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Apparently it works retroactively and now you are on Windows.

Oh good, if that is all true, you wont have to change anything to be compliant with new laws and should have no issue with them.

The original is an ad for a Posturite mouse. Then reddit added the mouse. then someone else added saddam.

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These sorts of decisions can impact future decisions. It is to early to say that this is a trend, so people shouldn't get all up in arms over things. But still, using other company histories as a basis, it is concerning about where this could end up.

If we assume "half a day" is 4 hours, and 500 pounds. That's 125 pounds per hour. Which isn't the worst rate. Assuming it's actually capped at 4 hours and we all know that if it's your dad's friend, this is not going to be a set and forget kind of thing. So that 4 hours quickly becomes 10. And suddenly you're down to 50 pounds per hour. And then if it's actually static and simple and good, you still have high odds of getting insane feedback demanding changes to make it worse. A motherfucking website would actually be the best option, but wouldn't get you paid. At that point youre just doing it for the lols.

But ultimately, this isn't even about the rate or how much time this will take. this whole scenario depends heavily on the son here. Is the son unemployed and living in dad's basement for free? Then yeah. Sorry, he should probably take any work he can get for any rate he can get. His dad gets a lot more say in how things work financially if the son is relying on him financially. But if the son is already working a full time job and living in his own house? Then no, I don't care what the rate is. Don't commandeer other people's time. Don't make deals that people haven't agreed to. Come to me with opportunities, not demands.

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Thats not how loans necessarily work though. If I go to a bank and ask for $100m, but they see I already owe $350m to other lenders, they'll say no, because they know they arent getting paid back until after the other 3. So if they think trump has $450m in assets, just give him whole amount, and if they don't think he has that much, any money theyre giving him is just being thrown away.

This is a guy notorious for lying about his assets and not paying debts. Even giving him $125m is a bad idea, but the odds of getting paid back get even worse if you arent first in line.

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A developer shouldn't be able to do this thing either. So unless they were the person in charge of securing things, it's not their fault that it was even possible to do. Setup processes with oversight.

If a junior dev somehow finds a way to drop our prod database, that is on me, not them. Why did I give them access to do that?

That didn't take long.

Its liberal in the sense of "we don't like Kamala's stance either, but the alternative has said he would "finish the job" in Palestine and is also anti LGBT, so if you dislike kamala purely about Palestine you should REALLY dislike the opponent and actively seek to prevent that from ever happening"

too lazy to type this obvious thing in?

This has been the thing for me. I get really bored and lose focus when doing all the obvious repetitive stuff. And the obvious stuff is the stuff I find copilot does best. For anything that requires thought I'm engaged. Those are the fun parts of the job. It lets me do more of the fun part.

The one major downside that I've found is that sometimes I just want to tab complete a long variable/function name, and because of copilot i dont have "old style" tab completion anymore. (I could definitely still handle this myself, but i haven't)

edit: this all to say that I don't use copilot to write code that I don't know how to write, I use copilot to write code that I've written 1000 times before and don't want to write again. Copilot does a good job of looking through all the open files for context to help make sure the suggestions actually fit into the codebase's pre-existing style.

All Microsoft needs is a few award winning small dev studios...

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Because otherwise if you have too many small letters in a row it stops looking like a plural and more like a misspelled word. Because capitalization differences you can make more sense of As but not so much as.

the pope had made the remark while reiterating his position against gay people becoming priests.

It doesn't matter what word he used, he was using it in an anti LGBT sentiment.

The 87-year-old pontiff was reported as saying that the Catholic seminaries were already too full of .. gay men.

Here, I removed the slur. This isn't any better. Italian fluency wasn't the problem and didn't change his argument.

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Its enough for me too. But not everyone has the same use case and environment. I definitely see why someone would want this.

What I disagree with is that it needs to communicate to the internet to do this. It adds delay and potential for outage if your internet is out. But they do this so they can force you to get their app and milk you for extra data to sell. Internet capable smart devices are to harvest data not grant features. Features could be done better by ZigBee and a hub, but that doesnt grant the device a way to phone home

What exactly? That they're moving to zero hour contracts

This isnt what the headline says though. "Discovered zero hour contracts" isnt how normal people speak. I have no clue if a mass teams call means they discovered some people were already on contracts, or that they were moving everyone to them, or some people, or (not knowing what a zero hour contract is) that the company has new contracts with game publishers.

You took your own understanding of the headline and even in your "its simple" added details that weren't there originally.

One of my (otherwise random) WoW guild members had my grandma as his kindergarten teacher.

