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Joined 1 years ago

When nothing goes right, go left.


Librera Reader (Book and PDF reader) https://f-droid.org/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/

People say Qksms is unmaintained, but Qksms has a lot of cool SMS features, and they simply work.

Why? Because SMS itself has received no updates for more than 20 years.

And will never get.

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Not everyone is comfortable with terminal commands either on the phone or on the computer.

They don't know what they are missing, but this answers your question.

you shouldn't use discord at all .... I think nowadays it's the only app that uses plain text for all messages avoid discord

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trough ssh when you connect to your machine run :

lastb -10

This will show you the last 10 login failed attemps you can change to 20 or whatever

you can also run: last -10 to see the last successful logged in

use :

more history

to see all the commands that someone have typed

on the dir /var/logs you have a lot of another logs too

for more paranoid level use

netstat -a

This will show you all incoming and outgoing communications

and like the others said considere using firewall and fail2ban

Note: don't relly to much on firewalls since they are easy to bypass

keep all softwares updated

read frequently about new vulnerabilities if there is some vulnerability that affects your software until gets patched turn of that service.

Sorry to hear that you have a problem with the Qksms. Usually, I don't send or receive videos, so after I read your comment, I tried to send a short video to myself, and it worked. Yes, I have Android 14 as well.

The root cause of your problem must be in the connection settings, or the video is too large.

If you can connect your phone to the PC and open Android Studio, select the log tab, and you will see everything that is going on in your phone's background. Now, try to send the video again. All errors related to that will appear as red text in the logs.

I hope you can fix it.

I don't recall any article like you said; can you provide me with a link?

Also, reading notifications is only possible if the notifications are not encrypted; otherwise, it is not possible.

And this relies on the service that is sending the notification and has nothing to do with the OS you are using.

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I dont use any of this simple apps but im glad that someones have forked the apps source code and go further with them if i can i will give my contribute im not a android developer expert but i know the basics.

The constants updates of klotin code and android source code itself gives me less motivation...

Is not hard to code its hard to keep updated.

The question here is why some company invests in opensource code to flood the apps with trackers instead of created from scratch?

The answer unfortunately is simple 10% of all android users understand and cares about privacy and foss apps 90% dont understand or does not care about that.

That means 90% of android users soon or later are giving for free a lot of privat data to this companies and they can sell and/or use to make profit or booth.

How can we change this?

We can't.... there is only two ways to change this and they are not within our reach

1 on the shool everyone should have lessons about privacy on the internet.

Which shool take the initiative to start??...

2 create a law that prohibit companies to colect privat data.

Less liked to see the light of the sun..

Why people try to find another software alternatives instead of the use of the best and practice:

The GPG!

Works flawless for years.

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You are so generous ❤️ because i think 99% it's stupid

And when I see and feel people on important jobs just because they are parents or friends or friends from friends from someone on the top and not because they are right skilled for that job..... Then.... You smell the stupidity 10km far away And nowadays it's what you find on all companies 🤮

when you say some services on your network are you talking about machines or softwares?

for machines yes ups makes sense for softwares writing some scripts to run on start up should be enough another alternative can be setting up wake on Lan that way you can bring all up again wherever you are

nice womens 😄

Check "boring proxy" On github easy to install and configure and does https for you

Osmand it's the way you should go Privat + secure + no trackers + integration with phonetrack

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Let it burn why should we fight for a worst social plataform that does not care about privacy? Burn burn

I know nothing about Startpage because, personally, i trust none of the web search engines, especially those that came into existence for no apparent reason......


This has nothing to do with reading notifications but getting an approximate location based on notifications.

Like I said, if the notifications are sent encrypted, there is no way to read them.

Regarding tracking locations based on push messages, the only way to avoid it is by carefully selecting which apps are allowed to send you notifications.

Again, it does not matter what operating system you are using.

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Them we are making more children ....

It suffices for me if you don't enable logs; there are no logs... and if you enable them, you can choose the country where the logs are saved and for how long.

Well if its opensource anyone can easly get ride of the adds. I agree with you that developers schould be paid but there is many ways to be paid we all fight for privacy and against adds on the internet using adblocks for example i personaly always pay for developers fairemail and typewise to rename few but i dont like to be forced to pay and in between my phone are establishing connections to the adds servers exposing ip addresse connection times and so on adds are not only adds there is a lot of metadata that can be extracted from adds. And finally the purpose of developing opensourse apps is to serve the community with more friendly apps than the big companies offers to us. But... its just me saying that....

Well i do that with termux just import the keys to android

I used boringproxy for years and I recomend you

Give a try to typewise

I'm not a fan of online games therefore can't suggest you an alternative but I'm sure something better exists

chatting and making video with your daughter trough discord it's the same like having any discord employee watching you (see privacy policy ) if you are confortable with that it's fine . I'm supposing you are on lemmy to avoid reddit right ? do the same for discord.

If the app contain adds how good can be?? 😝

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The best way to achieve this is by creating an account on NextDNS, then setting your phone to use the NextDNS DNS. On the web dashboard, look at the logs and blacklist anything from Google, Google Play, or anything else you don't want. This not only works but also gives you more control over everything your phone is doing in the background, regardless of whether you're using Wi-Fi or a mobile network.

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all it's exaggerated but they are outside yes....

you can just use a reverse shell

When someone writes to me in that way , first time gets a warning ⚠️ second time gets blocked 🚫.

It works out of the box without any other apps.

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lol this is hilarious 😂 it does not matter how long they say you get updates so good as Samsung is in 7 years you are getting 3/4 updates .... 😂 😂 😂 but most people eat with the eyes 👀 wow 7 years? I go to buy a Samsung 😂😂😂 do that and come back in 7 years to tell me about your experience good luck

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Avoid Docker as much as possible. It gives you a quick way to run apps, but in a way that you can't see what is going to be installed.

It is also double resource heater.

And it has many frequent vulnerabilities.

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First you need to learn to post links using more private alternatives in case of YouTube you can use freetube or libretube or something else there is a lot of private alternatives to don't force the people navigating to tracking websites.

again and again ... docker is becoming a joke

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