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Day9. Though I just rewatched a funday Monday from episode 200 or 300 and it was just as amazing and fun as it was back over a decade ago.

I watched newer stuff he still seems to be a great guy.

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Inertia is just a sign of maturity. It's fine. Nothing wrong with it. Especially when the new stuff is happening along side it. In 10 years there may be people asking why you're using arch or nix, when whatever new thing is superior. But it'll just be proof that nix can run in production for 10+ years.

Sorry to clarify: updates come as security or as feature updates. If I've already got a standard operating environment (SOE) with all the features I/staff need to do work, I don't need new features.

I then have to watch cves with my cve trackers to know when software updates are needed and all devices with those software get updated and the SOE is updated.

I can go on a rant about how bad the Linux has recently made my life as someone's policy is that any Linux bug might be a security vulnerability and therefore I now have infinite noise in my cve feed, which in turn is making decisions on how to mitigate security issues hard, but that is beyond this discussion.

So in short I'm only talking about when you update, updating only security fixes, not the software and features. Live patching security vulnerabilities is pretty much free low effort, low impact, and in my personal opinion, absolutely critical. But software features patching can be disruptive, leaves little to be gained, and really only should be driven for a request to need that feature at which point it would also include an update to the SOE.

Is that the one where you start with a stealth mission that never appears again in the game? It acts as a mandatory tutorial and makes the whole thing unreplayable because of its heavy handed enforcement? If I'm right, this game is a really good minor evolution of the original for exactly one play through. However I wanted to enjoy it a second time a few times but never got through the intro. Hmm exactly how I'd describe metal gear solid 5. I've got great memories just can't revisit it.

Yeah I have constant crashes back to login screen but never have I seen a kernel panic except before a system boots. Mm a few exceptions

Oh you got a good chuckle out of me

From my perspective, if used for work, automatic security updates should be mandatory. Linux is damn impressive with live patch. With thousands or even tens of thousands of endpoints, it's negligent to not patch.

Features? Don't care. But security updates are essential in a large organisation.

The worst part of the Linux fan base is the users who hate forced updates, and also don't believe in AV. Ok on your home network that's not very risky compared to a corp network with a million student and staff personal information often with byo devices only a network segment away and APT groups targeting you because they know your reputation is worth something to ransom.

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They probably have been using it for years, and for the last more then a decade I've been using Ubuntu as my main Linux distribution since I have work to do and I'll get to doing work faster in ubuntu than any other distribution.

Why did I start with Ubuntu? 10+ years ago Ubuntu was lightyears ahead for community support for issues. Again, I had work to do, I wasn't hobbyist playing "fuck windows".

In fact look at things like ROS where you can get going with "apt install ros-noetic-desktop" and now you can build your robotics stuff instantly. Every dependency to start and all the other tooling is there too. Sure a bunch of people would now say "use nix" but my autonomous robotics project doesn't care I am trying to get lidar, camera, motors, and SLAM algorithms to work. I don't want to care or think about compiling ROS for some arch distribution.

I won't say I don't dabble with other distributions but if I've got work to do, I'm going to use the tools I already know better than the back of my hand. And at the time, when selecting these tools, Ubuntu had it answered and is stable enough to have been unchanging for basically a decade.

Oh and if I needed to, I could pay and get support so the CEO can hear that risk is gone too (despite almost every other vendor we pay never actually resolving a issue before we find and fix it.. Though I do like also being able to say "we have raised a ticket with vendor x and am waiting on a reply").

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I mean, the rdp is from Linux to Windows for desktop application access, so it's the right tool for that job.

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Thanks. From my perspective, commonly Chinese numberplate have 8s in them being lucky. And being Australian I thought that numberplate read BODG as in bodgy meaning of poor quality.

Anyway, depressing that the numberplate was not fun or positive at all.

The messaging around this so far doesn't lead me to want to follow the fork on production. As a sysadmin I'm not rushing out to swap my reverse proxy.

The problem is I'm speculating but it seems like the developer was only continuing to develop under condition that they continued control over the nginx decision making.

So currently it looks like from a user of nginx, the cve registration is protecting me with open communication. From a security aspect, a security researcher probably needs that cve to count as a bug bounty.

From the developers perspective, f5 broke the pact of decision control being with the developer. But for me, I would rather it be registered and I'm informed even if I know my configuration doesn't use it.