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I disagree with your definition of "killed Linux gaming." It killed native Linux development perhaps. But using Linux for gaming is more viable than ever thanks to Valve. They single handedly boosted Linux gaming, if anything.

And they also offer more than the competition. For a while there games on EGS were just telling people to get support on steam forums because epic had nothing for supporting games they sold. Steam has forums, screenshot storage, achievements, remote play, friends lists, a shopping cart (🙄) and is adding new features like clips. I'm not using steam because it's a monopoly, I'm using it because it's a better platform.

Not the poster's fault that Qualcomm has ridiculous chip names these days

I know someone who got to interview him once. He spent the whole time complaining about how he never wanted to be a celebrity and just wanted to do the science part of the job and that he hated having to do interviews and talk to the public.

They wound up obviously having no good material from the interview and didn't have anything to run. It was a very "don't meet your heroes" moment for my friend.

But yeah, according to himself, he DOESN'T want to share science or educate. It's a burden to him.

Its also free to play.

Or as some streamers say: its a $60 game with an incredibly generous free trial.

The "start button" is the kde plasma logo. So this would be Linux of some sort (makes sense given the community and what OP has said) and not windows

The question is just whether OP is using steamOS that comes on the deck (and uses KDE plasma for desktop mode) or if they have installed a different distro that fits the desktop use case a bit better.

I don't know. AC Valhalla doesn't have achievements on steam, so impossible to tell if I've 100% in it

If that was his seat, no wonder Booth broke his leg jumping down to the stage

Same. The USB port struggles to retain the cable sometimes, but this phone has kept me happy for a very long time.

I wonder what it would take to just repair the USB port.

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You're not wrong, but a lot of time those webpages aren't overengineered because the developer wanted it to be, but because the client kept making more and more demands.

Caveat: This is all written assuming the message is being written on a computer with a real keyboard. But if we're assuming this is written on a phone, then my analysis doesn't apply, but then again, writing a java program to execute in your messaging app is also a terrible idea. Which means we're suspending disbelief, so I choose to believe that a computer keyboard and shortcuts are available.

Type the phrase once. Select all. copy, paste, paste (the first paste replaces what you already have highlighted, the second paste adds a second copy). Now you have 2. Control + A, Control + C, Control + V.. Now you have 4.

It will take you only 7 cycles of this get 128*, you only need to copy/paste it one by one if you want to send each message separately. and even then, it's would purely be copy the original, then paste, send, paste, send, paste send, paste, send.

Assuming you can hold down control and just hit ACVV 7 times, that's 28 keystrokes. I'd bet I can get that done in 5 seconds or less (i tried it, it's less than that), so now I only save 5 seconds. Which means I only get 25 seconds to write the script. Which he chose to write in java for some reason?

[print("I'm sorry") for x in range(0, 100)] is actually a script I could write in less than 25 seconds.

*And I disagree with the "reason 4" given. She didn't say "exactly 100 times" she said "100 times before I forgive you" and to me, "before" implies >= and not ==. So if you drop it in 128 times, that exceeds the criteria. No one has ever rescinded forgiveness for receiving extra apologies.

Dragostea Din Tei (aka, the "Numa numa" song) is always a hit.

Debian aims for rock solid stability

To be clear, Debian "stability" refers to "unchanging packages", not "doesn't crash." Debian would rather ship a known bug for a year than update the package if it's not explicitly a security bug (and then only certain packages).

So if you have a crash in Debian, you will always have that crash until the next version of debian a year or so from now. That's not what I'd consider "stable" but rather "consistent"

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Hopefully. The thing about social platforms is that if everyone else leaves and doesnt tell them to fuck right off, it can get lonely. Xmpp still exists and im sure some people use it successfully, but its definitely not the same scale it once was

The cross platform friend requests bugs mean I still havent been able to play with the friends who convinced me to buy the game in the first place. But yeah, otherwise quite fun.

Its 100x better of a starship troopers game than the actual starship troopers game that came out last year

Knocking as well

For a purely semantic sake, you're probably right. But for a colloquial sake, the term "valid" here, doesn't mean "legally valid" or "medically valid", but instead means "emotionally valid." For some people, confirmation is therapeutic enough to help. Also "diagnosis" doesn't exclusively mean "medical diagnosis". There are many definitions to the word, and in a medical sense, it usually means what you're describing. But "I think I have ADHD" is a diagnosis. Not a medically valid one, but something that might help me get through the day sometimes. And if that's all I need, then it's emotionally valid.

Being told "your self diagnosis is not valid" to some people is the same as being told "There's nothing wrong with you." (Because most people aren't working on a strict legal medical definition of "diagnosis") Emotionally validating your assessment that something is wrong can very well be what drives people to advocate for a medically valid diagnosis.

