want you to win the war... by 2067!

Ppl have no sense of irony anymore.

He was first called dictator, this is his humoristic response. Wake up!

Not the first time police stops a self harm with a murder. It's actually a trend.

Better move to Yemen next.

Then ppl can't understand why I don't wanna bring a new life to this world... to have a social studies teacher threaten to take my child's life. Yes, fair world.

This contradictions should have the whole education system be reconsidered. Or at least fire the guys who decide to hire and keep every year a psyco like that.

The oposition literally invited the gangs to decide what to do with the country.

It's documented in video.

Study the case first before giving a strong opinion.

This tax would aliviate the tax evasion problem Trump has been always talking of. Why do this article then fear republicans could be against the proposal?

Before you crucify me: I know Trump is amongst the tax evaders, but at least he talks openly about the issue.

Well, cutting a child's head off is only justified if you are a social studies teacher. You definitely know the way to be socially reasonable.

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News flash! One nation can't win vs the strongest military country of the world + an entire continent of it's allies!

Don't worry, only design engineers and technicians understand.

Israel is already rebuilding, but for another ppl

There is nothing else to fuck up in Argentina. Inflation is a death certificate.

95% of parents would have never figured by themselves how wrong this is. Still they will never understand why I don't see any good on bringing a new child to this rotten world.

I did twenty half pushups. I had to get out of bed and now my heart beats like it's freaking alive. I hope you are satisfied.

Thank you. Didn't know that guy.

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Would you donate for Assange? Same policy applied on him.


I think the statistics show it all in the Korean case. May be lot of tankies here, but they'r bringing factual data.

The only reason why north korea hasen't been flattened yet

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Ty. 1st time

And their children. And grandchildren. Also their car inspectors.

some... ten thousand