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Joined 12 months ago

Doesn't it get just damp and smooth? How can you scrub properly with that?

Anyway good to know what they are for when there is no bidet in sight.

You mean "while" showering? With the water running?

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My doubt about that is that, if you washed properly, it takes a lot of (usual 3 layers) toilet paper to dry the crack properly.

What do you mean we don't use them? Those are exactly what I just described above.

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In Italy, where the bidet is its own "seat", we use small towels, one for each person. The ones that usually people vacationing in Italy think are for the face, they are actually for your ass. Hard to tell the difference on American tourists sometimes.

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Only positive thing that could theoretically come out of this, for me as a European, is that some US representatives will finally stop going around saying that you are the greatest democracy on this planet. Problem is, the US nationals who usually utter such BS are not the ones able to realize how anti-democratic this is. As a US citizen with a working brain, I would be in DC now.

This is the worst you got to, up to now, going full circle from colony of a monarchy to monarchy.

It is time to distance ourselves until you get your shit together.

Why unfortunate? They match quite well if you ask me.

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That is absurd! Event Horizon is the only legit Doom movie. That was the idea all along and they even used the sound clip from the spawn cube in the movie.

Also, although I am not a 40k fan, I know some people see this as a prequel to Warhammer 40k as the moment in which humans first get to use the Warp.

It was ruined by execs, but it is a masterpiece, especially in the production design.

Half life or Half life 2.

12 more...

This is what I love about Mike Judge's work. It turns out to be always the best metaphor/reference/prophecy of the boring dystopia. Since 1999.

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What's surprising is that the US does nothing about it

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Reading the comments I tend to think that people are so unfamiliar with competition that they fail to recognize it when seeing it at work: if you have competition, stuff fails and dies. This idea that everything should survive and that I as the user should be the receptacle of thousands of shitty products preaching variety as an excuse for their existence is insane. Launchers existed, could have used IP as an advantage to develop a valid product instead failed and therefore will disappear. I still use GOG Galaxy no problem alongside Steam.

And a huge disruption of astronomical research.

Ok, I will eat babies and drink Pepsi. No wait, there is no 'i': I will eat babes and drink Pepsi.

The problem is the kind of stuff the industry tries to take shortcuts on.

I decided to apply some filters in my choices and quality of entertainment went up by a lot:

  1. No Open World
  2. No Multiplayer-focused
  3. Has to be a valuable experience on Easy
  4. (Of course) no prepaid and no Early Access
  5. No VR-compatible

Other than that, I am a patient gamer, I play all kinds of genres, just a bit less on the RPG and strategy side, and I like to support Indie developers by paying their games full price and kickstarting them.

I am ok with playing short games if the experience and polish is there and I never do completions. I also buy very few DLCs and only if they add single player campaigns.

Do this and I am quite sure you will fall in love with gaming again.

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That's not a surprise. That's a russian soldier way of doing things. Everywhere, everytime and any time.

FTFY. Italy doesn't forget the allies raping in 1944 and Mahmoudiya happened in 2006.

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End how?

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Without the need to resort to blatant racist theories, my bet is still on tax arrangements.

Actually, as a strong supporter of the European Union, when people ask me what United in Diversity even means, scenes from Star Wars are my go-to explanation. No one like him showed the possibility of a, I would argue, racially diverse population surviving and becoming an effective force against a power expressed through uniformity.

He used Not Sure as a smokescreen since the beginning, the whole point is that he never really understood what was going on. I am quite sure that American presidents are approaching that level of idiocy.

I play it regularly all over again. The amount of variability they where able to pack in it makes it incredibly fun and replayable. The characters are well thought and balanced and in custom maps are usually good quality. Plus it is a blast in multiplayer and holds perfectly well online.

I don't how old you are, but the first one was the first very big implementation of scripted scenes. To see something happening in an FPS as in a movie was mind-blowing.

The second one is just absurdly well designed. And the visuals are imbued of this Eastern European architecture and vibe that right now, walking the streets of Warsaw, I am gladly breathing in.


My guess is I have way fewer friends than you

DuckDuckGo is surprisingly good. It is my go-to atm on all my computers. If it only had better maps...

I am looking forward to see the repo man collecting it since it was only a licensed company asset, especially since it is fused with her own tissues.

Do we have /c/swoosh in here?

Let's offer a sacrifice to GabeN, preventively.

You guessed it, I am not American.

Nor I have time to spend following the domestic politics of a country that was decadent when it was founded by terrorists (according to its own Constitution).

I am surprised still because this is 2023 and you are behaving literally medieval de facto instituting a new kind of feudalism gibing power to these people.

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Just finished Full Void, a pixel graphics cinematic puzzle platformer in the style of Another World. Cool original soundtrack, nice style and animation, great atmosphere and world building despite no words.

2 hours long main story, cool indie project with great attention to detail. Well worth the money.

If you play it you will be surprised who it is dedicated to, as you can read at the end of the game.

Ordered from a prison?

Bad publicity is bad for business. And that's all the US really cares about.

Half-Life, Half-Life 2, Day of the Tentacle

WAIT! Is the SCP wiki the inspiration for Control?

I stay away from driving simulators mostly because I hate cars in general, unless it's Quarantine or Carmageddon.

Making something VR compatible games pushes towards certain design choices that empoverish the desktop experience.

I have heard great things of Senua's Sacrifice, but I downprioritized it for years now exactly due to that design aspect.

Double Fine Productions

BrĂ¼tal Legend II NOW!

Let's look at the bright side: at least it is obvious even to the US that being this close to Israel at the moment is something that is better done under the table.

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News, and I would argue journalism in general, is not what the term knowledge is referring to in that sentence.