1 Post – 254 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So this guy is the CEO of like 5 companies and he still has time to pretend to be a kid on Twitter? Is he really working that hard? Is he working so much harder that he's worth 20,000x the average worker?

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Why yes Microsoft, I am totally a European in Europe right now...

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Systemd apparently. Every time someone brings it up, the thread devolves into a religious flame war.

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I've seen poorer documentation than this I suppose.

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Well I could only read the first 2 paragraphs due to paywall, but it's definitely the phones causing all this and certainly not late stage capitalism sucking the energy and empathy out of everything around us right?

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Stopped sharing... until they can manage the pr? No way they're letting go of that revenue stream.

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Ublock dashboard, filter lists, purge cache and update. Should work

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Good to know VGA and parallel port devices are safe.

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If you want to give back but don't have coding skills, you can always be nice and help onboard new users! There's always been this attitude of 'linux is better' immediately followed by 'rtfm n00b' when users try to get started. A more sympathetic crowd would go a long way.

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Here's a review for a Wii U tablet battery:

This is high school level cringe.

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They've never seen a lizard-person driving a solid gold hovercraft before...

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You could tell your mom the real price of MS office. She might suddenly stand LibreOffice just fine.

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Nah man, this guy will only get like 32% of the vote and Putin will get 119%.

The US Military Industrial Complex of course.

My node_modules folder

Peak shit post

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This is the type of story you can't make up because it's not realistic enough.

I can never again log into my email or other private account on someone else's computer.

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That's the kind of password an idiot would use on his luggage!

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Do you know that you are doing to me?! I actually had to work while lemmy was down...

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I picked a hell of a day to quit sniffing glue.

It's bad because the owning class has less control.

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Good news! We don't have to wonder what's going to happen! It's totally going to happen in the next few months!

No I believe you have to download more RAM actually. But what would I know I'm just a proctologist.

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I can't think of anything in the last four years that would cause an increase in total web traffic. ~/s~

Or being to to google the problem with the only result being the question you just asked.

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Every month is a record setter so far

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I wouldn't even run this on someone else's machine.

Not until a politician or billionaire is harmed by these breaches will we see some action.

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This is a misconception, it's the first handheld powered entirely by buzz words!

My favorite part of this thread is everyone just saying copy and paste the commands so it will work. Like we should totally get users into the habit of running random commands off the net as root.

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DS9 already did it.

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Not open source, and I believe an account is required.

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TLDR, enshittification is getting worse and unless there's some laws passed to help consumers it's only going to plunge us into the dystopian future we're already fearing.

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It's just strange I have yet to see anyone actually play a game using this.

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I don't have anything special to add, but I do want to thank you for all that you do to build this new world!

Is there a way to jailbreak an Android phone using this exploit?

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It's amazing that the industry pushed this so hard. Once users get a taste of piracy they're going to keep coming back for more. It's almost like putting all the content behind extraordinarily specific walled gardens (region locks) was putting short term profit ahead of long term gains. The industry could have been less restrictive if people thought they would have access to their collections forever.

A while back I was watching Mad Men on Amazon and in the middle of season 6 I was asked to pay for the rest. With so many easy to use high-seas services out there anyone can guess what happened next.

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I'm so confused as to why people hate systemd.

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