Again, assuming a lot here. But I agree with f5. That feature even beta could be in a dev or test environment. That's enough reason to know.

Edit:Long term, I don't know where I'll land. Personally I'd rather be with the developer, except I need to trust that the solution is open not in source, but in communication. It's a weird situation.

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Seems like my Samsung TV app is being hit by stuff too, I had 5 unskippable ads and can't seem to get stable 1080p at 60fps any more despite gigabit fibre and cat6. Meanwhile getting 4k on my YouTube app on Android on WiFi.

Go figure.

YouTube is so desperate to fight this war that they're harming legitimate watchers meanwhile my rockpi running Android TV seems to keep running sTube just fine.

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Australian native bees can't sting, do a great job of pollinating, and make a little honey on the side. They're very curious from experience with a swarm making a home on my water meter box, but not very scary.

Quitting Vim is called 'escaping' because it was designed to be a trap and you've escaped. Congratulations to everyone who has.

I'm just going to give you props. I have worked in Managed IT Services for a dozen years and some of the worst clients are construction, engineering and architects who use solidworks, autodesk and archicad products.

You've eaten humble pie and admitted that using computers as a tool, and systems design are different and though you might understand a lot, just like I can build a 3d model, the devil is in the detail.

Building robust solutions that meet your business continuity plans, disaster recovery plans, secure your data for cyber risk and to meet ISO and yet are still somehow usable in a workflow for end users is not something you just pick up as a hobby and implement.

The way I handle technology Lifecycle is in 5 steps: strategy, plan, implement, support, maintain. Each part has distinct requirements and considerations. It's all well and good to implement something but you need to get support when it goes wrong or misbehaves. You need to monitor and report for backups, patching, system alerts. Lots of people might do the implement, but consider the Lifecycle of the solution.

People do these things at home but they're home labbing, they're labs. Production requires more.

Anyway a bunch of people closer to your part of the world will probably help you out here.

I just want to again recognise and compliment you on realising and openly saying you want help rather than just do the usual "oh I know best" that I hear over and over usually just before someone gets ransomed on their never patched log4j using openssl heartbleed publicly exposed server infrastructure.

I've seen similar on my desktop on proton when on wake it crashes the display manager and shows my locked desktop unlocked with all the running applications before it finishes crashing closing all my applications and then going back to login screen.

Hahaha all the ones that don't like their job retried.

One rich company trying to claim money off the other rich companies using its software. The ROI on enforcing these will come from only those that really should have afforded to pay and if they can't, shouldn't have built on the framework. Let them duke it out. I have zero empathy for either side.

The hopeful other side is with a "budget" for the license, a company can consider using that to weigh up open source contributions and expertise. Allowing those projects to have experts who have income. Even if it's only a few companies that then hire for that role of porting over, and contributing back to include needed features, more of that helps everyone.

The same happens in security, there used to be no budget for it, it was a cost centre. But then insurance providers wouldn't provide cyber insurance without meeting minimum standards (after they lost billions) and now companies suddenly have a budget. Security is thriving.

When companies value something, because they need to weigh opportunity cost, they'll find money.

To me, not a player, it seems like there's a long winded explanation/justification for why they uploaded a illegitimately approved run. In Super Mario maker, if you make a level you need to beat it to upload it. They beat it with a tool instead of skill, to ensure the sequence of frame perfect tricks could be completed, something nearly impossible to do by real players.

There were many top level players all at once playing that level non stop. So I feel for them. Training their muscle memory to execute robot timings for what came out to be not a legit level.

Most of what was said was irrelevant, they managed a life story in the middle of an apology.

Dude, someone corrected your misinformation and you call them a bully?

But if I request it there, after its federated everywhere, what happens?

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They took imaging scans, I just took a picture of a 1MB memory chip and omg my picture is 4GB in RAW. That RAM the chip was on could take dozens of GB!

Have you tried using file versioning, or using review (track changes) functions to propose changes so you can choose to accept edits or decide against them? It's like there are specific features for this scenario that allow you to save, have backups and have that control.

Thieves and murderers the lot of em. Just like my great great granddad before he was shipped here.

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Yes, they've been saying it for a year, at this point they're repeating themselves:

This thread teaches me that generally, most Linux people are looking at windows. Meanwhile Microsoft only thinks Windows is 16% of its business.

