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Joined 1 years ago

It is surprising how much the landscape changed in just 5 years. All the right wing parties got a boost, but most importantly, the ultra right and christian right parties. All those are surely going to want to implement ChatControl and measures like that because "We need to protect our children!"

I'm also scared of all the new Q-Anon type parties that last time didn't even exist and this time won a few seats. Ultra right conspiracy theorists that now have more seats than even the pirates.

Also look at the results from Gernany or Austria. AfD and Orban. Pro nazi and pro russian parties. We're going back in time for a remake.

I don't know about the framework laptop, but about the Minecraft question:

Yes, you can absolutely run Minecraft on Linux. It runs on top of Java, so it doesn't really see the difference between the 2 OS. In fact, I've found that Minecraft runs faster for me on Linux than on Windows. The only thing that might not work is the official launcher, but that can be easily replaced (with the added benefit of improved functionality). I can recommend Prism Launcher, but really anything works.

About Bedrock, that's a different story. Microsoft revamped the PC port of Bedrock, and now calls it "Minecraft for Windows". It's fully compiled, and it won't run natively on Linux. However, I still believe it can be made to work with some Wine trickery.

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Wayland, Texas. According to wikipedia it had a population of 100 people in the year 2000. AFAIK it's a ghost town now.

I know that town because I once read a "fun fact" about the Wayland Protocol that said its name was chosen for being the name of an actual town, which (supposedly) cannot be copyrighted.

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Bet you're fun at parties, huh?

Not in a game, but I've sometimes tried to Ctrl+F some text on a pile of papers.


Someone said it before on the internet: Apple is not a tech company, Apple is a marketing company.

But it was supressed with tan-

"Individual found dead in his house after typing a comment on a social media. Allegedly he tried to kill himself with 2 shotgun rounds to the head"

Java code is run inside a client (JRE) that provides it a non system-dependent runtime environment. If there's a JRE for your OS, all java programs should work fine regardless of the OS.

This is the case with Minecraft, for example. When the launcher was still based on Java, you could run the Windows executables on Linux and it worked.

However, some programs might still not work on another OS despite it having a JRE. That could be caused by intentional limitations or the use of a system-specific library.

Yeah, where did you think square roots come from?

I have a Core 2 Duo laptop from 2007 running Void Linux too!

And another Core 2 Duo tower PC running Arch Linux.

Core 2 Duos still have some life left in them, and they're extremely cheap nowadays. I think I got the tower PC for 13€ second hand, and I've hosted countless things on it without problems.

Puking is good, it helps to get rid of toxic stuff in your stomach. The fact that you need to puke is bad, because it means you ingested toxic or poisonous stuff.

Superior to 7Z?

I'm not especially informed about this, but wasn't 7Z better than any other alternative? I've seen some benchmarks and, while WinRar beats every Windows implementation of Zip files, 7Z is always faster and compresses more. Also, the 7Z file format is way more advanced than Zip, Rar or Tar, and it allows many forms of post-quantum encryption.

Maybe there's something I'm missing?

While the Windows implementation works, it's not the best one. Even WinRar will compress and uncompress faster, and 7Zip also beats WinRar. The compression ratios are also higher on 7Z, regardless of the file format (Rar, Zip, 7z).

Besides, 7Z can open other (arguably better) formats, like the aforementioned 7z or tar (tar, tar.gz, tar.7z, tar.zst, ...)


I haven't tried anything complicated, but it does switch languages when you do. I've only tried GPT 3.5 though, and only with prompts that "ended" in one answer (not something like asking the AI to play characters or answer in a certain way, but questions that can be answered in a single message)

Sometimes others have already made a comment explaining your exact opinion of what you just downvoted, so instead of spamming more comments you can downvote one and upvote the other which explains your opinion.

Wasn't macOS based on Gnome and not the other way around?

I always thought so, but I really don't know where I got the idea from.

My 8yo self had way better handwriting than I have now

Honey & mustard

Normally the cold is carried by the gas to your room. The less gas you have, the less efficient this transfer is, and the colder your outside unit will be.