Also, saying "You don't have ADHD unless it's diagnosed ADHD" is wrong regardless of stance on self diagnosis. If my arm is broken, it is in fact broken, even if it hasn't been diagnosed. Undiagnosed issues are still issues. Too many anti-self diagnosis claims come across as saying that if you don't have a diagnosis it doesn't exist. At most you can claim "You don't know for sure you have ADHD unless it's medically diagnosed"

As with all things, a self evaluation is a useful "what do I do next" step.

In pineapple express they call it "the dopest dope I ever smoked"... But I now realize that movie is almost 20 years old.

If I'm going to be an optimist, the post says "People didn't previously get diagnosed because a bad upbringing is just abuse and not diagnosis" and this person is saying "with a good upbringing, you get help with diagnosis instead of abuse." No joke involved. just "The secret to not having miserable kids is not abusing them."

Obviously the negative take would be "Abusing your child until they behave 'normal' is a good upbringing because it 'helps' them blend in"

Which one was it? 🤷 Poe's law kinda means it's impossible to know if this is sarcasm or not. I'm not about to go digging through someone's post history to find out their attitude on the topic.

"Flat" and "flat screen" arent the same thing. CRT TVs had a curved glass screen. Due to the fact that the rear projection could just project across the curve. With technology advancements they were able to improve picture clarity while flattening the screen. These were still bulky projection style TVs, but were called flat screen. But then when actual "flat" TVs (in the form of LCD, etc) came around people kept using the term. So a flat screen TV could be very thick.

You're right, it's very likely he wasn't intending to use a slur. But it seems to me like a lot of the reporting is "he didn't mean to disrespect people!" when that's not the case. The pope's intentions were absolutely to disrespect people, just by his actions, and not by that specific word. the specific phrasing he used to do so doesn't really matter.

Sorry, my phrasing of "not how it works" is more about willingness from the lender side and not "allowed" to. He couldn't even get a bond for for the reduced amount without going through a shady company. He's certainly not going to get 4 bonds.

use two or three surety companies, each taking, let’s say, a $50 or $75 million piece to total up to $175 million.

Even with split up bonds to reduce risk in a normal situation, the bonding company is going to assess risk based on the full cost of the bond. They personally only have to put up less money, so the "how much do i lose if everything goes wrong" scenario is less, but "how likely is it something goes wrong" involves "the person on trial for lying about finances doesn't actually have enough to cover the full bond, so perhaps that increases the odds of me getting my money back"

Why would you throw away $50 million dollars. It's "less risk" only because it's less money. But if you think he's shady enough that likely you never see the money again, then why put up any money, especially if you have to compete with others to get the payout.

If someone said "You can gamble $50 million or $400 million. If you win you get 5%, but the odds of winning are only 10%, and if you lose you only get back $10 million." You would obviously opt to gamble the $50 million. You want to lose less money. The payout isn't worth it given the odds. If you were then told "oh, you can just opt out and avoid the dumpster fire of a deal", you are going to choose to opt out. No amount of "it's less risk" will make this a good deal for a bonding company.

So yes, syndicating the bond is an option, no smart bonding company is going to touch this, which means even with syndicating it will be hard for him to find enough incompetent, shady, unlicensed bonding companies.

And to be clear, this is not me arguing in favor of why any amount of money was unfair to expect Trump to acquire. This is me pointing out why he's never going to get the money from legit sources because he's a financial dumpster fire, and they should just throw the book at him instead of continuously going easy on him.


But with Donald Trump bragging that he has $500 million cash in the bank, combined with the other assets we know he has in real estate

Trump bragging about made up numbers don't make anyone more confident about his assets. Both the value of his assets and how much stake in those assets is actually his is a thing he notoriously lies about. He's even been found guilty about lying about his finances I think.

If he actually had that money money just in the bank, none of this would be an issue, but the thing is... it's not true.

I switched to FreshRSS which works just as well, and doesn't have a toxic dev

That's valid, but even then, a $120m bond is less risk that 4x companies supplying $120m bonds. When the time comes to pay out and you need to get your collateral, if there is only $150m available to actually pay out, you get yours, vs having to split it multiple ways, or otherwise not getting a payout at all.

And that's assuming you can get 4x companies to even throw in $120m. He is so unreliable that had to get an unlicensed company to even get that much, so I doubt he's going to find 4x legit companies to team up.

But then again, requiring the full amount should still just be enforced. If no one wants to provide bond, thats his problem, not the court's. I certainly don't get to say "Well I can't get bond" and get to have the amount lowered. If I say that, I just don't get to appeal.