Basically, it seems, most Linux users do not think hard about Microsoft.

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IP and Routing is layer 3, broadcast is layer 2 with Mac addresses being shared within a broadcast domain (often a vlan/lan) and the only requirement for layer 2 is a switch you don't need routers. Devices on a lan talk only via switches which switch based on Mac address tables. You don't learn Mac addresses of devices past your broadcast domain, that's what a router handles.

So in network practice (nothing Linux related) if you are on a broadcast network that's a /24 subnet, what should happen is all devices within that subnet talk to each other without using a router, instead they learn a mac address and the associated ip from a broadcast from the device which owns it.

If you tell your device that it's only on a /32 then it should discard every arp it hears as invalid. Which means it won't learn any neighbouring lan devices.

While your network on your single device with the /32 probably works ok to get to other networks (routed networks like internet or other vlans), because other networks ask the router, and the router probably learned your mac and ip on whatever vlan/interface your device is connected via.

But unless you're trying to do something unconventional, devices on a lan should match the routers expected subnet. This way devices can trust their assumption that within their subnet they communicate to other local devices by learning other network devices network address via arp, and communicate directly in unicast via learned ips from that arp. If it's outside the subnet they then look to the gateway. They trust the gateway. The gateway should route to the right interface or next hop.

If you really wanted to make this work though, usually routers can proxy arp. So in this case, you tell the router to 'oroxy' and broadcast your arp to other devices. Those devices on your lan looking for your ip will find the routers Mac address, then using destination network address translation you can redirect the incoming connection from a lan device to your device via your router. Then your /32 ip can probably work. Usually this is done when someone has put a static ip on a device with a wrong subnet ip on a vlan with another subnet. So the device which arps is ignored by the router and the other network devices. If you use the router to proxy arp you can basically give the local lan devices an ip to hit that they expect, which then you can translate to the misconfigured device. This generally is considered a bandaid solution temporary until a vendor or technician can fix their misconfiguration. I do not recommend.

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Think of this:

You find a computer from 1990. You take a picture (image) of the 1KB memory chip which is on a RAM stick, there are 4 RAM sticks. You are using a DSLR camera. Your image in RAW comes out at 1GB. You project because there's 8 chips per stick, and 4 sticks it'll 32GB to image your 4KB of RAM.

You've described nothing about the ram. This measurement is meaningless other than telling you how detailed the imaging process is.

I have a feeling it did because I remember watching early rtsp multicast streams of the anime initial D found through winamp in like 1999 at 240p. It's so long ago that I'm not even sure that's a correct memory.

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The mini version doesn't need hosting, it doesn't have a proxy middle man. A 16yo kid reverse engineered the protocol and then got contracted by beeper to implement it as beeper mini. It's a client directly connecting to apple like imessage native.

Will it break? I'd argue if the cost of breaking it in engineer time is worth doing to Apple, yes. All they'd have to do is roll their own crypto and reverse engineering that might be impossible. Probably easier ways to break it but then maybe it turns into a cat and mouse game.

Legally it's hard to say if it's OK too, the end user is likely fine, but the developer especially being contacted may not be since to reverse engineer it could be breaking terms of service or licensing clauses though I'm not really sure what kind of damages could be claimed. To reverse engineer they had to use the original on jailbroken iphones to go through the engineering discovery.

Anyway the point is, it's not going through beeper or anywhere other than Apple. So there's no component to host. It's different to beeper.

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There's a few random projects that aim to store bulk data and human information in durable materials.

Professor Peter Kazansky, from the ORC, says: "It is thrilling to think that we have created the technology to preserve documents and information and store it in space for future generations. This technology can secure the last evidence of our civilisation: all we've learnt will not be forgotten."

I'm learning most of the articles are all based on this guy from 2013 until now it's still been in mostly research phase though proof of concepts have been done.

I'm trying to find evidence of another thing I swear I heard about where someone had some instructions from first principals how to read the data, but all the way from something like understanding the language to data format. I listened to something in a tech podcast but can't find it.

This is an insane scenario: my software design decision is, despite recovery mechanisms like previous versions, file history, and undo mechanisms, I'm afraid if a cat uses a keyboard I'll accidentally save changes I don't want to a word document.

Lol. The only user error was choosing libre office instead of a user friendly software stack that has reasonable defaults and r recovery mechanisms.

