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Joined 3 months ago


Is muffled sapphic moaning considered dialogue?

I've actually eventually gotten pretty quick with an onscreen keyboard, but I still miss the sliders. They at least made cases that would add them to popular models for a few years after there were really any noteworthy models that came with it built-in, but it's still absurd to me that physical keyboards haven't been a thing on phones for so long.


The fact that we just left it up to them to recuse themselves is a major unchecked flaw.

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Fine: About $3.50

Punitive damages: lol

It is so tempting to start some idiot MAGA hat brand like this and then give all the profits to trans rights groups etc

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They created it the way it is very intentionally. "It's hard to work with" is their problem, and has absolutely nothing to do with the relevant regulation.

Next week: Over 30 million users pull the plug on Chrome, leaving Google execs to make the surprised Pikachu face and wonder aloud why millennials hate web browsers.

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YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker YouTube obsolete


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There is one bone prominently missing from this depiction

I don't discriminate, I hate all Nazis equally

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Thoughts and prayers

That these cretins are still clinging to their fucking Matrix / red pill metaphor like a decade after the Wachowskis came out as trans should tell you everything you need to know about how much internal sense any of their ideas make.

The corporates keep finding ways to reintroduce the same shitty popup ads from the 90s to defeat whatever's been put in place to keep it from happening. Absolutely no sense of nuance. It's not the specific delivery mechanism users dislike, it's the whole terrible UX pattern. Stop trying to make me do shit that's not what I'm trying to do!

That's because under flexbox for horizontal alignment you use a different property called justify-content.

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Yes let's make this the consumers' fault, what with their limitless power in this dystopian fuckscape

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Ding ding ding. Capitalism selects for psychopathy.

My wife and I both have this due to unmedicated ADHD. It sucks in arguments when nobody gets to finish but it's kind of awesome for regular conversation, I don't think we would have found each other's company this pleasant if we didn't have it tbh

Enough with the false dichotomy. Two things can suck at the same time.

Dude I'm almost 42 and have had this mentality for most of my life, but am still making new friends. Defeatism is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Don't mistake that for it being correct initially.

Let them do it, and make sure everyone knows why.

The guy's out of his fucking mind. The fact that he still has even a remote chance of winning is absurd.

It's "reeked" but let's be real, we already knew you couldn't fucking spell.

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I have two Anova cookers and have never needed the app fwiw

So still zero sense of irony with these motherfuckers? Got it

Biden stepping aside evaporated any sympathy bump, and I for one am fine with that.

Incentivizing new construction for homes people actually live in is another facet of her plan.

There are several amendments for that

Advertising for alternatives and/or unofficial apps

Their fatal error was assuming the Ukrainians had a predefined kill limit

The biggest crowds, the best crowds 🤌

I think someone misunderstood what the "Fight for 15" was getting at

Because he's never set a precedent that flew in the face of accepted norms...

Good, 8 is unusable for my workloads and 12 feels like they're just fucking with us

Typical comment quality is off the chain. Leddit has been going downhill for years in this area.

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Her campaign so far has been a masterclass in trolling. Can't wait for the next Truth meltdown to drop.

Pubes are there own returds!

- fucking every redditor now

…to the surprise of absolutely no one.