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Or maybe they're trying to keep their system minimised from yet to be found security issues in the hundreds of packages pre installed that they don't ever use or need, and act as nothing other than additional threat surface.

The active, in active noise cancelling means listening by using microphones then playing the exact inverse of the heard sound to cancel the noise, actively. Opposed to passive, which tries to restrict noise like ear protection by enclosing an ear and adding insulation against noise from getting in.

So no, not white noise, though that'll sometimes be generated too. You'll realise quickly most active noise cancelling headphones only listen on the microphones on specific frequencies which is why different settings can allow sound through.

Yes, you're right about voltage and amp combined, but the problem is modern phones and their charges don't generally want to be doing high amps at 5v, they increase their voltage to 9v, 15v or, 20v. Which like you would point out, is not the right voltage.

Personally I just feed 5v in via a ubec like this: since I usually have some kind of 12v battery powered thing going on with mine and lots of 12v ac-dc adapters for bench testing and charging. Lots of ways to power them but it's definitely not just 'grab your usb-c charger and it'll be right' which can be frustrating for people since it's almost all other usb-c things will 'just work'.

I'm not going to argue strongly for this, but there's a certain irony that if the defender suite (defender for identity, defender for cloud apps, fervently for office, and defender for endpoint) was instantly unlocked in their plan 2 version for every subscriber for free, that would kill a huge segment of the security market including some of the industry leaders like SentinelOne huntress labs, and even SEIM providers like splunk and Arctic wolf and dozens more. The XDR and identity management industry would instantly be forced into an anti competitive environment.

There's an argument for 'but if they built it secure, then you wouldn't need to bolt on detections'. I think a relevant metaphor is you buy a house, but then you add detection like cameras and intrusion detection. Make sure the locks on the doors and windows aren't bypassed.

So I would think there is some nuance. And frankly for small business the cost for m365 business premium which has all of that, including a bunch of information protection and data loss prevention. You just actually have more of a configuration requirement that nearly none of my customers I onboard ever have done...

I'm a primarily Windows systems administrator with about 18 years of Iat field experience.

While I initially played with Linux to get war3 running back in the day of mandrake/mandriva on and off it was only a curiosity.

But during covid with work from home windows became synonymous with work. I couldn't sit and use my personal pc any more without a alert, a message, an email, a system in my tool stack (MSP employee). I couldn't relax.

Then I decided to buy a second ssd and I ran just some Linux, I think popOS. I administrate and use Ubuntu servers at work and in labs a lot, so it was familiar enough to get around and wine had improved a lot. New things like lutris showed me that running overwatch and starcraft2 was possible in a wizard.

Next I learned about proton and the upcoming steam deck and the compatibility modes in steam and except for some yakuza games almost my 400 title library was unlocked in Linux.

You know what doesn't work in Linux? Almost all my systems remote management tools. So now if I boot Linux I'm not working.

I'm not really a Linux advocate. I'm not a Windows advocate. I'm not a mac advocate. Right now I design solutions for companies and while I'm biased I'm tools to tasks minded. The right tool for the job for the workflow, that integrates correctly, and improves productivity and enjoyment of the task.

Linux fits that for my case for personal enjoyment, but can't possibly fit my use case for my job. It allows me to be disconnected and relaxed. It gave my personal pc meaning again in a covid and sometimes post covid world.

100% it's crazy. I mined 1 btc in 2008(?) on a 9800gx2 over a bit longer than winter in Australia, and I've left it in a wallet and watching it flap up and down in value. This announcement was basically "crypto is up so we have enough again". I mean selling what they must have will crash the market again surely. Or the repayment is over 36 months as they slow sell, but then they risk the value again going down.

Don't do crypto kids, it's a game for traders with an appeal to people who want to self host, self sufficient, disconnected from big banks, and all that, but it was corrupted by financially motivated assholes. Therefore it became an investment/wealth vehicle and received the attention of the most morally bankrupt, manipulative people.

Trust is what any currency that has no intrinsic valueis built on. Crypto can't have that when the fraction of good to bad actors is skewed so heavily.

My mate started terrarium building.

For very little cost, you can look for second hand fish tanks and go for walks to collect moss, rocks, twigs etc. Weirdly it built more meaning to the more 'I need to move my body so I'll go for a walk'.

Now he likes hiking, and collecting moss along the way.

The actual terrariums are gorgeous too.